Joe Number Talk Number 3

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ED 531

Fall 2015

Number Talk Video #3 Submission Sheet

Submit this document, along with your video, to the Number Talk #3 exploration on Edthena. Before uploading this
file, change the filename to include your first name and the first initial of your last name (e.g., SusannaF NT3
Submission Sheet.docx).
1. Information about preparing for the number talk
List the sequence of tasks you selected for your number talk.
9x5, 9x8, 9x13
Why did you choose this sequence of tasks? What mathematical goals were you hoping to work on with this set of
tasks, and what led you to choose these goals? During the number talk, did you adjust your original goals in light of
students responses? If so, how? (1-2 paragraphs)
My goal was to work on breaking down larger multiplication problems such as (9x13) into smaller multiplication
problems that the students already know. I purposely made the first two problems add up to equal (9x13) in order to
show the relationship between smaller multiplication problems and larger multiplication problems. After doing all of
the problems, I wanted the students to see that it is easier to break down a larger multiplication problem than skip
counting if one does not know it. 9x5 seems to be one that most students know and wanted to show that they can
use that one to get 9x8 and then use both to get 9x13. The students seem to get it for the most part and see that
each problem could use the last one we figured out to solve the current problem at hand.

Briefly describe the student responses you anticipated before facilitating the number talk. If students responded in
unanticipated ways during your actual number talk, you can also comment on what surprised you. (1-2 paragraphs)
I assumed that the strategy of breaking down a problem and skip counting were going to be the most
common solutions amongst the students. I wanted the students to explain why they wanted to break
down a certain number to derive their answer. To show the break down, I tried to show the breakdown
in just number form and it drawn out as an array. That way, the students who are visual learners could
access the information. When it came to skip counting, I wanted to show how many times each
student skip counted and what number they skip counted by. By seeing me write out all the times they
skip counted, I was hoping they would see how much easier it would have been if they broke the
number down instead.

2. Context information (optional)

In the box below, you can provide information about the context of the video (or anything else you want me to know
as I watch the video),
We were in a hallway underneath a stairwell, which caused the students to be more talkative than they usually are.
They also just came from recess, which made them more talkative than I would have liked. I tried my best to make
sure each student had their chance of solving the problem without help from another student, but they all seemed so
excited to share out that some kept trying to help their friend out when they were stuck in explaining their answer.
Besides my students being more talkative than normal, I did not draw the (9x8) array to scale. I made the 8 side
larger than the 9, which I believe I said in the video that I mistakenly drew it not to scale. I felt rushed due to another
teacher needing the space, so we tried to get done as efficiently as possible without going over. The logistics werent
ideal, but we tried to make it work the best we could.

ED 531
Fall 2015

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