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Professional Performance Review

(School Administrator)
Candidate: JaQuez Gilliard

School: Robert E. Howard Middle School

Grade Level/Subject(s): 6th Grade Math & 7th Grade SS

District: OCSD5
Academic Year: 2015 - 2016

Date of Review: April 4, 2016

Name of Administrator completing this review: Mrs. Ayanna Glover

Title of Administrator: Assistant Principal
Please respond to each of the items listed below.

Describe the extent to which this candidate collaborates with others to advocate for
At one of our regular schedule faculty meetings, Mr. Gilliard expressed
concerns about our students having a teacher mentor. His motivation to see
a need and address it was powerful and truly beneficial to the staff and
students here at Robert E. Howard Middle School.

2. Describe the extent to which this candidate is an active participant in the

professional learning community and works to achieve organizational goals in order
to make the entire school a positive and productive learning environment for the
Mr. Gilliard participated in PLCs, data meetings, and Bruins Academy to
help produce highly engaging activities for students success.


Describe this candidates written and oral communication skills.

Mr. Gilliards written and oral communication skills are above average.


Describe this candidates professional demeanor and behavior.

Mr. Gilliard has an exceptional professional demeanor and behavior. He
goes beyond the call of duty to assist as needed.

5. Other comments about his candidate in terms of his or her professional performance.
Mr. Gilliard will truly be an asset to the educational profession and
definitely will be an awesome teacher.

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