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82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP HOME | CONTACT US | BLOG J™ WW SAPBW Consulting Contact Us: 812-340-5581 We-provide Cala Blog of SAP BW Consulting - Business Intelligence, BOBJ, Big Data, Project Management & Staffing Identifying cause of data load error when using a SAP BW DTP Posted by Lonnie Ayers on Tue, Apr, 90, 2019 @ 04:58 PM Find me on: Typically, when using a Data Transfer Process (DTP), your data will load successfully from the PSA into its data target (master data infoObject, DSO, InfoCube) without a problem. However, once in a while you will encounter an error (status light = red) due to bad data. Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP wn9 vero \ertying case of dala etr when using SAP BW OTP Request Processing M.D. » JW Data Package 2: Errors in processing > 1 Data Package 3: Errors in processing » @ Extraction DataSource OEQUIPMENT_ATTR : 13,587 Data Records » @ Fiter Out New Records with the Same Key : 13,587 -> 13,587 Data Record! > @_RSDS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR BRPCLNTS0O -> TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR : 13, > @ TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR -> 108) OEQUIPMENT : 13,587 -> 13,587 Data R 7 WL Updating attrbutes for InfoObject OEQUIPMENT : 13,587 -> 0 Data Records(4B] * G Start of Master Data Update + @ Check Dupkcated Key Values + Wi Update terminated in accordance with error handing setting (@) * I Exception in Substep End of Master Data Update + JW{ Messages for 1 data records saved; request is red acc. to configuration [3] + JW Processing terminated (a) Typical Error Message The screenshot above shows an example log of a data issue. The error messages are typical of a data issue but tells us nothing about what the actual error is or which records or how many. All we can guess is whether this is due to lowercase letters were not allowed, or other common errors. In order to get the actual error message and the specific error records, we need to look at our error stack or error DTP. The default is to not have an error DTP. Here is one example of how to enable this feature for production support Step 1: Change the DTP settings. “Update Valid Records, No Reporting (request red), This will leave the request red but the correct records will be passed to the data target. The erroneous records will be placed in the ‘error stack’ Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP ane 82016 This helps isolate the bad records Step 2: Double check your DTP temporary storage settings. phew sapbwconsuling.comvblog/SAP-BW. Consult 147088Ndentying- cause eta load-rror-wher-sing-a-SAP-BW-DTP aie 82016 laertitying cause of data land error when using @ SAP BW OTP ‘The Temporary Storage Is Used during Runtime of the DTP to Enable a Performant Restart in Case of Errors Delete Temporary Storage Nith Request Status ‘Green’ vith Request Status ‘Deleted’ Datter Jo ~Joavs Y cia [Trace of Erroneous Records Fil Temporary Storage After Folowing Substeps Icon Substep { IB] Extraction DataSource Equipment number a ‘¥ Fiter Fiter Out New Records with the Same Key RSDS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR BRPCLNTS00 -> TRCS OEQUIPMENT |= TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR -> 108) OEQUIPMENT = dablelall g Rat Step 3: Execute your DTP so that the data with the errors is loaded again. Step 4: In the DTP monitor, after the load has finished and failed click on “error stack’. Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP a9 82016 laertityng cause of data ond error when using @ SAP BW OTP @ Doeduosng B Gx rob overview Bemor Stack EBProcess chain Request ID $2,542 Start Time (04/17/2013]/03:17: 46) Finish Time {04717/2013][03:18:02) Request Processing M..__D.. | Time Stamp > [la Request 52542 (04/17/2013 03 G Generate Request (04/17/2013 03 + @ Set Status to ‘Executable’ 04/17/2013 03 * @ Process Request 04/17/2013 03 * @ Prepare for Extraction 04/17/2013 03 » @ Data Package 1: Errors in processing Request Processing | Ma | Doe @ Fiter Out New Records with the Same Key : 49,178 -> 49,178 Data Records @ RSDS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR BRPCLNTSOO -> TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR : 49,178 - @ TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR -> I0B) OEQUIPMENT : 49,178 -> 49,178 Data + WW Updating attrbutes for InfoObject OEQUIPMENT : 49,178 -> 49,177 Data @ Start of Master Data Update @ Check Duplicated Key Values @ Check Data Values ‘Check Time-Dependent Attributes @ Check Teme-Dependent Attrbutes @ Generate Navigation Data @ No database operations necessary, data unchanged @ End of Master Data Update + Wi Messages for data records saved; request is red acc. to configuration Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP (04/17/2013 03 s9 82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP You should get the PSA package selection screen. Click OK. Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP are 82016 » VIBE jx) Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP m9 82016 dertitying cause of data load error when using a SAP BW OTP. ‘The error records will appear in a table. Double click on the icon for the desired record under the “Status” column to pull up the error message, ee Ee Double click on the ‘long description’ for full details; these will pop up in a new window such as below. Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP are laertityng cause of data ond error when using @ SAP BW OTP 82016 Diagnosis The data record 38532 « with the key '000000006000037491 «* for characteristic OEQUIPMENT s has the invalid time interval [*02130101"/*99991231"] « (from/to). System Response Procedure If this message appears during a data load, maintain the attribute in the PSA maintenance screens. If this message appears in the master data maintenance screens, leave the transaction and call it again. This allows you to maintain your master data. In this particular case, we have an invalid time interval error. If you look closely at the date range given, you will see that the From Date is set to 0213/01/01 when it should be 2013/01/01. This indicates that the data was entered incorrectly in the source system, ECC in this case. We can see this date error in the first screen of the error stack: Error Stack FPRDSAS BBS |S & Moats recomstore ested Vald To | Vaid From | Object typ) (BB Faied att status DataPacket [Data Rec. Equipment g 138,532 000000006000037491 12/31/9999 01/01/0213 SCTAG Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP ane 82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP To fix the issue., Go into the record editing mode and update the Valid From field. 12/31/9999 (01/01/0213 ‘SCTAG TAG 750695-2R Original Above Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP 82016 laertityng cause of data ond error when using @ SAP BW OTP Request number DTPR_0002TLGDO2COCEQYW6D20... Data packet number 000001 Data record number 38532 Equipment 000000006000037491 12/31/9999 Object type SCTAG Inventory no. TAG 750695-2R } Planning plant [3120] Planner group [] ABC indic. — After Error Fixed-Above. Now click ok and save, The final step is to execute the error DTP and load the corrected records. Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP ane 82016 ldertityng cause of data ond error when using @ SAP BW OTP Acar Za) Request Processing M.D. ~ [@ Request 60157 * @ Generate Request * G Set Status to ‘Executable’ * @ Process Request > _@ Data Package 1 ( 1 Data Record ) > @ Extraction Error Stack : 1 Data Records @ Prepare Error Handling : 1 -> 1 Data Records @ RSDS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR BRPCLNTSOO -> TRCS OEQUIP @ TRCS OEQUIPMENT_ATTR -> 0B) OEQUIPMENT : 1 -> 1 > @ Updating attrbutes for InfoObject OEQUIPMENT : 1 -> 1 |(@] > @ No More Data Available * @ End of Main Process * G Set Technical Status to Green + G Set Overall Status to Green Make sure you clean up the request monitor so that the first DTP request doesn't stay red. If not, the system will still report an error on the next nightly load. You can simply delete the requests from the monitor as this will not delete the entries in this case since it is a master data load. Actions are different for a DSO or Cube. Request DR. 0. Re. o.. DTPPetoPacage 0. Update ote Setcton Condens en Beat pw ncn cwrasmia eee eis ese warn) i888 = Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP sane 82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP Need more help with SAP BW? Get Project Support ‘Want to keep up with the experts from SAP BW Consulting, Inc.? Thanks ctor Ayers, Certified SAP BW Consultant Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP srvanot6 entity cause of Stalder when usog a SAP EW OTP E-Mail: Victor Tags: DTP, Data Transfer Process, Insight, Best Practices, Data Warehousing Ravi 7/16/2013 7:37 PM Nice and useful blog Reply to Ravi Lonnie Ayers 7/16/2018, 6:47:23 PM Thanks a lot for the feedback. Reply to Lonnie Ayers Gopi nat 1728/2016, 12:52:54 AM do you check the records that are successfully loaded by a DTP though, | dont see them in the monitor? Reply to Gopi nat FirstName" LastName" Business Email” Intpuhwwwsapbwconeuting.comvblag!SAP-BW.Consultngad4708Sdontying-cause-f-eta-load-rror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP sang 82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP Please enter a valid Business Email Address Subscribe to SAPBW Blog Company Name Company Website Comment CO) Subscribe to follow-up comments for this post o “ Type the text Privacy &Tems | @ Leave a Comment | Who Are You? Sign with a social media account to fil out this form automatically, FirstName" Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP 82016 laertityng cause of data land error when using @ SAP BW OTP LastName" Email” Your Role Please help us make our content more useful o you by letting us know your role - Please Select - Me Search this site an Google Search Google | Get Help Estimating Your SAP Resource Requirements Download our BW Estimator and give us a call to come up with an accurate estimate. Download SAP BW Consulting Calculator Iaipshwwwsapbwconeuting.comvbag!SAP-BW. Consulting 4708SIdentying-cause-of-eta-load-orror-when-sing-@-SAP-BW-DTP 82016 laertityng cause of data load error when using @ SAP BW OTP Sign with a social media account to fil out this form automatically. 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