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Report Documentation Format

Page Format
Report Documentation Format
The Project report document should follow the following Format
The below A-E documents should be set in order corresponding to the
Project Report prepared
The Table of Contents (Index) should contain the respective topics as
per the corresponding page numbers
A. Certificates (Collage certificate and/or Organization Certificate)
B. Preface
C. Acknowledgement
D. Organization Profile / Company Profile / History (if any)
E. Table of Contents (Index with page numbers)
1. Introduction
A. Project Profile (overview about the project created)
B. Project Abstract (Precise note on Project overview)
2. Strategies
(Various Skills used to study & to report using SDLC, SSAD &
A. Current Working System
B. Limitations/Disadvantages of Current Working System
C. Requirement Analysis
D. Proposed System
E. Advantages of Proposed System
F. Evaluative report using Pert Chart & Gantt Chart
G. Cost Estimation
3. Front-end, Back-end & Special tools used & Implemented
4. Feasibility Study
5. Introduction to software requirement and specification
A. Functional Requirement
B. Performance Requirement
C. Hardware / Software Requirement
D. Security Requirement
6. Detailed Data Dictionary (All the details regarding tables, views,
triggers etc. created)
7. Flow Charts / E-R Diagrams
8. Detailed Data Flow diagrams (up to Second Level)
9. Testing And Implementation

10. Special Utilities / Facilities Provided (if any)

11. Major Screen Layouts & Report Layouts
12. User Manual (if any)
13. Testing
14. Implementation
15. Limitations
16. Future Enhancement
17. Bibliography
Page Format
The Report to submitted in the hard copy should follow the following
page and text format:
Paper Size : A/4
Margins :
A. Page Borders : None
B. Left Margin : 1.5 inches
C. Right Margin : 0.5 inches
D. Top Margin : 0.5 inches
E. Bottom Margin : 0.5 inches
Line Spacing : 1.5
A. Main Heading : Arial, Size 16, Bold
B. Sub Heading : Arial, Size 14, Bold
C. Normal Text : Arial, Size 12
Header Text: Institute Name & Project Title
Footer Text: Developed by and Page No.

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