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Thursday, 3 Oct 2013

3 hours


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Section B (Structured Questions)

Answer on the Question Paper.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or
rough working.
Do not use paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of
each question or part question.

This document consists of 18 printed pages.

Section B
21 (a) When a solid is heated, the thermal energy required is given by the expression:
Gain in thermal energy = Mass x c x Temperature rise, where c is a constant.
(i) Name the quantities in the expression that are SI base quantities.


(ii) Express, in terms of SI base units, the units of:
1. thermal energy and
2. the constant c.


(b) Fill in the table by selecting the appropriate unit from the following terms, so that in each
row, the quantity is followed by its corresponding unit.
joule | newton | volt | newton-metre | watt | newton-second | coulomb


Vector / Scalar?

kinetic energy
State whether the quantity is a scalar or a vector in each row.
(c) State the distinction between precision and accuracy.


22 A typical 20 storey HDB block is shown in Fig. 22.1. On this day, there was one pot of
flowers that fell to the bottom of a HDB block and hit the soil. The mass of the pot of flowers
was estimated to be 4.0 kg, and there was a depression of 0.24 m on the soil caused by the
impact of the pot. (The soil on the ground level is assumed to be flat before the impact.)
You are tasked to determine the storey from which the pot fell.

Fourth storey

Third storey

Second storey

First storey

Fig. 22.1

(a) Given that the soil provides an average deceleration of 500 m s-2 when the pot enters the
(i) show that the velocity of the flower pot just before it hits the soil is 15.5 m s-1.


(ii) calculate the average force exerted by the flower pot on the soil.


(b) Calculate the height from which the pot fell to the ground level, and hence estimate the
storey from which it fell.

Storey: __________________

(c) Sketch the velocity-time graph of the flower pot from the point it fell, to the point it hit the
ground and came to a complete rest in Fig. 22.2 below.
v/ m s-1

t/ s

Fig. 22.2

(d) With reference to part b), explain how air resistance would affect your estimation of
which storey the flower pot fell from.



23 (a) Define the moment of a force.


(b) Fig. 23 shows a uniform ladder PQ, of mass 4.5 kg, resting against a smooth wall and on
a rough floor. The angle that the ladder makes with the ground is 600.

Fig. 23

(i) Calculate the magnitude of the force that the wall exerts on the ladder.


(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the reaction force the ground acts on the ladder.


(iii) Explain whether it is possible for the ladder to rest in equilibrium in the position
shown if the wall is rough but the floor is smooth.

24 A box of mass 9.65 kg is placed in a stationary lift, as shown in Fig. 24.

Lift Cable


Fig. 24


(a) Using Fig. 24, draw and label all the forces acting on the box.


(b) Calculate the magnitude of the force that the lift exerts on the box.


[ A1 ]
(c) The lift starts to move upwards with a constant acceleration of 1.20 m s 2 for a duration
of 1.50 s, after which it continues to move upwards at constant speed.
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the force that the lift exerts on the box when the lift is
accelerating upwards.

(ii) Calculate the speed of the lift after 1.50 s.


(d) Before coming to a stop, the lift undergoes constant downward acceleration of 1.35 m
s2. Calculate the magnitude of the force that the lift exerts on the box in this situation. [2]

(e) After the lift has come to a stop, the lift cable snaps. The lift and the box inside are now
free-falling through the air.
(i) Explain what is meant by the term free-falling.


(ii) State the magnitude of the force that the lift now exerts on the box.



25 Puck A sliding on a frictionless table top surface with a velocity of 3.0 m s -1 and puck B with
a velocity of 1.0 ms-1 collide head-on as shown in Fig. 25. The masses of pucks A and B are
4.0 kg and 2.0 kg respectively.
3.0 m s-1

1.0 m s-1

Fig. 25

(a) State what is meant by head-on collision.



(b) At a certain point during the collision, pucks A and B have the same velocity. Calculate
the velocity and state its direction.

(c) After the collision, the final velocity of puck A is reduced to 1.0 m s -1 travelling along the
same direction as before. Calculate the magnitude of the final velocity of puck B.

(d) Determine whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.


26 A light helical spring is fixed at its bottom end, as shown in Fig. 26.1. The natural length of
the spring Lo is 40.0 cm and the spring constant is 1000 N m-1.

L o = 40.0 cm

Fig. 26.1
A sphere of mass 5.00 kg is dropped from rest from a height of h vertically above the top of
the spring. As the sphere hits and compresses the spring, the kinetic energy of the sphere is
Fig. 26.2 shows the graph of kinetic energy of sphere against length of spring L.
Energy / J



L / cm

Fig. 26.2 (not drawn to scale)

(a) On Fig. 26.2, mark along the L / cm axis a cross x to indicate the point of maximum
compression of the spring.
(b) By refering to Fig 26.2, show that the height h is 0.204 m.


(c) Explain why there is an increase in the kinetic energy of the sphere after hitting the
spring and followed by a decrease in kinetic energy.
(d) Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.


27 (a) A 4.00 kg ball is tied to a cord and moves in a vertical circular motion with varying speed.

Fig. 27.1
(i) Explain whether this is uniform or non-uniform circular motion.




(ii) Suppose the cord is cut when the ball is at the top of its motion. Draw the
subsequent motion of the ball on Fig. 27.2.

Fig. 27.2

(b) The same 4.00 kg ball is now attached to two separate cords and undergoes uniform
circular motion, as shown in Fig 27.3.

Fig. 27.3
(i) Given that the tension in the upper cord is 70.0 N and the tension in the lower cord is
21.0 N, calculate the time taken for the ball to complete one revolution.

(ii) Using Newtons Law(s), explain why there needs to be tension in the cords for the
ball to move in a circular motion.

28 A small delivery truck can be thought of as a box supported by four springs, one at each
wheel (the suspension of the truck). On a particular road, speed bumps are put on the road
to slow down the traffic. After passing rapidly over one of these speed bumps, a delivery
truck experiences rapid vertical oscillations.

Speed bumps

Fig. 28.1
Fig. 28.2 shows a graph of acceleration, a, against displacement (from equilibrium), x, for
the oscillation of the truck.
a / m s-2


- 7.6
Fig. 28.2


(a) Calculate the angular frequency of the truck.


(b) Calculate the shortest time taken t for the truck to oscillate from its lowest point to a point
0.025 m below its equilibrium position.

(c) If the truck travels at a certain speed over the series of speed bumps, the vertical
oscillations can be very large. Explain why this is so.


29 (a) State Newtons Law of Gravitation.


(b) A geostationary satellite of mass m moves around Earth of mass M in a circular orbit
of radius r.
(i) State the characteristics of the orbit for a geostationary satellite.


(ii) Show that the linear speed of the satellite in geostationary orbit around Earth is
3080 m s-1. (Given M = 6.0 x 1024 kg)

(iii) State what would occur if energy is supplied such that the linear speed of the satellite
is increased to greater than 3080 m s-1.


30 (a) Points A, B, and C form an equilateral triangle of sides 4.0 m. A charge of +5.0 x 10-6 C
is placed at point A and at point B as shown in Fig 30.1.



Fig. 30.1
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant electric field strength at point C and indicate
its direction on Fig. 30.1.

(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant electric potential at point C.



(b) A charged oil drop of mass 9.8 x 10 -16 kg is suspended stationary between two parallel
charged plates in a setup, as shown in Fig. 30.2.

Fig. 30.2
(i) State and explain whether the oil drop has a positive or negative charge.


(ii) Calculate the magnitude of charge on the oil drop.


(iii) Explain what happens to the oil drop if the separation between the plates is
decreased, while keeping the potential difference between the plates constant.


31 (a) Define magnetic flux density.



(a) Fig. 31 shows a current I of 2.0 A (flowing vertically out of paper) within a uniform
magnetic field (shown along the plane of the paper).


Fig. 31
The direction of the uniform magnetic field is at bearing 340 (or 20 west of north) and
its magnetic flux density B is 0.040 T. The wire carrying the current I is 30.0 cm long.
(i) Draw on Fig. 31, the direction of the magnetic force acting on the current and label it

(ii) Calculate the magnetic force acting on the current.


(iii) Draw on Fig. 31, the direction of magnetic field at point P due to the current and label
it (iii).


(iv) The resultant magnetic field at P points exactly north. Determine the ratio


magnetic flux density at P due to the current

(v) If a second vertical current flowing into the paper is now placed at P, state the
bearing of the resultant force acting on this second current.

- The End of Section B -


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