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To all third world countries whose type of Christian religions were imposed or given by
their colonizers and to all Muslims, hear this:
It is not hidden from us that some incidents in the past had created wounds in our
relationships that only the application of the true Christ-type love can heal.
Examples of those offenses:
1) Cain vs Abel
2) Ishmael father of the Arabs vs his half brother Isaac, father of the most of the white
3) Esau (Edom) vs his twin brother Jacob (Israel)
4) Take note also of the survivors of the nations in Canaan and surrounding Canaan
whom the Israelites were ordered allegedly by Jehovah to completely destroy but
whom the Israelites spared, especially the beautiful women and some children during
the time of King Saul, etc.
The Old Testament "reasons out" that it was just for God to have them all wiped out
completely because of the ripened wickedness of those people where there was no
more hope for spiritual reformation was possible.
For those who can believe this, God had not worry about allowing or ordering people
or even masses to get killed because He can arrange their reincarnation (rebirth on
earth as new human beings with new opportunities). This is shocking for many but
not to those who are already initiated into this doctrine of reincarnation which was
taught in the Roman Catholic Church in the early centuries. The Bible teaches
reincarnation. For example: The New Testament speaks of John the Baptist being the
former Elijah. It also says he will return before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ to also
act as Jesus' forerunner to prepare the way.
In the Bible's Lucifer chapter, Isaiah 14, you will see that Lucifer, a spirit being,
undergoes human incarnation where he becomes weak and meets his defeat or end.
If you had read Jesus' own version of the gospel (see, you will be
introduced to clear and extensive explanation of our origin as angels (we did not have
our beginning as embryo in our mother's womb) and how we also have reincarnated
so many times here on earth and other stars and planets.
Because all was spirit, nobody of us started to be physical. We were all spirits. We
were all angels.Many of us were with Lucifer when he decided or rather accepted
God's request to play the role of the opposers so everyone will in the end appreciate
the excellence of God's ways.

So back to God's act of ordering the Israelite army under Joshua entering the land of
Canaan to totally wipe out the inhabitants which Joshua obeyed to the letter but
which King Saul in the name of misplaced mercy did not totally obeyed but spared
some beautiful women, children and animals.
There is another angle there which says that the jehovah who allegedly ordered the
Israelites to kill the inhabitants inside and surrounding Canaan was not the Jehovah
who led the Israelite of Moses because of they maintain that a loving God would not
do that.
Well, as I mentioned, Jehovah argued that those nations had reached a point of
wickedness such as those in Sodom and Gomorrah that could no longer be treated by
any other means except for a calamity like the flood of Noah or the fire of Sodom to
totally destroy the civilization. Or for a God-ordered nation like the Israelites to kill
everyone with no survivor left... for the reason that these survivors who do not know
about reincarnation or God's reason for the "massacre" would carry a revengeful mind
frame as it has happened indeed when those survivors left began to multiply and
prepared themselves for revenge.
So, besides the descendants of Cain, Ismael and Edom, there are many other groups
who are hostile to the children of Israel who are now the Americans, Canadians,
Australians, British and the white nations in Europe.
These are old wounds. If not treated by the balm of true love, these wounds are
It was the purpose of Christ to heal these wounds. You can remember Jesus' and
Paul's words as well as those of the other apostles that the goal was to reconcile
Greeks (representing the Gentiles) and the Israelites.
This is most dramatically exemplified by Moses, a descendant of Isaac, who married
Sipphora a descendant of Ishmael. So it was a marriage of an Israelite or more
specifically of a Jew, of the tribe of Judah, one of the 12 tribes of Israel to an Ismaelite
This is what to be. What will be.
But there is an provision as soon as the Isrealites were settled in Canaan that they
should not marry a non-Israelite. This appears a contradiction to what Moses did
decades before.
One reason mentioned for the prohibition was the fear of having the new way and
culture being corrupted by foreign or pagan women with their pagan gods. This

happened to King Solomon who disregarded God's prohibition. And to so many men
and women later on.
This is the main reason why the New Way and Culture centered on the Ten
Commandments failed and the plan to raise a model nation as example to mankind
did not work.
Anyway, we, each of us, have freewill. So God would accept any decision that we
Now, animosities, hostilities, hate, hatred, offenses, grudges, revenge was inevitable
in a planet of free will, where the will of the Father was made subject (gaagad or
giagad sa) will of His children whom He had set free to decide and do whatever they
think is right for them.
And leading in that hate campaign are some elements of the tribes of Edom-Esau
whose identity is pointed to the Turks. The Turks are identified to be the descendants
of Esau-Edom.
The Turks established their own empires just as Ishmael who also had many sons,
established his own Arab empires.
An ancient name for the Turks is Khazars, and Turkey was known by the name
Their forefather Esau, renamed Edom, was a nomad, he moved from place to place.
His children, who took the name Khazars in the later centuries before the birth of
Christ, also were on tents.
Of course, some learned to settle and called their place Khazaria and later Turkey.
But a large percentage became migrants and merged with other more stationary
nations. This mobile group can be compared to the enterprising portions of the
Chinese who went to different places and countries and appeared as traders or
This happened also to the Jews, and other Israelites when God allowed their defeat,
captivity and dispersal by the Ninevites and later by the Babylonians.
Something very interesting happened to the Edomite-Khazars in the centuries before
Jesus was born.
The Khazars were caught between two (not lovers) but pressures of warring empires,
e.g., Romans and the Greeks before them, and so the Khazars decided not to convert
to Rome's Catholicism but to join their cousin, the Jews, got converted to Judaism.
To cut the long story short, there are now two groups belonging to the religion of

Judaism and carrying the name Jews, namely: (1) the true descendants of Judah, one
of the 12 sons of Jacob-Israel, and (2) the Edomite Khazars (Turks) who merge with
the true Jews.
Secret historical documents revealed that the Khazars were proud and also they
carried the grudge of their father Esau against his twin brother Jacob (Israel). They
were secretly infiltrating the core of the Israelite-Jewish nation.
When Jesus and his son John was young, the last God-appointed high priest Zechariah
was murdered by the Khazars who managed to become priests.
During Jesus' time, the Khazars donned the name Pharisees, the ones who
orchestrated his crucifixion.
You ask, But the Pharisees were then wiped out when the Temple of Jerusalem, as
predicted by Jesus, was burned to the ground by the Roman army under Titus, some
60 years after Jesus' death.
The answer: No, the Pharisees or evil priests did not die in the fire. Did you not read
that the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem was inexplicably halted for a time
before the Roman army returned to finally burn it?
It gave the Khazars-Pharisees the precious time to escape.
Where did they go?
They transferred to Rome and later became the pagan priests of the new religion later
known as Roman Catholic church.
Paul, not Peter, established the Roman branch of Jesus' true church but this church to
whom Paul addressed his Epistle to the Romans (which is now a part of the New
Testament), succumbed to the deception of the false teachers (the Pharisees),
became traitor to Christ, and married paganism and became what has become known
as the Roman Catholic Church, the whore which Revelation 17 calls Mystery Babylon
the Great.
What mankind does not know is that the same breed known as Pharisees has
infiltrated the Catholic church and run the Vatican ever since!
These are what Revelation 3 calls the false Jews. The fake Jews.
Actually, they are not of the tribe of Judah, but descendants of Esau. These fake Jews these Khazars - these Edomites - these Turks are the cousins of the true Jews.
Rev 2:8 [niv]"To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him
who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.

Rev 2:9 [niv]I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the
slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Rev 3:7 [niv]"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of
him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can
shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Rev 3:8 [niv]I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no
one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and
have not denied my name.
Rev 3:9 [niv]I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be
Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your
feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Many Christian churches do not know until now who are these fake Jews and where
they are operating.
Well, to pick some pieces of history kept from the public knowledge, these EdomiteKhazars-Turks many of them were the Pharisees, but a large number of them being
nomads or mobile, found their trade in lending (modern name: banking).
Money and power... and revenge, as well as survival of their tribe or race and not
spirituality, not love of God nor love of their fellowmen... was the motive of these
Before the World War 2, they prospered as money lenders in Europe and some in
When you step back to the time of Christ, you will remember that the Pharisees were
accused of turning the Temple into a market or business center, allowing, among
others, the money lenders to operate.
The reason for this was because the money lenders are of the same race of the
Pharisees -- they were the Khazars.
But a strange partnership occurred between some real Jews when the real Jews were
dispersed and turned landless and homeless by the invading Babylonians (Iraqis)
under the command of King Nebuchadnezzar.
So, the partnership between false Jews and their cousins the real Jews which was
started in the Temple (turned market) of Jerusalem became a full partnership in the
open space composing the entire Roman empire.

That is why when you take a look of the list of main owners of huge lending
companies, a.k.a. banks, today, they are composed of the real Jews and the fake Jews
(Khazars)... but
To emphasize: In this arrangement, it is the false Jews, the Turks, also known as black
nobility, who are at the top, and the real Jews are merely used as lower partners who
run the companies as lower level co-owners and managers.
The one in control are the masters of money and mammon -- the Khazars.
Jesus warned about the time when we allow mammon or money to dominate and
become the god or master or the most important thing. It has come!
Today, it is the Khazars, under the leadership of the Family of the Rothschilds who are
on top of the money-banking-financial powers of the world.
Problem is: These bankers have been the financiers of the two world wars... because
despots, kings, emperors, make loans from the banks to finance their aggression or
No war could be efficiently carried out with ease if there was no money. It is money
that has made war and other criminal activities including prostitution, drugs and
gambling so very easy and efficient to operate.
Erase money from the system and you will find it very difficult for, say, a woman to
become prostitute... for she will find it irritable to be paid with live chickens by the
men who would buy pleasure from her.
The danger of mammon or money against which Jesus forewarned us has grown to a
great size that is so difficult to curtail now.
Rothschild is the owner of all central banks and only 2 nations are left without a
central bank, Cuba and Iraq, I guess.
Now let's connect this to the 6th and 7th plagues which are seen to be an endtime
Clash of the Titans (e.g., Arab Ismael vs Christian Isaac, Quran vs Bible, Muslims vs
Christians)...Clash of the Clans...we are given to see that behind the scenes, it is the
Jesuits (one of the new names that the Khazars-Pharisees took) who orchestrated the
coming explosion of Ishmael's grudge and hatred towards Isaac (e.g., the Americans
and other white nations, descendants of Isaac).
Added to that, is the hatred of Esau against his twin brother Jacob. So it is now
descendants of Ishmael (the Arab Muslim) and descendants of Esau the Turks versus

one common enemy: Jacob-Israel who are known in their names as the Americans and
most white peoples in Europe, Australia and Canada.
The reconciliation of gentiles and Israel that Paul spoke and Jesus taught has not
happened... not occurred yet.
It is because of freewill. It is left to us. The Jesuits-Khazars have been stirring the old
wounds and hate all over the world. It was and is the Jesuits who were and are stirring
one against the others... the Jesuits along with others are the real war makers.. the
true war mongerers.
They create civil and world wars for their boss, the Rothschild who always ended up
many times richer after every war because he supplies both money and arms. He is
the owner of the large firearms industry, the companies which make guns, bombs,
Some centuries ago, the Jesuits wrote the Quran and raised an Arab orphan named
Mohamad to force the Arabs or descendants of Ishmael to join hands and follow the
Quran's jihad to take vengeance against their cousins, the Isaac's sons (Saxons in
particular but all descendants of Israel in general)...
It was the Khazar Pharisees at that time already in control of the Vatican -- they
financed Mohamad to ensure his success of converting the Arabs to the religion of
Islam to prepare the end-time scenario: Quran vs Bible, Islam vs Christianity, Ishmael
vs Isaac.
Take not of Islam and Ismael. Have you seen some semblance?
It is the Jesuits now in power in the Vatican who are manning the final clash of
Muslims vs Christians... in Mindanao... in the Middle East...
To fire up the final scene of the Armageddon (6th plague) and the final explosion (7th
plague) or Nuclear War or World War III.
Only the love of Christ can put a sudden stop to the 6th and 7th plagues.
Problem is: the Holy Bible is not anymore the vessel of that divine love. The popes,
the Jesuits over the centuries have manipulated the Bible so that it now contains
250,000 errors, thus, no longer a sharp two-edged sword.
You can't trust the Bible now as your tool of peace, after the Vatican has tampered it 250,000 times....It has become a
cover for Christians to initiate war that justifies land grabbing they'd do after winning the war.

The Vatican people has used its free will to tamper it down, add and deduct, about
which the Lord forewarned in Revelation 22 but would not prevent. Each one has the
right to preserve or tamper his own copy, be it only one or millions. The Roman

Catholic Church has tampered its copies it circulated in its territories to the tunes of
millions of copies! That is why her sins is very grievous and reaching the sky.
[niv]I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If
Rev 22:18 anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described
in this book.
[niv]And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will
Rev 22:19 take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which
are described in this book.
Along with the Quran, the Holy Bible has been tampered to convert it into a tool of
As a matter of fact, it was those who held the Holy Bible who used or misused their
superior mind to create systems that would systematically hurt, suppressed,
oppressed the Arabs, the Muslims, and also the weaker Natives of the nations.
The Christians are committed the systemic sin which uses system (combination of
people, machines, ideas, poisons, toxins, chemicals, etc.) to act as a huge machinery
(called by our ancestors as Terong) used to commit massacre or genocide of the
lesser race, the natives or aborigines, or an enemy country.
Here is some shocking information about this systemic sin.

Systemic Sins vs Direct Sins

1. 1. Systemic Sins vs Direct Sins AGAPE is the FOUNDATION (AGASOFT) April 2016
2. 2. Systemic Sins vs Direct Sins Systemic sins are those hidden in systems, such as in hierarchy. It uses many
layers, many dummies, many participants who are not necessarily aware of their roles and many are innocent
participants, and thought they are serving God and fellowmen. The sins of the Leaders are hidden in the system
but harms many; the sins of the poor are visible but harms only a few. Systemic sins are committed by proxies.
They use employees such as tellers, or armies to implement their crimes, do their oppressive systems. All sins
are personal, even if you commit it by using other people, such as land grabbers using goons to drive small land
owners and use people in the government to make Land Titles to the land you had grabbed.
3. 3. Systemic Sins vs Direct Sins Examples of systemic sins: 1) Fossil fuel (gasoline, coal, etc.) converts fresh
oxygen in the air into oxidants, thus, converts the air into a cancer factory; Fossil fuel holes or thins the ozone and
allows the excess heat of the sun to boil the oceans and produce hurricanes and super typhoons destroying much
and killing many. 2) Destroying the forest for their construction and paper businesses causes the wind to whirl
(whirl wind) and siphons the clouds producing tornadoes which result upland storms, destroying much properties,
farms and lives, especially when large volumes of waters in dams are hit and released by the tornadoes. 3)
Chemical fertilizers release a toxic residue known as nitrite which when it finds its way into our flesh or body fat
(protein, amino acids) becomes nitrosamines, the deadliest known carcinogen. Like attracts like, therefore, the
fatty nitrite collects in womens breast, which contains fatty tissues. This is the secrete primary cause of breast
cancers. And this is why the leading cancer killer among women is breast cancer and this is why the Philippines is






No. 1 in breast cancer in Asia, if not the world. Killing mass of women and the babies they nurse thru this toxic
substance that poisons and eats up their breasts and give babies toxic milk. 4) Christian taxpayers paying taxes
to our Christian government to hire Christian soldiers to kill our Muslim racial brothers along with our Native racial
brothers and eventually take their abandoned lands as ours! OFWism is a form of landlessness and
homelessness and family-lessness that appears to be the fruit of the landlessness and homelessness that we
sowed (did) to our Muslim and Native brothers in Mindanao.
4. Systemic Sins vs Direct Sins The thief of money by Binay and its use to buy and develop properties with the
use of many proxies and dummies as owners or partners of his over 100 bank accounts and haciendas Was
the same tactic Marcos used when he used the names of his relatives and friends as owners and sometimes
partners of his business, where only in secret documents does his name appear as the majority owner
(stockholder). The Government and the Roman Catholic Church is a huge hierarchy, a system where terrible
sins are hidden for centuries. Example: rapes of boys and sacrifices of babies by the Roman Catholic priests
especially at the Vatican
5. The Catholic & Protestant Churches Are Obsolete The Roman Catholic Church as well as most Protestant
Churches do not see nor teach about systemic sins or gang sins or group sins which have been the trend.
Therefore, the churches are left behind of the time. They either update or become obsolete and useless.
6. Grand Expose Coming! Rev 6:14 [niv] The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place. Rev 6:15 [niv] Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the
mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. Rev 6:16 [niv]
They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne
and from the wrath of the Lamb! Rev 6:17 [niv] For the great day of their wrath [that is, of the oppressed and
what they had outwitted, not from God] has come, and who can stand?"
7. Nothing will remain hidden Mat 10:26 [niv] "So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will
not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. Mat 10:27 [niv] What I tell you in the dark, speak in the
daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
8. Repent Lukewarm Endtime Churches Rev 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;
These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; Rev 3:15 I know
your works, that you are inconsistent. Rev 3:16 If you remain in such uncommitted and double-master stand, I
will reject you. Rev 3:17 [kjv]Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of
nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: Rev 3:18 I
advise you to use the (a) eyesalve (eyeglass) of True Science (e.g., electron microscope, & Hubbles telescope,
etc.) and the (b) eyeglass of New Revelation, you need these two eyesalves so you can see. Rev 3:19 As many
as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and
knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Rev 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set
down with my Father in his throne. Rev 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the

The Khazars, the money lenders and Pharisees of Jesus time, are todays bankers and
priests in charge of the Vatican, which is in-charge of the worldwide false known to
everyone by the name Roman Catholic Church and her harlot daughters, majority of
the protestant churches. Review Revelation 17 to refresh your memory.
Who and where are the fake Jews today?
They are the men who man the system of churches and religions headquartered at
the Vatican.

They too are the men who man the money system headquartered at London, headed
by the House of the Rothschild, and his fellow fake Jews and their cousin true Jews
they employ or partner in managing the worldwide money and banking system.
From the Sunday worshippers, they got the coins which become bills and checks at
the Vatican Bank which then distributes the collected tithes and offerings to the World
Bank and central banks to private banks, to local banks to be lent to the people, the
source of that money to ultimately seize (foreclose) their lands and properties and
cause poverty of the masses.
The Khazars are now wearing different names: Illuminati, Cabal, Dark Force, Satanists
or Luciferian as they are said that in one point of time they made a covenant with
Lucifer-Satan to be his right hand (main instrument) on earth.
This is exactly what Revelation 2 & 3 describe them to be:
Rev 2:9 [niv]I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the
slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Rev 3:7 [niv]"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of
him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can
shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Rev 3:9 [niv]I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be
Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your
feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
The following YouTube videos can give us the detail and irrefutable evidences:












These are just few of the 56,300 videos in YouTube on the subject of Khazars. Surely,
most surely, these are enough to establish the truth about and identity of the fake
I encourage you to set no limit of your spare or main time to view the videos, even
download them and share them to others to their computers or celfones or simply list
the video titles and share the links to those who have internet access.
This is one of the most important act we can do in this end time to help save each
other from the Terong the beast.
May this introductory discussion shade sufficient light for you to proceed to the
deeper and more detailed aspects of this truth. Fully grasping the truth shall set us
It does not exclude the fact that our purpose of identifying the enemy is not to pay
revenge or inflict destruction, no, we will not act as they do. Our purpose of knowing
the enemy is to be able to avoid its traps and at the same time treat them with love
guided by wisdom. So this means that their destruction is not our aim, rather their
rehabilitation and salvation is our purpose.
WE are not to know them and their wickedness in order to pay wickedness for their
wickedness, but to overcome evil by doing the good works of love.
This is the Christian way. We are not to remain ignorant of their ways and traps, lest
we will continue to be their victims; we are to come to fully see their ways and
wickedness so we can avoid them.
May this help you follow the Lords urgent instruction: Come out of her sinful system,
My people, so you will not participate in her sins and suffer from her plagues (painful
consequences) Revelation 18:4.



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