Moore Lesson

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The Framers of the Constitution

Author's Name: Charlie Moore

Subject Area(s): Social Studies
Academic Content Standards
Problems facing the national government under the Articles of Confederation led to
the drafting of the Constitution of the United States. The framers of the Constitution
applied ideas of Enlightenment in conceiving the new government.
Technology Standard:
Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
Grade Level: High School Juniors
Time Required: 3 Days

Analyze Learners

22 Grade level learners; 1 ESL; 2 ADHD

State Learning Objectives

Given a rubric, students will collaborate to create a Google Slides presentation
about the Framers of the US Constitution.

Select Methods (Strategies), Media, and Materials

Computer, Internet, Google Slides, SMART Board

Differentiated Instructional Strategies

Have the ESL student use translation software; ADHD students will be
partnered with strong students who do well in the class

Utilize Media & Materials

Day 1: The teacher will use the Smart Board to give a short lecture about the
Framers of the Constitution and their importance to United States history, after
which the teacher will demonstrate how to create a presentation and a few basic
features of Google Slides.

Day 2: Students will be assigned partners (the ESL student will work with me to
make sure his translations are correct and work with a student who does well in the
class; each ADHD student will be partnered with a student who does well in the
class) and begin creating their presentations.

Day 3: Work day on presentations; presentations due at the end of the class

Require Learner Participation

Students will collaborate to create a slideshow about the Framers, they will answer
questions the teacher will ask during the initial lecture

Academic Content
Students grasp the importance of the Framers and the bold steps it took to
arrive at our Constitution.
21st Century Skills
Successful collaboration with partner; good looking, informative slideshow
Use of Technology
Successful use of Google Slides to create a slideshow
Instruction of Lesson
Final project outcomes; Student collaboration

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