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The Millennium School, Dubai

Grade Xi


Units and measurements


How many astronomical units are there in 1 metre?


Solve the following with due regard to significant figures.

a) 3.15+3.8 b) 3.5 1.61


How many parsec are there in 1 light year?


5.74g of substance occupies a volume of 1.2 cm3. Calculate its

density with regard for significant figures.


A capacitor of capacitance C = (2 0.1) F is charged to a voltage

V=(30 0.5) volt. Calculate the charge Q. (Q = CV)


The specific resistance = r2R/l, where r is the radius of the wire, l

is the length and R is the resistance of the wire. Calculate the
percentage error in .


Give some limitations of dimensional analysis.


Do all physical quantities have dimensions? If not name three

physical quantities which are dimensionless.


The rotational KE of a body is given by E = I 2 where is the

angular velocity of the body. How do you get the dimensional formula
of I from the given equation.


Using dimensional analysis derive the relation

= h/mv, where

-wavelength, h- planks constant, m- mass and v-velocity.


In cgs system the value of stefans constant is

= 5.67 x 10-5 ergs-1cm-2K-4. Write down its value in SI system.


Check the correctness of the following equation

a) F = 6rv where F- force, = coefficient of viscosity, r = radius
and v = velocity.


Derive by the method of dimensions, an expression for the energy E of

a body executing simple harmonic motion, assuming that this energy
depends upon the mass (m) , the frequency () and amplitude of
vibration (r).

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