Integrity Pledge

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ntegrity Acommitment to ethical business practices and good corporate governance We beliave that coruption has been one of the biggest impediments to economic growth and prosperity inthe Philipines and has been eroding the ‘moral fiber of this society ‘As chief executives of established companies in the Philippines, we acknowledge our companies’ responsibility to lead by example inthe fight against coruption and to operate our businesses ethically and with integrity. ‘While the goverment has its own initiatives for reducing corruption, we realize that those initiatives cannot suoceed without individual and collective commitment from businesses to level the playing field and to build integrity inthe business environment. In view of the foregoing, we pledge the following '* Weill prohibit bribery in any frm in all activities under our control and ensure that our charitable and political contributions, business Gifts, and sponsorships are transparent and will not be forthe purpose of attempting to infence the recipient, whether government of private, into an improper exercise of functions, duties, or judgment. ‘© Wewill maintain a Cade of Conduct to guide our employees towards ethical and accountable behaviour at all times, and will apply appropriate sanctions for violations ofthe code ‘© We will conduct training programs for our employees to promote integrity, honesty, and accountability inthe exercise oftheir duties and > _ responsibilities and to convey with resalve our companys commitment to ethical business practices. ‘© Weill implement appropriate internal systems and controls to prevent unethical conduct by our employees, ensure good governance, and institutionalize the values of integrity and accountability in aur business. ‘© We will maintain appropriate financial reporting mechanisms that are accurate and transparent. ‘+ Wewill maintain channels by which employees and other stakeholders can rise ethical concems and report suspicious circumstances in confidence without risk of reprisal, and a designated offer will be tasked with investigating all reports received, ‘© Wawill enter into integrity pats with other businesses and with government agencies when dealing with procedures retated tothe bidding and procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, and construction © Wewillefrain from engaging in business with parties who have demonstrated unethical business practices. ‘To ensure collective action among business enterprises to foster ethical, clean, and transparent business transactions inthe Philipines, we commit to: ‘© support a nationwide initiative intended to create fair market conditions, transparency in business transactions, and ensure good corporate governance; ‘© participate in roundtable discussions, meetings, and forum to identity the key concems and current problems affecting the private sectors related to integrity and transparency in business transactions; ‘+ share “best practice”, tools and concepts which are intended ta ba used by al participating entities to achieve the goals. ofthe nationwide initiative; ‘+ assist and contribute ideas to develop a unified “Business Code of Conduct” acceptable to all participating entities; + participate inthe creation of key measures and control activities intended to ensure transparency, integrity and ethical business practice, ‘support the development ofan audit and certification program {including a training program for advisers and ausitors) that wil offer @ toolbox for enterprises to introduce and implement ethical practices in their business processes; and institutionalize the whole process to vena socmeuyoe eghy hate Moge fate Riteneic Mor __ ivregnary NrtiATIVE Masat Baines Cub eYpean Chamber of Commerce ofthe Pippoes Ena eogogryeatecn 2d Fo iN Cee Cte TOF pene Aue cose eee werent en Bryer St esa age sen Gh ppt ey eT Sy vat Cy Heo nls Pes 1S iy a ai, mass ens oo) tt ni UL? oss a9 Tne so Fax No, (63 2) 750 7408; 750 7406 Fax Nos.: (63 2) 845 1395; 759 6690 INTEGRITY INITIATIVE | Integrity Pledge ‘A commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate governance \Weekeve that carupton nas ben one of the biggest inpadiments to Seononi wth and prospety nthe Pines a hes Been erating te roa be of is 2a ‘cia executives of estabished conponies inthe Pilon, we acknowledge ou corparies’ esponsiity teed by example inthe font ‘aguas comnptn and opaat ou Busnesses ethical and with tery, ‘Unite he goverment its Onn intitves for reducing coupon we real tha those itstves carn slecend without lard ‘olestve commento buseszs Teva the playing ld and ould itary he business envronment Inview the foregomna we pede he folowing: “+ Wevwil rit ber in an fom inal cts urder our contol and ensure that cr charitable and pital canibatons, snes ‘its, and sporsorstps ae transparent nd wil not be forthe purpseof ating tonfuere the ecient, wheter government or ‘rae, i an improper acs of urchans, dts, or dgent + Wewitnainen Cade of Cont to ide cur employes towards tia and accountable hams al tes, ard wil apy _aggropate sanctions for vations of te code. © Wewilleardet taining gogrms frou employee to ponte nti Nant, ard accountability in the execs of he duties ane responses and to comey with ese cr conpanys commento ahcal busines rates ‘+ Wevwilimpleent ppropnate teal syste an con to revent unetical conduct by our employees, ensure good gvemanes, ane nstutionaliae the vies of iti and ccountaliy in ar busines, ‘+ Weil maintain aperoprite farce reparting machansms tht ae accuate and vonsprert ‘+ Wevwill maintain cannels by which employes and her stakeholders an reise ethical cones and repr suspicious ereumstonces@ canidence wits of reprisal, ana designated office wil be asked with imesbgting al reports receved. + Wevw enter it inte pts with other besiesses and with goverment agencies when eating with procedures ete 1 the bieding and procurement of supplies, materi equipment and constuction. 1 Wewwl fae rom engaging in business with partes who have deronstatedunathial busimess rates “pensar calc action among tusinessenerwises foster etal, can and tarsparet business arsecbons inthe Pippin, We commits: ‘+ sport natonsie initiate inter to rete fa market onto, ranspareney in bsness Wansoctons, tard ersre god crparate governance, ‘+ portcipate in roundtable discussion, meetings, an forum entity te ey concerns ant caren robles ftecting the privet sectors Felted to negity ane Wansparency tusness vansactions “+ share “best rata, ons and conesps which intended to be use by al parteipating ete to ahi the goals ‘ofthe nationwide nt, ‘+ ssi and consti idens to develop nied “Burnes Code of Conduct” aecoptbl tall partciating etter + parteigte inthe cretion okey messes and contol ats intone to ensue tansparerey, legit and eica business pacts «support the development ofan ait and ceria progen icuding a taning progam fr advises ond auditors) ht wil offer 0 {ool for aterpses to odie and plement aba prachtes in isi business processes and nstivbanae the whole process © promote sustainably ofthe Integrity ita. Vio 0S ane Fenatoy —¢ : ; Liane Varo - aon PLUPA Campany als 3 ‘ate Sie Sonata,

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