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act as sth B2

Hacer de (trabajo que normalmente

When they first met each other, it was her sister
who acted as matchmaker.

add to sth B2

Incrementar, sumar, aumentar

The knowledge of how he died only added to his
family's suffering.

add up (sth) or add (sth) up B1

Sumar un total de
Seven and five add up to twelve.

agree with sth B2


back up sb or back sb up B2

Go ahead and tell the boss just what happened;
I'll back you up on it.

back up (sth) or back (sth) up B2

Realizar una copia de seguridad

Always back up any music you download in case
your computer crashes.

base sth on sth B1

Basarse en
Jonathan Larson based his rock opera "Rent" on
Puccini's "La Boheme

beat up sb or beat sb up B2

Dar una paliza

He beat up one of the other prisoners

believe in sth B1


believe in sth/doing sth B2


belong to sb A2


belong to sth B1


blow away (sth) or blow (sth) away B1

Llevarse (el viento)

The wind blew the dollar bill away

blow down (sth) or blow (sth) down B1

Derribar, tumbar (el viento)

Two huge trees had blown down in the storm.

blow out (sth) or blow (sth) out B1

Apagar (con viento)

She blew out the candles on her birthday cake

blow up sth or blow sth up B1

I spent the whole morning blowing up balloons for
Joe's party

blow up (sth/sb) or blow (sth/sb)

up B1

Hacer explotar
They blew up the enemy's ammunition dump

book sb in or book sb into sth B1

She booked me into a hotel uptown

break down B1

Averiarse, romperse

break in or break into sth B1

Irrumpir, forzar la entrada

The burglars broke in through the kitchen window

break off (sth) or break (sth) off B2

Suspender, terminar
She broke off the engagement just two weeks bef
ore the wedding.

break out B2

Fugarse - estallar (algo malo que

The prisoner broke out of jail by digging a tunnel.
War broke out in 1914.
The fire broke out in the early morning

break through sth B2

Abrirse camino entre

Protesters broke through the barriers

break up B1

Separarse (pareja)

bring back sth or bring sth back A2


bring out sth or bring sth out B2

Producir algo para vender al pblico

bring up sb or bring sb up B1

They've just brought out a new, smaller phone

educar (nio)
I'm a woman in my mid-forties and have brought u
p three children

bring up sth or bring sth up B2

Sacar un tema
It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my
There are several points I'd like to bring up at tom
orrow's meeting.

burn down (sth) or burn (sth) down B2

Their house burnt down while they were away on

burn out B2

quemarse de estar quemado

If he keeps working this hard he'll just burn out

burst into sth ENTER SUDDENLY B2

The angry man burst into the room.

burst into sth MAKE A NOISE B2

Burst into tears/song/laughter

Empezar a reirse, a cantar, a llorar

burst out B2

Burst out crying/laughing

call back (sb) or call (sb) back A2

Devolver la llamada

call for sb B1

I'll call for you at eight.
I'll call for you on Friday afternoon.

call off sth or call sth off NOT HAPPEN B2

Suspender, cancelar
The town's annual picnic was called off due to
Tomorrow's match has been called off because of
the icy weather.

call up (sb) or call (sb) up B1


Let's call her up and check the plans.

calm down (sb) or calm (sb) down B2

Calmar a alguien
She gave the baby a bottle to calm him down.

care for sb/sth B2

=take care of
The children are being cared for by a relative.

be/get carried away B2

Dejarse llevar
She gets carried away at Christmas, and spends
too much money on everything.
There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got a bit ca
rried away!

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