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Furqan, as it documented in previous learning stories that you have interest in colouring pictures.

Your passion for colouring keeps growing, its been wonderful see you developing your art skills,
especially colouring pictures. It amazes me every time I see you sit with a worksheet of colouring
page and concentrate on it. Today it was no surprise to find you had chosen a colouring page and
sat at a table concentrating on colouring it. This particular work sheet was an Easter Egg Basket.
Its not important what its called, its great to see how you were concentrating and focusing on
colouring precisely between the lines. You have chosen different colour for different part of the
picture. You took no notice of other children or teachers. It was as if you were oblivious to your
surroundings. You were precise about exactly what colour you wanted to use any particular part
of the picture. You were annoyed when any particular coloured pencil you wanted to use, and it
wasnt sharp enough, but that didnt stop you using that pencil, you knew how to sharpen a
pencil. So leaving your work on the table you went to sharpen the pencil yourself which wasnt
working and came back and used it. You have a strong finger grip and you know exactly how to
hold a pencil.
Well done Furqan, I am impressed with your colouring skills and I could see how proud you were
of yourself too. You proved to be persistent with difficulty. You showed great concentration,
engagement, and perseverance for a long period of time. Perhaps next time you will create your
own picture, for instance: draw a picture on a white piece of paper and then colour it in your
own way, or may be create some things using collage materials.

Te Whariki Learning Objectives of Creative Art:

Children explore ideas, materials and the environment through the art, Exploration;
Children extend imagination and creativity with their art activities, Contribution; The arts
are important to the growth of self-expression, and a sense of self-worth and enjoyment,
Written by Teacher Rosy.
April, 2016

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