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Tag Group

Lesson 1

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down
Demonstrate the principles of attack and defence
Developing agility, balance and co-ordination
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:



End ball (see support page for this lesson)

End ball
Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Tag Rugby
Tag belts
Principle of Play

Non perfect pass

Ball out of play
Dropped pass
Player running with ball
Preventing a pass

All of the above offences result in turnover ball

Warm up for tag

Assess ability of group
Play the game of tag rugby


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature.
14 players, 2 with bibs.
All players run around in a grid 10m by 10m and must not bump into each other.
Two players to put on bibs and carry a ball (chasers) and see how many players they can touch
in 60 seconds.


Play the full game of Tag Rugby using the widest side of the game area as the try lines.
Remind players about the 1st two principles of play.
Go forward and support.
Watch the game and complete a visual assessment of whether the players are capable of
moving to the contact group before asking if anyone would like to move to the contact group
(awareness of physical/ mental changes from last year).

Key factors

Raise body temperature

Increase blood flow to
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch
Fun game

Look for a space

Run into the space
Pass and look for
another space
Call for the ball, catch
the ball and then listen
for a call from another
teammate, then pass or


No need to use the Development Area on the 1st lesson.

Just let the players play a game.


Observe warm up and games to assess strengths and weaknesses of players.

Question players to check on understanding of the aim, skills needed and the tactics associated with the game.
Demonstrate a cool down on the way back to the changing rooms. Jogging interspersed with gentle static stretching.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Technical / tactical

 Receiver to find space

where passer has a
clear pass, ball carrier
can dummy pass

1 rugby ball per person
(size 4) if possible or 1 ball
between 2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player
7 bibs

See lesson support page.

See lesson video link:
Warm up game
Chase ball
Dynamic/static stretch

Physical / mental

Run away from chasers

Look for space
Keep moving

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space
Keep the ball moving
Go forward
Tag attackers

Hand and eye
Rules of the game

 Accurate pass
Defender to shut down
ball carriers options

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system

Hand and eye
Rules of the game

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Tag Group
Lesson 1

Warm up
Two players to put on bibs and carry
a ball (chasers) and see how many
players they can touch in 60 seconds.

Play the full game of Tag Rugby using
the widest side of the game area as
the try lines.
Remind players about the 1st two
Principles of Play GO FORWARD

Development area

Learning from year 7:

No activities for the development

area during this 1st lesson. Just let
the pupils play.

Use this time to assess what has been

remembered from year 7.

Apply the principles warm up and cool down

Apply the Principles of Play: Go forward, Support, Continuity and Pressure
Apply attacking principles, outflank or penetrate
Apply defensive principles, deny space, apply pressure, cover, and regain
Improve the consistency, quality and use of skills
Understanding of basic tactics
Recognise own and team mates strengths together with areas for development
Able to referee basic laws

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 1

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:

Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down

Developing agility, balance and co-ordination
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills
Demonstrate the principles of attack and defence

Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:
Warm up
Assess ability of group
Play the game of 2 Handed Touch (5 touches then turnover ball)



2 Handed Touch

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Tag belts
Principle of Play
Go forward

Forward pass
Ball out of play
Knock on
Preventing a pass

All of the above offences result in turnover ball


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down


2 Handed Touch (5 touches then turnover ball) using the widest side of the game area as the
try lines.
Remind players about the 1st two principles of play.
Go forward and support.
Watch the game and complete a visual assessment of whether the players are in the correct
group as far as their physical and mental skills are concerned. (Awareness of physical/ mental
changes from last year).

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature.
14 players, 2 with bibs.
All players run around in a grid 10m by 10m and must not bump into each other.
Two players to put on bibs (chasers) and see how many players they can touch in 60 seconds
followed by some dynamic stretching.

Key factors

Raise body temperature

Increase blood flow to
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch
Look for a space
Run into the space
Pass and look for
another space
Call for the ball, catch
the ball and then listen
for a call from another
teammate, then pass
or dummy


Keep ball.
No need to use the Development Area on the 1st lesson just let the players play a game.


Observe warm up and games to assess strengths and weaknesses of players.

Question players to check on understanding of the aim, skills needed and the tactics associated with the game.
Demonstrate a cool down on the way back to the changing rooms. Jogging interspersed with gentle static stretching.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Receiver to find space

where passer has a
clear pass, ball carrier
can dummy pass

Technical / tactical


1 rugby ball per person

(size 4) if possible or 1 ball
between 2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player
7 bibs
See lesson support page:
Warm up game
Chase ball
See lesson video link:
2 handed touch rugby
Dynamic/static stretch

Physical / mental

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space

Look for space
Attack space
Keep the ball moving
Go forward

Hand and eye
Rules of the game

 Accurate pass
Defender to shut down
ball carriers options

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system

Hand and eye
Rules of the game

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Rugby Group
Lesson 1

Warm up
Two players to put on bibs and carry
a ball (chasers) and see how many
players they can touch in 60 seconds.

2 Handed Touch (5 touches then
turnover ball).
Remind players about the first
3 Principles of Play GO FORWARD,

Development area

Learning from year 7:

No activities for the development

area during this 1st lesson. Just let
the pupils play.

Use this time to assess what has

been remembered from year 7.

Apply the principles warm up and cool down

Apply the Principles of Play: Go forward, Support, Continuity and
Apply attacking principles, outflank or penetrate
Apply defensive principles, deny space, apply pressure, cover, and regain
Improve the consistency, quality and use of skills
Understanding of basic tactics
Recognise own and team mates strengths together with areas for development
Able to referee basic laws

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 2

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:

Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down

Developing agility, balance and co-ordination
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills to help penetrate the
oppositions defence

Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Apply the principles of warm ups
Apply principles of play
Work out methods for penetrating a spread defence


Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag
All of the above infringements result in a free pass to the
non-offending team from the place where the infringement


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature.
Play the game of tag rugby that you played last week.
Followed by some dynamic stretching.


Use the widest sides of the playing area as the try lines. Encourage evasion by awarding 1 point
each time a player tries to evade and is not tagged until he /she is alongside or past a defender.
5 points for a try.
Teacher to ask questions. Where are the spaces to attack? What skills are needed to attack
these spaces?
After a turnover, defenders rush to defend as a single defender in their chosen channel.
Let players try to solve the problems through choice of skills before offering any advice via the
Development Area.
Use a pitch that is marked out (using cones) into 5m channels where only one defender is
allowed in any channel at any given time.

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Forward pass
Off loads
Defensive formations

Key factors

See lesson support page:

2v2 diagrams
See lesson video link:
2v2 situations, attacking the
space between 2 defenders

Technical / tactical

Physical / mental

Catch and pass

Evade, look for space,
attack space

Modified rules
Scoring system
Improve fitness

Go forwards
Attacking players to
try to take advantage
of the spaces between

Catch and pass.

Take the ball while
moving forward
Look for space
Attack space
Off load/pass as quickly
as possible after a tag

Endurance/ Speed
Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Identifying spaces
Reading defensive
Work ethic
Improved fitness

Look at the defenders,

is there a space
between them?
How fast are they
Can I attack the space

Head up
Stay balanced
Evade defender
Communicate for the
Accelerate onto the pop

Speed endurance
Decision-making to
evade an opponent and
accelerate through a
gap between defenders

Introduce the 2v2 situation with a pop pass for the 2nd attacker to attack the space between two
Weight of pass.
1st attacker to fix 1st defender and deliver a pop pass to support player.
2nd attacker to evade 2nd defender then call for and accelerate onto a short pass in the space
between the 2 defenders.


Ask questions to check for understanding of the key factors. Ask the players to comment on techniques and tactics that went well and
what didnt go so well. Can they suggest ideas to develop the weaknesses and utilise their strengths more often? Talk to the players about
how to get everyone involved. Ask for a volunteer to lead a cool down on the way back to the changing rooms. Jogging interspersed with
gentle static stretching. Introduce codes of conduct for players and give out handout (see lesson support pages).

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch



Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Dynamic stretching
Skill development

Use flexible cones to mark out
Players to solve the problems of how
to attack this type of defence and what
skills are needed to take advantage of
the spaces between defenders.

Development area
2v2 situation.
Introduce pop pass to attack space
between two defenders.
How can the attackers enlarge the
space to attack?
What type of pass needs to be made?
Ball carrier to fix inside shoulder of
1st defender.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 2

Rugby Group
Lesson 2

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:

Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down

Developing agility, balance and co-ordination
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills to help penetrate the
oppositions defence


2 Handed Touch
Offside (back 1m), forward pass, knock on or a defender goes
into a 2nd channel, all result in a turnover
Award 1 point each time a player penetrates the defensive line,
even if they do not score. Award 5 points for a try

Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:
Introduce the laws of 2 Handed Touch i.e. 2 handed touch,
offside (stand back 1m), pass within 3 paces, after touched,
knock on and forward passing
Apply principles of play go forward and support
Work out methods for penetrating a spread defence


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Nominated player to take a group warm up (5 mins).

Raising Body temperature, followed by some dynamic stretching.


2 Handed Touch. Use a pitch that is marked out in 5m channels (using flexible cones) where
only one defender is allowed in any channel at any given time.
Use the widest sides of the playing area as the try lines.
Teacher to ask questions. Where are the spaces to attack? Can we make these spaces
bigger? What skills are needed to attack these spaces?
After a turnover, defenders rush to defend as a single defender in their chosen channel
(1m back from place of turnover).
Let players try to solve the problems through choice of skills before offering any advice via the
development area.

Pop pass
Fixing a defender
Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball

Key factors

Physical / mental

Preparing for activity,

physically and mentally

Warm up
Cool down

Go forwards
Use the full width of the
playing area to create
Show an urgency to
defend in a channel

Catch and pass

Take the ball while
moving forward
Look for space
Attack space
Use of an evasive
action to lose your
opponent before
attacking the space

Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Read the positioning of
the defenders
Use of leg power to aid
evasive action

Head up, look at the

How fast are they
Do they have a weaker

Introduce the 2v2 situation with a pop pass for the 2nd attacker to attack the space between two
1st attacker to fix 1st defender and deliver a pop pass to support player.
2nd attacker to evade 2nd defender and then call for and accelerate onto a short pass in the
space between the 2 defenders.


Ask questions to check for understanding of the key factors of the pop pass. Ask the players to comment on techniques and tactics
that went well and what didnt go so well. Can they suggest ideas to develop the weaknesses, and utilise their strengths more often.
Ask for a volunteer to lead a cool down on the way back to the changing rooms. Introduce codes of conduct for players and give
out handout (see lesson support pages).

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

See lesson support page:

2v2 diagrams
See lesson video link:
2v2 situations, attacking the
space between 2 defenders

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal


Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

Stay balanced
Accelerate away
Attack a space not a

Speed endurance
Decision making to
evade an opponent

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Rugby Group
Lesson 2

Warm up

Reinforce the reasons for warm up:

Dynamic stretching
Skill development

Activities to raise heart rate. As the body begins to work, it produces heat from
the active working muscles. This heat is distributed around the body, causing
not only an increase in muscle temperature, but also an increase in whole body
Muscles work much more efficiently when they are warm and are less
susceptible to damage. The nervous system also functions better when the
body temperature is increased, allowing better co-ordination of muscular work.
Warm up activities are ideal for setting standards for performers. Start as you
mean to go on.

Two handed touch.
Use flexible cones to mark out
Let pupils solve the problems of how
to attack this type of defence and what
skills are needed to take advantage of
the spaces between defenders.

Development area
2v2 situation.
Introduce pop pass to attack space
between two defenders.
How can the attackers enlarge the
space to attack? What type of pass
needs to be made? Ball carrier to fix
inside shoulder of 1st defender.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 3

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Design and carry out warm ups and cool downs
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Play a game with uneven sides e.g. 4v3 allowing players to use
a range of tactics and strategies in both attack and defence
Adapt and develop basic defensive skills denial of space,
pressure and cover in order to regain possession
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:



Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag

All of the above infringements result in a free pass to the non

offending team from the place where the infringement occurred

Apply principles of play with focus on continuity for

the attackers
Introduce basic principles of Drift Defence
Identifying, communicating and successfully utilising overlaps


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature.
Play the game of drop off tag (7v7) i.e. after each tag, the tagger (after giving the tag back)
must run back and touch his own try line with one of his/her feet before running back to take
part in the game once again.


Nominate 2 players to referee yet carry on playing. 2 games of 4v3. One on a wide pitch the
other on a narrow pitch. Swop pitches after a few minutes.
Split the group into two groups of 7 players and play the full Tag game, using 4v3 and using
half the pitch for each group.
Allow defensive players time to work out how 3 players can defend against 4 attackers.
Attackers to make the defence work really hard.
Teacher to ask questions to stimulate thought, e.g. What do defenders need to do? How hard
do they need to work? Does defending against extra defenders have an effect on their fitness?
How important is communication when defending?

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Forward pass
Knock on
Line speed

Key factors

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space

Drop off tag game

Drift defence
See video link:
3 defenders v 4 attackers

Physical / mental

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules

Deny space
Apply pressure
Cover other defenders
when possible
Regain possession

Catch and pass

Take the ball while
moving forward
Evade/Attack space
Defence communicate
Defenders work as a 3

Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Reading the game

Look where your

opponent is and defend
his/her inside shoulder
Line speed
Communicate when to
push out

Quickly recycle self

Communicate from in
to out
Defence communicate
Defenders try to work
as a 3

Ask players about the

fitness requirements
for tag rugby, and
check that all players
understand the laws

Teacher may slow down the action in order to help the players to identify good starting positions
for the defence when confronted with more attackers than defenders. Work on line speed to
deny attackers any space to work in.
Defenders to mark the inside shoulder of the defender and then try to move on to the next
attacker, after the pass has been made.
Communication from inside to out e.g. push out


Ask the players to comment on the tactics that can be used by the attackers when faced with fewer defenders. Can they suggest ideas
to develop the weaknesses, and utilise their strengths more often e.g. where do we position the fastest player? Ask for a volunteer to
lead a cool down on the way back to the changing rooms. Jogging interspersed with gentle static stretching. Ask questions to check for
understanding of the key factors for any defensive system.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

See lesson support page:


Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Drop off tag (7v7).

Game of 4 attackersv3 defenders.
Players to problem solve and work
out the best way to defend with
three defenders trying to cover four
Try different starting positions.

Development area
Drift defence.
Show how three defenders can cover
four attackers.
Starting alignment defenders stand
opposite the inside shoulders of
attackers and move onto next attacker
after 1st attacker has passed the ball.
Communicate from the inside.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 3

Rugby Group
Lesson 3

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Design and carry out warm ups and cool downs
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Play a game with uneven sides e.g. 4v3 allowing players to use
a range of tactics and strategies in both attack and defence
Adapt and develop basic defensive skills denial of space,
pressure and cover in order to regain possession
Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:


Tackler goes for the ball, offside (back 1m), forward pass,
knock on, ball off the pitch, all result in a free pass to the
non-offending team from the place where the infringement
Game 4v3:
Normal rugby laws But 8 points awarded to the team with only
3 players in, if they score

Warm up for contact rugby (contact with shields, bodies, ground)

Apply principles of play with focus on continuity for
the attackers
Introduce basic principles of drift defence
Identifying, communicating and successfully utilising overlaps

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Agility, balance
Tag Rugby
Tag belts
Forward pass
Knock on


Description and set-up

Key factors

Warm up /
cool down

Nominated player to take group warm up: 5 minutes and cool down on way back to changing rooms
Raising body temperature and contact with shields, bodies or ground.
Play the game of drop off rugby (7v7) i.e. after each tackle, the tackler must not try to play the
ball, but run back and touch his own try line with one of his/her feet before running back to take
part in the game once again. Tackled player places the ball for a support player and the game


2 games of 4v3. One on a wide pitch the other on a narrow pitch. Swop pitches after a few
Deny space
minutes. (Nominate 2 players to referee yet carry on playing).
Apply pressure
Split the group into two groups of 7 players and play the full contact game, using 4v3 and using
half the pitch for each group - full contact.
Cover other defenders
Allow defensive players time to work out how 3 players can defend against 4 attackers.
when possible
Attackers to make the defence work really hard.
Regain possession
Teacher to ask questions to stimulate thought, e.g. What do defenders need to do? How hard
do they need to work? Does defending against extra defenders have an effect on their fitness?
How important is communication when defending?
Teacher may slow down the action in order to help the players to identify good starting positions
Look where your
opponent is and defend
for the defence when confronted with more attackers than defenders. Work on line-speed to
his/her inside shoulder
deny attackers any space to work in.
Communicate from
Defenders to mark the inside shoulder of the defender and then try to move on to the next
inside to out
attacker, after the pass has been made.
e.g. push out
Communication from inside to out e.g. push out.
Ask the players to comment on the tactics that can be used by the attackers when faced with fewer defenders. Ask questions to check
for understanding of the key factors for any defensive system. Can they suggest ideas to develop the weaknesses, and utilise their
strengths more often e.g. where do we position the fastest player? Ask for a volunteer to lead a cool down, jogging interspersed with
gentle static stretching.



Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Technical / tactical

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space
Go forward

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
5 Shields
See lesson support page:
Drop Off Rugby Game Drift
defence Line-speed activity
See lesson video link:
3 defendersv4 attackers Linespeed activity

Physical / mental

Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness
Modified rules
Principles of play
Scoring system

Quickly recycle self

Communicate from in to
Defence communicate
Defenders try to work
as a 3

Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Working as a team for
maximum effect

Alignment in defence to
deny space
Look and communicate
in defence


Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Contact game of Drop of Tackle
(after each tackle, the tackler must
not try to play the ball, but run back
and touch his own try line with one
of his/her feet before running back
to take part in the game once again).

Game of 4 attackersv3 defenders.
Players to problem solve and work
out the best way to defend with
three defenders trying to cover four
Try different starting positions.

Development area
Drift defence.
Show how three defenders can cover
four attackers.
Starting alignment defenders stand
opposite the inside shoulders of
attackers and move onto next attacker
after 1st attacker has passed the ball.
Communicate from the inside.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 3

Tag Group
Lesson 4

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:

Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down

Selecting and applying skills and tactics
Successfully use a range of tactics to outwit your opponents.
Players able to describe what they need to do to improve their
fitness levels

Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:


Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag
All of the above infringements result in a free pass to the
non-offending team from the place where the infringement occurred

Design and implement some warm up activities for tag

Continue to emphasise go forwards and support whilst
introducing the 3rd principle of play continuity
Support to work hard, (using different starting positions) to get
into a position to support the ball carrier

Warm up /
cool down


Description and set-up

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature.
In pairs, players number themselves 1 or 2. Number 1 has a ball and on the call of go from
the player nominated to take the warm up, the player in possession must immediately get the
ball to his partner and then the process continues. The ball can be transferred by as many
different ways as possible e.g. one handed, two handed, rolled, popped off the floor, through
the legs, ripped by support player. etc. The challenge is to see how many different ways.
2 players can transfer the ball between them and keeping within the laws.
Normal laws plus the play the ball immediately rule.
Tag game with the emphasis on continuity.
Any player who is tagged, must play the ball immediately to or towards a teammate
(count of 2 by the nominated referee) otherwise the ball is turned over to the other team.
Looking for magic diamond support formation from support.
Referee to change starting positions for the attackers after each turnover and see how the
support reacts.
Depth of support in order to maximise speed of execution.

Technical / tactical

Physical / mental

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch
Heads up
Evade everyone
Try to lose the ball carrier
Carry the ball in two

Carry the ball in

2 hands to start.
One handed offloads
Identify space
Support play
in attack
Accuracy of passes

Support from deep

Communicate to receive
a pass
Work hard off the ball
to recycle oneself into
the game
React to however the ball
is presented to you

Quickly recycle the

Have hands ready to
receive pass
Change angle to
maximise attacking

Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness

Coming from depth

Magic diamond

Call for pass

Have hands ready
Create overlaps


Demonstrate some of the best options for continuity.

Perhaps some ladder work to improve agility and evasive skills.
Any technical aspects that needs more practice.


Ask questions related to physical fitness and its effects on support play. Talk about having a great attitude to get into the game as
often as possible.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

See lesson support page:

Hierarchy of best options for
See lesson video link:
Best options

Key factors


Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Tag Rugby
Tag belts
Forward pass
Knock on
Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player

Warm up
Scoring system
Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Tag Group
Lesson 4

Warm up
Between two players transfer the ball
by as many different ways as possible
e.g. one handed, two handed, rolled,
popped off the floor, through the legs,
ripped by support player etc.

Tag, emphasis on continuity look for
good skills in passing, listening, calling
for the ball, catching and making good
decisions on how and when to pass.
Support from deep and to the side
magic diamond formation whenever

Development area
Demonstration of Best options for
Players perform all options at top
pace while preventing the defence
from taking counter measures

Hierarch for continuity in Tag Rugby:

1. Beat your opponent without being tagged
2. Pass to support before risking being tagged (able to support quicker)
3. Pass behind the opponents back to supporting player as you are tagged
4. Pass as soon as you can after being tagged
5. Replace tag as soon as possible and get back into a supporting role
6. Call for a pass when in a good position to go forward again

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 4

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Select, adapt and develop the basic skills to enable continuity
Demonstrate an awareness of different tactical attacking options
Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:
Warm up for contact rugby, raised body temperature plus some
dynamic stretching
Continue to emphasise go forwards and support whilst
introducing the 3rd principle of play continuity
Support to work hard, (using different starting positions) to get
into a position to support the ball carrier


Warm up /
cool down




Forward pass
Knock on
Ball off the field of play
Delaying a pass longer than 2 seconds after being held
or tackled

All result in a turnover and a free pass to the non-offending team

Description and set-up

Nominated player to take a group warm up 5 minutes and cool down on way back to
changing rooms.
Raising body temperature followed by some dynamic stretching.
In pairs, players number themselves 1 or 2. Number 1 has a ball and on the call of go from the
player nominated to take the warm up, the player in possession must immediately get the ball
to his partner and then the process continues. The ball can be transferred by as many different
ways as possible e.g. one handed, two handed, rolled, popped off the floor, through the legs,
ripped by support player. etc. The challenge is to see how many different ways 2 players can
transfer the ball and keep within the laws.
Nominated player to referee and carry on playing.
Game with the emphasis on continuity.
Any player, who is tackled or held, must play the ball immediately, to or towards a teammate
(count of 2 by the nominated referee) otherwise the ball is turned over to the other team.
Looking for magic diamond support formation from support.
Referee to change starting positions for the attackers after each turnover and see how the
support reacts.

Turnover ball
Agility, balance
Forward pass
Knock on
Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness
Attacking principles
Defensive patterns

Key factors

Support from deep

Communicate to receive
a pass
Work hard off the ball to
recycle oneself into the

50 cones
Shields for contact warm up
See lesson support page:
Hierarchy of best options for
See lesson video link:
Best options

Physical / mental

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system
Aerobic fitness
Anaerobic fitness

Catching and passing

Evasive running
Identify and
weaknesses in
opponents defence

Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Recognise strengths of
own team

For technical/safety
aspects of tackling,
please see lesson
support pages
When tackled, try to
keep the ball alive
especially if you draw
two defenders to you

Ask players about the

fitness requirements for
rugby, and check
that all players
understand the laws
Check on safety aspects
when tackling e.g. head

Play some 1v1 tackling activities to develop some confidence in tackling for anyone who may
need some extra tuition.
Demonstrate some of the best options for continuity.
Perhaps some ladder work to improve agility and evasive skills.
Any technical aspects that needs more practice.


Ask the players to comment on the hierarchy of continuity skills i.e. what option/skill will cause the defence the biggest problem.
Check for understanding of the key factors. Ask for a volunteer to lead a cool down, jogging interspersed with gentle static stretching.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Quickly recycle self

Have hands ready to
receive pass
Change angle to
maximise attacking

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils

Play with your heads up.

Look where the
opposition is and attack
the spaces
Keep the ball alive
Accurate passing


Technical / tactical


Body/ head position

Feet position
Shoulder contact
Lock arms/hold on
Drive with legs
Land on top.
Get up quickly
Win a turnover

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Rugby Group
Lesson 4

Warm up
Between two players transfer the ball
by as many different ways as possible
e.g. one handed, two handed, rolled,
popped off the floor, through the legs,
ripped by support player etc.

Emphasis on continuity look for
good skills in passing, listening, calling
for the ball, catching and making good
decisions on how and when to pass.
Support from deep and to the side
magic diamond formation whenever

Development area
Demonstration of Best options for
Players perform all options at top
pace while preventing the defence
from taking counter measures.

Attackers cause the greatest problem for defenders when they get behind
the defensive line and execute the play at top speed.
Hierarch for continuity in contact rugby:
1. Evade your opponents whilst travelling as fast as possible
Try to evade, but if:
2. Tackled, pop or pass the ball to a support player
3. Held at waist, off-load behind the defenders back
4. Held up, open space for support runners i.e. for a rip and spin or a gut pass
5. Tackled to the ground but unable to off-load immediately, place the ball for a
pick up by the supporting player who goes forward
6. Tackled to the ground, support picks up and passes to another player
travelling with more forward speed
7. Set up a micro maul or micro ruck if none of the above are possible

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 5

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Adapt skills to different situations
Use an increasing range of personal techniques accurately
and fluently
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Help players explore the basic principles of attack (skills to
outflank or penetrate a defensive formation)
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Utilising long or spin passes to help outflank opponents
Passing, fixing, creating time and space for the receiver
Developing skills for quick passing to maximise
potential overlaps
Performing a loop pass and manipulating defences

Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag

All of the above infringements result in a free pass to the nonoffending team from the place where the infringement occurred
Keep score from different scoring zones


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

1 player nominated each lesson to take a group warm up (5 mins) raising body temperature
Tag game with wide try lines and the emphasis on keeping the ball alive. Teacher or nominated
player to change starting positions for the attackers (Bunched, split from the side
etc. and see how quickly the support reacts to get go forward again).
Depth of support in order to maximise speed of execution.




Nominated player to referee and carry on playing.

Play 7v7 in the game area but mark different scoring zones along the try lines (use coloured
cones) Mark 5 metres in from each try line with red markers and if a try is scored in either of
these areas then it will be worth 8pts. The next two 5 metre zones moving inwards would be
worth 5pts and the rest of the try line worth 3pts. This should help to encourage the attack to
outflank their opponents. It may be that the defenders defend in the wide channels leaving the
middle with more space. The attack can then take advantage of this new situation, scoring in
the middle zone. Thus identifying the weaknesses of the defence.

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Forward pass
Knock on
Quick hands

Key factors

Physical / mental

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space
Work hard to support
ball carrier
Go forward ASAP

Support from deep

Communicate to receive
a pass
Work hard off the ball to
recycle oneself into the
Try to score in the high
scoring wide channels

Catch and pass

Look for space
Attack space
Work hard to support
ball carrier
Go forward ASAP

Spin pass and when it

will be successful
Timing of the
miss pass

Matching the skills to

the decisions

Demonstrate techniques for making quick passes in 3v2 situations.

Introduce a long spin pass or miss pass to enable players to get the ball into the wide
channels quickly.


Ask the players about how they make decisions on how and when to pass. Question them about the basic skills needed to outflank
their opponents. Can the players recognise and describe how games affect their health and fitness. Ask about team strengths and areas
for development.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

See lesson support page:

Diagram of working area
See lesson video link:
How to perform a loop to
create an overlap
Performing a miss pass

Support from deep

Raise body temp
Increase blood flow to
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch


Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player

Ball in 2 hands
Position of hands on the ball
Arm swing for power

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system
Hand and eye

Rules of the game
Increase work rate in
order to support
Identify and take
advantage of
weaknesses in the

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Tag game.
Emphasis is on keeping the ball alive
as quickly as possible, not allowing the
defence time to reorganise.

Try to outflank the defence as first
option but also take advantage of any
defensive formation.
Teacher question:
In what circumstances would you want
to try to outflank your opponents as
first option?

Development area
3v2 situations use of a miss pass
or quick hands skills to get the ball
to players who are in space and are
capable of outflanking the opposition.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 5

Rugby Group
Lesson 5

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Adapt skills to different situations
Use an increasing range of personal techniques accurately
and fluently
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Help players explore the basic principles of attack (skills to
outflank or penetrate a defensive formation)
Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:


Adapt skills to different situations
Use an increasing range of personal techniques accurately
and fluently
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Help players explore the basic principles of attack (skills to
outflank or penetrate a defensive formation)

Utilising long or spin passes to help outflank opponents

Passing, fixing, creating time and space for the receiver
Developing skills for quick passing to maximise potential overlaps
Manipulating defences


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Nominated player to take a group warm up 5 minutes.

Raising body temperature and dynamic stretches.
Play game with the emphasis on keeping the ball alive Teacher or nominated player to
change starting positions for the attackers (bunched, split from the side etc. and see how
quickly the support reacts to get go forward again).
Depth of support in order to maximise speed of execution.


Nominated player to referee and carry on playing.

Play 7v7 in the game area but mark different scoring zones along the try lines (use coloured
cones) Mark 5 metres in from each try line with red markers and if a try is scored in either of
these areas then it will be worth 8pts. The next two 5 metre zones moving inwards would be
worth 5pts and the rest of the try line worth 3pts. This should help to encourage the attack to
outflank their opponents. It may be that the defenders defend in the wide channels leaving the
middle with more space. The attack can then take advantage of this new situation, scoring in
the middle zone.
Thus identifying the weaknesses of the defence.

End ball
Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Agility, balance
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Fixing opponents
Target for pass

Key factors

See lesson support page:

Diagram of pitch
See lesson video link:
3v2 situations (miss pass and
quick hands from different
starting positions)

Physical / mental

Support from deep

Communicate to receive
a pass
Work hard off the ball to
recycle oneself into the
Try to score in the high
scoring wide channels

Weight of pass
Recycle self
Penetrate or outflank
the defence
To perform a loop to
create overlaps

Ball in 2 hands
Position of hands on the
Arm swing for power

Spin pass and when it

will be successful
Timing of the
miss pass

Matching the skills to

the decisions

Demonstrate techniques for making quick passes in 3v2 situations.

Introduce a long spin pass or miss pass to enable players to get the ball into the wide
channels quickly.


Ask the players about how they make decisions on how and when to pass. Question them about the basic skills needed to outflank
their opponents. Can the players recognise and describe how games affect their health and fitness. Ask about team strengths and
areas for development.

Look for space

Attack space
Accelerate onto pass
Go forward
Keep opponents going

50 cones
Shields for contact warm up

Raise body temp

Increase blood flow to
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch


Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system
Developing confidence
in contact

Rules of the game
Increase work rate in
order to support
Reading the defensive
formations and being
able to take advantage

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Emphasis is on keeping the ball alive
as quickly as possible, not allowing
the defence time to reorganise.

Try to outflank the defence as first
option but also take advantage of any
defensive formation.
Teacher question:
In what circumstances would you want
to try to outflank your opponents as
first option?

Development area
3v2 situations use of a miss pass
or quick hands skills to get the ball
to players who are in space and are
capable of outflanking the opposition.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 5

Tag Group
Lesson 6

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills of attack, outwitting an
Select and apply tactics and strategies to attack and defend
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Using all running, evasion, communicating, catching, passing
and support skills to solve problems in both attack and
Tactically try to play a wide game as first choice


Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag (Results in a turnover for
the non-offending team)
Referee to quickly organise both teams into different starting
positions after every turnover before reintroducing the ball to
restart the game


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Players work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help raise
the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical activity
(jogging, ball work, ladder work etc.).
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.


Nominated referee to join in as player after restarting the game after each score or turnover.
Play the 7v7 game from last week. Mark different scoring zones along the try lines (using
coloured flexible cones) Continue with the game but teacher/referee to restart the game after
a score or turnover by perhaps:-- Pulling 1 team into a tight group before giving them the ball to attack.
-- Splitting the group in half and send them to different touchlines before reintroducing the ball
(to restart the game roll the ball, or throw a high pass to one of the attackers to restart the game).
-- Try a different starting formation each time.
-- Each starting position for both the attackers and the defenders will cause different problems for
each team.

Warm up/Cool down

Dynamic/static stretching
Turnover ball
Tag Rugby /Tag belts
Forward pass
Knock on

Key factors

Raise body temperature

Dynamic stretching
Skill development

2 pupils

50 cones
1 tag belt per player
See lesson support page:
Ladder work for agility.
Diagrams of different
starting positions for both
attackers and defenders
See lesson video link:
Ladder work

Technical / tactical

Physical / mental

Support from deep

Communicate to receive
a pass
Work hard off the ball to
recycle oneself into the
Quick hands

Weight of pass
Recycle self
Penetrate or outflank
the defence
Try to move the ball
wide in order to score in
the high scoring zones

This depends on the

technical aspects
chosen to work on in the
Development Area

This depends on the

technical aspects
chosen to work on in the
Development Area

Gaining in competence
and confidence through
skill acquisition
Gaining in physical

Teacher may need to referee to make sure all the rules are understood before handing over
to nominated referee. - Nothing planned for the Development Area but if any players need
extra tuition in any of the skills or tactics already covered, then they may be able to use the
Development Area but the game can still go on.


Observe and question the players on the technical and tactical implications of the starting positions of both the attackers and the
defenders being changes regularly. What circumstances would dictate wanting to play a wide game as first choice? What are
the benefits to the players of setting up different problem solving scenarios? Individual cool downs on way back to changing rooms.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between

2 ladder activities
(single tap and double
tap in each rung)



Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system

Rules of the game
Increased work rate in
order to support
Reading the game
Problem solving

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Developing fast feet, moving forwards
and sideways.

Nominated referee to join in as player
after restarting the game after each
score or turnover.
Try a different starting formation each
time. Each change to the starting
positions will cause a different problem
for each team every time the ball is

Development area
Nothing planned for the development
area but if any players need extra
tuition in any of the skills or tactics
already covered, then they may be
able to use the development area, the
game can still go on.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 6

Rugby Group
Lesson 6

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Demonstrate the principles of warm up and cool down
To improve the consistency, quality and choice of skills used
Adapt and develop the basic skills of attack, outwitting
an opponent
Select and apply tactics and strategies to attack and defend


Contact rugby
All infringements result in a turnover for non offending team
Referee to quickly organise both teams into different starting
positions after every turnover/score before reintroducing the
ball to restart the game

Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:
Using all running, evasion, communicating, catching, passing and
support skills to solve problems in both attack and defensive
Tactically try to play a wide game as first choice


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Players work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help raise
the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical activity
(jogging, ball work, ladder work etc.).
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.


Nominated referee to join in as player after restarting the game after each score or turnover.
Play the 7v7 game from last week. Mark different scoring zones along the try lines (using
coloured flexible cones). Continue with the game but teacher/referee to restart the game
after a score or turnover by perhaps:-- Pulling 1 team into a tight group before giving them the ball to attack.
-- Splitting the group in half and send them to different touchlines before reintroducing the
ball (to restart the game roll the ball, or throw a high pass to one of the attackers to restart
the game).
-- Try a different starting formation each time in order to cause different problems for each
team each time.

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers

Key factors

1 tag belt per player

See lesson support page:

Ladder work for agility.
Diagrams of different starting
positions for both attackers
See lesson video link:
Ladder work

Physical / mental

2 ladder activities
(Single tap and
double tap in each

Warm up
Cool down
Modified rules
Scoring system

Weight of pass
Length of pass
Position of defence
Attack the spaces
Sell dummy passes
when appropriate

Choosing length of
passes on wide or
narrow pitch and
adapting the tactical
implications due to
the changes to the
pitch sizes

Rules of the game
Increased work rate
in order to support

This depends on
the technical aspects
chosen to work on
in the Development

This depends on
the technical aspects
chosen to work on
in the Development

Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
skill acquisition.
Gaining in physical

Teacher may need to referee to make sure all the rules are understood before handing over
to nominated referee.
Nothing planned for the Development Area but if any players need extra tuition in any of the
skills or tactics already covered, then they may be able to use the Development Area but the
game can still go on.


Observe and question the players on the technical and tactical implications of the starting positions of both the attackers and the
defenders being changes regularly. What circumstances would dictate wanting to play a wide game as first choice? What are
the benefits to the players of setting up different problem solving scenarios? Individual cool downs on way back to changing rooms.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

Raise body
Dynamic stretching
Skill development


Technical / tactical


Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Developing fast feet, moving forwards
and sideways.

Nominated referee to join in as player
after restarting the game after each
score or turnover.
Try a different starting formation each
time. Each change to the starting
positions will cause a different problem
for each team every time the ball is

Development area
Nothing planned for the development
area but if any players need extra
tuition in any of the skills or tactics
already covered, then they may be
able to use the development area, the
game can still go on.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 6

Tag Group
Lesson 7

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Players to organise themselves as a team to attack and defend
Practice coaching peers
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Passing, fixing, creating time and space for the receiver
Maintaining continuity through use of all skills learned to date
Providing demonstrations as a coach


Forward pass
Knock on
Running more than 3 paces after tag (Results in a free pass to
the non-offending team
Award 1 point for every successful 2v1s where the receiver
ends up further forward than the passer good support



Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Manipulate attackers
Dummy pass
Fixing a defender

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player

Video clip of a coach setting

up a demonstration


Description and set-up

Key factors

Warm up /
cool down

Players again work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help
raise the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical
activity (jogging, ball work, ladder work etc.). Introduce ball work/skills into the warm up.
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.

Raise body
Dynamic stretching
Skill development

Perform stretches
properly and safely

Prepare mentally
for game


Play 7v7 continuous tag, i.e. after a score, the team who has just scored, keeps possession
and immediately starts attacking the far try- line. This allows attackers to attack a broken
defence (defence not spread in a flat line across the field of play). This will help players to
use evasive skills and maintain continuity, with more passing before being tagged (3 second
recycles after a tag or it becomes a turnover).

Weight of pass
Length of pass
Position of defence
Attack the spaces
Sell dummy passes
when appropriate

Match the technical

skill to the tactical

Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
skill acquisition
Gaining in physical
fitness as a player

Coaching topic
1. Tagging
2. Lateral pass
3. Manipulating
4. Picking up a ball
5. Fixing an
6. Ladder activity
7. Evasive skill

2 key factors for

each Development
Area to be coached
by the players

Coaching process
Setting up a
Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
the acquisition of
coaching skills



Teacher could show players how to set up demonstrations when acting as a coach. Give
out 5 minute coaching tasks for next week (see topics under Key factors coaching groups
of 3 or 4 players)
Providing demonstrations:
1. Position the demonstration so that all can see and hear and are not distracted (by
other players, the sun, etc.).
2. Gain the players attention before starting and focus their attention one 1 or 2 specific
coaching points (e.g. look at the position of the hands).
3. Show the action required and repeat it several times, if necessary separating out specific
elements, showing them in slow motion and showing it from different angles, always finish
with the full speed action.
4. Invite and answer questions, check for understanding and give performers time
to practice.

Ask questions about the fitness requirements for continuous tag and what happens to skills when fatigue sets in? Check on
understanding of how a coach provides demonstrations i.e. Position so all can see and hear, gain the players attention, repeat
several times, check for understanding.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Technical / tactical

See lesson support:

Diagram of continuous game
See video support link:

Physical / mental

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Warming up in pairs, jogging and using
the ball.
Lateral passing, looping, rolling a ball
for partner to pick up etc.

Play 7v7 continuous tag.
This allows attackers to attack a
broken defence (defence not spread in
a flat line across the field of play).
This will help players to use evasive
skills and maintain continuity, with
more passing before being tagged.

Development area
Use the development area to
demonstrate to whole group, how
as a coach you would set up a

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 7

Rugby Group
Lesson 7

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Players to organise themselves as a team to attack and
Practice coaching peers
Able to use a combination of skills efficiently


All infringements result in a free pass to the non-offending
team (if the non-offending team could not take advantage
Award 1 point for every successful 2v1s where the receiver
ends up further forward than the passer good support

Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:
Passing, fixing, creating time and space for the receiver.
Maintaining continuity through use of all skills learned to date.
Providing demonstrations as a coach


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Players again work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help
raise the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical
activity (jogging, ball work, ladder work). Introduce ball work/skills into the warm up for
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.


Play 7v7 continuous rugby, i.e. after a score, the team who has just scored, keeps
possession and immediately starts attacking the far try-line. This allows attackers to attack
a broken defence (defence not spread in a flat line across the field of play). This will help
players to use evasive skills and maintain continuity, with more passing before
being tackled (3 second recycles or a turnover to the defence).



Teacher could show players how to set up demonstrations when acting as a coach. Give
out 5 minute coaching tasks for next week (see topics under Key factors coaching groups
of 3 or 4 players)
Providing demonstrations:
1. Position the demonstration so that all can see and hear and are not distracted (by
other players, the sun, etc).
2. Gain the players attention before starting and focus their attention one 1 or 2 specific
coaching points (e.g. look at the position of the hands).
3. Show the action required and repeat it several times, if necessary separating out
specific elements, showing them in slow motion and showing it from different angles,
always finish with the full speed action.
4. Invite and answer questions, check for understanding and give performers time to practice.

Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers
Physical competency

Key factors

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

See lesson support page:

Diagram of continuous game
Demonstration skills
See video link:
Video of a coach setting up a

Technical / tactical

Physical / mental

Raise body
Dynamic stretching
Skill development

Perform stretches
properly and safely

Warm up
Cool down
Prepare mentally
for game

Weight of pass
Length of pass
Attack the spaces
Fix defenders
Sell dummy passes
when appropriate

Match the technical

skill to the tactical
Scanning and
making decisions
based on information

Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
skill acquisition
Gaining in physical
fitness as a player

Coaching topic
1. Tagging
2. Lateral pass
3. Manipulating
4. Picking up a ball
5. Fixing an opponent
6. Ladder activity
7. Evasive skill

2 key factors for

each Development
Area to be coached
by the players

Coaching process
Setting up a
Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
the acquisition of
coaching skills

Ask questions about the fitness requirements for continuous tag and what happens to skills when fatigue sets in?
Check on understanding of how a coach provides demonstrations i.e. Position so all can see and hear, gain the players attention,
repeat several times, check for understanding.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union


Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Warming up in pairs, jogging and
using the ball.
Lateral passing, looping, rolling a ball
for partner to pick up etc.

Fix defender, create time and space
for the receiver who whenever
possible comes into the ball at
top pace.

Development area
Use the development area to
demonstrate to whole group, how
as a coach you would set up a

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 7

Tag Group
Lesson 8

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Demonstrate the knowledge and principles of warm up
Help players explore the basic principles of coaching
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:


Rotate referees so that each referee has the opportunity to
referee the game of Tag rugby for 5 minutes max (3 different
referees to be used during the lesson
Referee to think about his/her positioning to get best possible
view of play

Warm up for tag

Play a game, where players utilise principles of attack
go forwards and support
Understanding of width and depth in a 2v1 situation
Players to set up demonstrations of rugby techniques as coaches
Apply APES principles: Active, Purposeful, Enjoyable and Safe


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Players again work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help raise
the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical activity
(jogging, ball work, ladder work etc.). Introduce ball work/skills into the warm up.
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.


Play 3v3 games with nominated referee. This maximises both how may touches of the ball an
individual gets together with a large number of decisions being made by each player.
Groups of 3 and 4 to be called into Development Area to deliver their coaching tasks on setting
up a demonstration, whilst the other half carry on playing 3v3.



Teacher to watch approximately half the group deliver on how to set up a demonstration utilising
the technical tasks they were given last week.
Other half of the group to show how to set up a demonstration in next weeks lesson.
Teacher to give feedback on demonstration skills to individuals.

Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers

Key factors

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 tag belt per player
See lesson support:
Diagram of game
See video support link:
Games of 3v3
Setting up a demonstration

Technical / tactical

Physical / mental

Raise body temperature

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Show different dynamic

stretches that work on
major muscle groups

Knowledgeable of why
and how to warm up the

Attack the spaces

Evade or Fix defenders
Sell dummy passes
when appropriate

Perform the basic

technical rugby skills
of evasion, passing,
catching and supporting

Able to transfer physical

competency into sportspecific activities
Scanning and making
decisions based on

-- Position so all can
see and hear. Gain
players attention.
Focus on 1 or 2 key
Repeat several times
Check for

Depends on techniques/
skills being coached

Coaching process skills

Setting up a
Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through the
acquisition of coaching

Observe the nominated coaches to see if they are setting up demonstrations properly. Give feedback on coaching skills planning,
organisation, communication and delivery. Help consolidate players knowledge of warm up and cool down.
Remind players who will act as coaches next week. Check that they remember their tasks.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union


Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Raise body temperature and mental
Dynamic stretch.

A 3v3 game will maximise the number
of times a player will touch
the ball.
90% of skill acquisition is repetition
of a technique performed under

Development area
Use the development area to watch
players coach a technique by first of
all setting up a demonstration.
Provides feedback on:
APES principles

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 8

Rugby Group
Lesson 8

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Demonstrate the knowledge and principles of warm up
Help players explore the basic principles of coaching
Set up a demonstration as a coach
Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:


Rotate referees so that each referee has the opportunity to
referee a game of rugby for 5 minutes max (3 different referees
to be used during the lesson
Referee to think about his/her positioning to get best possible
view of play

Warm up for contact

Play a game, where players utilise principles of attack go
forwards and support
Players to set up demonstrations of rugby techniques as
Apply APES principles: Active, Purposeful, Enjoyable and Safe


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Partner warm ups as last week, followed by further activities to prepare for contact rugby e.g.
whilst on knees, face partner and on the command of wrestle, try to pin your partners shoulders
to the ground.




Play 3v3 games with nominated referee. This maximises both how may touches of the ball an
individual gets together with a large number of decisions being made by each player.
Groups of 3 and 4 to be called into Development Area to deliver their coaching tasks on setting
up a demonstration, whilst the other half carry on playing 3v3.

Teacher to watch approximately half the group deliver on how to set up a demonstration utilising
the technical tasks they were given last week.
Other half of the group to show how to set up a demonstration in next weeks lesson.
Teacher to give feedback on demonstration skills to individuals.

Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers

Key factors
Raise body temp
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch
Get body ready
for contact

See video link:

Technical / tactical

Games of 3v3
Setting up a demonstration

Physical / mental
Reflecting correctly
on performance
Able to transfer
Physical competency
into sport-specific

Pass to attack spaces

Show determination to score
Keep working hard to
recycle yourself into
a position to receive a
pass again
As a defender work hard to
stop them

Perform the basic

technical rugby skills
of evasion, passing,
catching and supporting

Endurance, Speed
Hand and eye
Rules of the game
Confident when
active and showing a
commitment to improve

Depends on techniques/
skills being coached

-- Position so all can see
and hear. Gain players
attention. Focus on 1 or 2
key factors
Repeat several times
Check for understanding

Coaching process skills

Setting up a
Gaining in both
competence and
confidence through
the acquisition of
coaching skills

Observe the nominated coaches to see if they are setting up demonstrations properly. Give feedback on coaching skills planning,
organisation, communication and delivery.
Remind players who will act as coaches next week. Check that they remember their tasks.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

See lesson support page:

Diagram of game

Show different dynamic

stretches that work on
major muscle groups

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones
1 shield per 2 players,
if possible

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Warm up ready for contact.
Contact with ground, contact with

A 3v3 game will maximise the number
of times a player will touch
the ball.
90% of skill acquisition is repetition
of a technique performed under

Development area
Use the development area to watch
players coach a technique by first of
all setting up a demonstration.
Provides feedback on:
APES principles

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 8

Tag Group
Lesson 9

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Help players explore the basic principles of coaching
Help players to discover the art of refereeing


Law: Full TAG laws (See support pages)
Referee: Positioning to be able to see widest part of the
playing area

Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Play the game of tag 3v3
Match the technical skills to the tactical decisions
Utilise principles of attack go forwards and support
Players to coach peers in basic skill development
Referee the game of tag
Apply APES principles: Active, Purposeful, Enjoyable and Safe


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Players again work in pairs and warm up by taking it in turns to find short activities to help raise
the body temperature and some dynamic stretches to mobilise the joints for physical activity
(jogging, ball work, ladder work etc.). Introduce ball work/skills into the warm up.
Stop at regular intervals for some stretching.


Play 3v3 games with nominated referee. This maximises both how may touches of the ball an
individual gets together with a large number of decisions being made by each player.
Groups of 3 and 4 to be called into Development Area to deliver their coaching tasks on setting
up a demonstration, whilst the other half carry on playing 3v3.


Key factors

Teacher to watch the second half of the group deliver on how to set up a demonstration utilising
the technical tasks they were given last week.
Teacher to give feedback on demonstration skills to individuals.

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers
Defensive principles
Deny space

50 cones
1 tag belt per player
See lesson support:
Warm up in pairs using a ball,
plus dynamic stretching
Setting up a demonstration
Assessment sheet
See video link:
Tag Game 3v3

Physical / mental

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Show dynamic
stretches that work on
major muscle groups

Reflecting on individual
warm up routines

Principles of attack
Principles of defence
Principles of support

Handling Evading
Supporting skills
Recognise and utilise
own teams strengths
opponents deficiencies

Able to transfer physical

competency into sportspecific activities.

-- Position so all can
see and hear. Gain
players attention.
Focus on 1 or 2
key factors

This will depend on the

tasks being delivered by
the coaches

Coaching process skills

being developed

Give feedback to coaches on how they up demonstrations. Check that players understand how to cool down safely and ask each individual to
perform their personal routine for cooling down. Give out coaching tasks to the players who will have the opportunity to coach their peers
during the next lesson. Complete assessment sheet on, Teaching Invasion Games through Rugby Union (see lesson support page(s).

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

1 rugby ball per person if

possible or 1 ball between 2

Technical / tactical

Repeat several times

Check for


Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Raise body temperature and mental
Dynamic stretch.

A 3v3 game will maximise the number
of times a player will touch
the ball.
90% of skill acquisition is repetition
of a technique performed under

Development area
Use the development area to watch
players coach a technique by fist of all
setting up a demonstration.
Provides feedback on:
APES principles

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 9

Rugby Group
Lesson 9

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Help players explore the basic principles of coaching
Help players to discover the art of refereeing
Rugby Union
Objectives of lesson:

Play the game of 3v3

Match the technical skills to the tactical decisions
Utilise principles of attack go forwards and support
Players to coach peers in basic skill development
Referee the game of tag
Apply APES principles: Active, Purposeful, Enjoyable and Safe

3v3 Laws of the tackle:-- Player must be held, brought to the ground
-- 5 tackles then turnover ball (see lesson support pages)
-- Tackled players may off-load immediately or place the ball on
the ground. Support player should play the ball/pass from the
ground. The defence may compete for the ball at the tackle


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Raising body temperature jogging plus some dynamic stretching.

In groups of 7 players, 1 nominated player tries to drive the others out of a circle
(4m diameter) How many can he get out of the grid in 30 seconds.
Change the player who is driving and repeat. See support pages.




Play 3v3 games with nominated referee. This maximises both how may touches of the ball
an individual gets together with a large number of decisions being made by each player.
Groups of 3 and 4 to be called into Development Area to deliver their coaching tasks on
setting up a demonstration, whilst the other half carry on playing 3v3.

Key factors

Physical / mental

Show dynamic
stretches that work
on major muscle
Good driving
position, i.e. flat back
and head up

Reflecting correctly
on performance
Able to transfer
physical competency
into sport-specific

Principles of attack
Principles of defence
Principles of support

Handling Evading
Supporting skills
tackling - Recognise
and utilise own
teams strengths

Attitude, developing
the psychological
implications of good
strong tackles

This will depend

on the tasks being
delivered by the

Coaching process
skills being

Teacher to watch the second half of the group deliver on how to set up a demonstration
utilising the technical tasks they were given last week.
Teacher to give feedback on demonstration skills to individuals.
Demonstration: Position so all can see and hear. Gain players attention. Focus on 1 or 2
key factors. Repeat several times. Check for understanding.


Give feedback to coaches on, demonstration, planning, organisation, control and the APES principles.
Complete assessment sheet: Teaching Invasion Games through Rugby Union (see lesson support page(s).

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Technical / tactical

See lesson support page:

3v3 diagram
Driving activities
Assessment sheet
APES principles
See video link:
Conditioned game to
promote maximum tackling
Driving activity

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch
Prepare for a contact


Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

APES principles

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Driving technique Head up, flat back,
hips below shoulders, pump legs.

A 3v3 game will maximise the number
of times a player will touch
the ball.
90% of skill acquisition is repetition
of a technique performed under

Development area
Use the development area to watch
players coach a technique by fist of all
setting up a demonstration.
Provides feedback on:
APES principles

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 9

Tag Group
Lesson 10

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Apply the principles of warm up and cool down
Organise themselves as a team to attack and defend and play
in different positions
Select and use a range of tactics and strategies and apply
them successfully
Apply the principles of attack, principles of defence
Principles of support



Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers
Defensive principles
Deny space

Full TAG laws (See support pages)

Full tag game, 7v7

Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:
Play the full game of tag
Match the technical skills to the tactical decisions
Referee the game of tag


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Work in pairs for warm up routines with key elements being, raising their body temperature,
raising mental arousal, increasing range of movement around joints, in order to help
prevent injury.
Teacher to observe individual warm up routines and question individuals to check for
understanding of warm up and cool down principles.


Play tag game with the try lines on the longest sides of the working area. Let the players
organise themselves as a team to attack and defend and also allow them to play in
different positions.


Teacher to observe the game and complete assessments.


Give feedback to whole group on the team performances.

Cool down individually on the way back to the changing rooms.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Key factors

Raise body temp

Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Principles of attack
Principles of defence
Principles of support

Teacher observations
for assessment

Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

See lesson support:

Assessment sheet
See video link:
Examples of:-- Principles of attack
-- Principles of defence
-- Principles of support

Physical / mental

Full body warm up,

preparing to play a
game of tag rugby
Catch and pass

Handling, evading,
supporting skills
Recognise and utilise
own teams strengths
and opponents
Teacher observations
for assessment

Reflecting on individual
warm up routines
Am I prepared both
physically and mentally
for this game?

Able to transfer physical

competency into sportspecific activities

Teacher observations
for assessment

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
Raise body temperature and mental
Dynamic stretch.

Tag game where the players organise
themselves as a team to attack and
defend and play in different positions.
Select and use a range of tactics
and strategies and apply them

Development area
Observe the game and complete
assessment sheets.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Tag Group
Lesson 10

Rugby Group
Lesson 10

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

National Curriculum
Objectives of lesson:
Apply the principles of warm up and cool down
Organise themselves as a team to attack and defend and play
in different positions
Select and use a range of tactics and strategies and apply
them successfully
Apply the principles of attack, principles of defence
principles of support
Tag Rugby
Objectives of lesson:


Full contact game, 7v7
-- Tackle
-- Offside
-- Forward pass
-- Knock on
-- Obstruction
-- Defence retire 1m from place of free pass
-- Free pass given for all infringements including ball going
outside the field of play

Play the full game of tag

Match the technical skills to the tactical decisions
Referee the game of tag


Description and set-up

Warm up /
cool down

Continue with individuals performing their own warm up routines with key elements being,
raising their body temperature, raising mental arousal, increasing range of movement around
joints, in order to help prevent injury.
Teacher to observe individual warm up routines and question individuals to check for
understanding of warm up and cool down principles.


Play the full game with tackling, with players being encouraged to tackle below the waist.
1 point to be awarded to each defender who tackles below the waist.
Players should also be rewarded for trying to keep the ball alive so award 1 point every time
a player manages to pass the ball out of a contact situation i.e. keep the ball alive rather than
take the tackles.


Teacher to observe the game and complete assessments teacher observations.


Give feedback to whole group on the team performances.

Cool down individually on the way back to the changing rooms.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Key factors

Warm up
Cool down
Turnover ball
Lateral pass
Dummy pass
Attacking alignment
Manipulate attackers
Defensive principles
Deny space

Technical / tactical

1 rugby ball per person if
possible or 1 ball between
2 pupils
50 cones

See lesson support:

Key factors for tackling
See video link:

Game, showing how to

keep the ball alive even in
a contact game

Physical / mental

Raise body
Raise mental arousal
Dynamic stretch

Full body warm up,

preparing to play a
game of tag rugby
Catch and pass

Reflecting on
individual warm up
routines correctly
Am I prepared
both physically and
mentally for this

Body/ head position

-- Feet position
-- Shoulder contact
-- Lock arms/hold on
-- Drive with legs
-- Land on top
-- Get up quickly
-- Win a turnover

For technical/safety
aspects of tackling,
please see lesson
support pages
Keep ball alive,
especially if you
draw two defenders
to you

Attitude, developing
the psychological
implications of good
strong tackles

observations for

observations for

observations for

Rugby Football Unions School Curriculum

For year 8 Invasion Games

Warm up
As previous lesson.

Play the full game with tackling where
players are encouraged to tackle
below the waist.
1 point to be awarded to each
defender who tackles below the waist.
Players should also be rewarded for
trying to keep the ball alive so award 1
point every time a player manages to
pass the ball out of a contact situation
i.e. keep the ball alive rather than take
the tackles.

Development area
Observe the game and complete
assessment sheets.

Copyright Rugby Football Union, all rights reserved. Published in 2011 by Rugby Football Development Ltd. For more information go to &
The England rose is an official registered trade mark of the Rugby Football Union

Rugby Group
Lesson 10

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