Dialogue Between A Christian and An Infidel

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Dialogue Between a Christian and an Infidel

(Enter book agent.) " Good-day, madame, I would like to show you an interesting work?"
"What is it, sir?"
"A work showing the errors of the Bible, as arranged carefully by our most advanced scientists
and free-thinkers."
" Sir, I have no use for such a work ; the Bible is the book for me."
"Madame, I can show you that the Bible is of no use in this age of progress. You cannot show me
any benefit to humanity in the whole volume of errors and inconsistencies."
"Sir, I can take one sentence and prove to you that it contains a commandment to all the human
race, a rule that would benefit the whole earth."
(Agent, sneering) " I'd like to know what it is."
"'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself/ If you refuse
the first part as a commandment to yourself, the last five words are enough to guide the whole
world to dwell in order and harmony. If these words were lived up to, there would be no wrong
done by one to another, consequently no crime or sorrow."
"That's all right, that's Bob Ingersoll's doctrine.'*
"Sir, I would not set Bob Ingersoll before his Creator, nor give him the credit of that command; if
he uses it he is only a plagiarist; God is the author of those words."
" Never mind, what use is your Bible anyway ? The Christians are a small part of the world;
millions get along without it.
" Yes, the heathen ; who would wish to dwell among them?"
" Oh, I'd just as soon live among them as with the Christians!"
"Well, sir, I think that would be the proper place for all infidels to go to ; they would soon be
"I guess I'll stay among civilization; and I'll ask you to show, madame, any noted infidel that was
ever guilty of crime."
"Sir, infidelity is the greatest of all crimes to deny your Creator."

" I don't acknowledge any creator."

"Who sent you here upon earth?"
"Oh, I just happened here by process of evolution! "
"Indeed! A Darwin theory. Well, I'd rather claim descent from a heavenly Parent than from a
"Well, madame, I don't believe in a God anyway."
"Neither did Saul, until he was struck by lightning, but he found out the truth then."
" I don't know about that ; we have no proof of such statement; why, madame, the New
Testament was not written till three hundred years after the death of Christ, and then all those
things might have been exaggerated."
" Sir, the apostles did not live to be three hundred years old, and Josephus, a Jewish hist

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