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Lau #12

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Why games as a strategy?

In order for children to learn, they must be motivated to do so. Learning through games is an
enjoyable and interactive process for students and allows them to be more engaged with
their peers. This helps foster a creative and social learning environment for both general
education and special education students. Children with disabilities often struggle with social
skills and using games as a strategy to teach can make the classroom more inclusive and
enhance the enjoyment of learning as well as increase their awareness of how to act socially.
A general characteristic of children with disabilities is their short attention span and
unresponsiveness to what is happening in the classroom. Using games as a strategy can help
spark their interest in the classroom and benefit their learning. A little competition during
sports games can help a child with disabilities with their self-esteem and the use of real life
simulation games can help a student with disabilities adapt to real life situations and
eventually facilitate their transition from the classroom to the workforce.

Who can benefit from games?

Using games as a teaching strategy can benefit everyone. From general education children to
adults with special needs. Any regular preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high
school student can benefit from learning via games. People with special needs that range
from physical disability, intellectual disability, hearing impairment to visual impairment,
autism and emotional difficulties can all benefit from this learning strategy. There are
different games suited for students with different types of disabilities.


What types of games can you use?

zen, A. (2015). Effectiveness of Siblings-
Delivered iPad Game Activities in
Teaching Social Interaction Skills to

As long as the child is having fun, any game can be used

as an educational tool to enhance the learning of the
student. Video games, board games, computer games,
games on an ipad, hide and seek, spelling games,
movement games, made up games, listening games and
any other leisure/fun activities can help a child with
disabilities be more comfortable in an inclusive
classroom. For many children with disabilities, social
interaction and lack of social skills is a major area of
concern and the main reason why games is such an
effective strategy is because it allows the child to be
engaged with his/her peers. Studies have shown that
sports games are especially effective for children with
autism. A child with ASD often feels marginalized and
lonely, and sports games can help the child increase the
likelihood of developing friendships and learn social
skills of how to play games in the playground or in the


Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

ESTP Educational Sciences: Theory &
Practice, 15(5).

Have students stand in a circle

Randel, J. M., Morris, B. A., Wetzel, C. D.,

One person says a word and the next person

thinks of a word that rhymes with the original

& Whitehill, B. V. (1992). The

Effectiveness of Games for Educational
Purposes: A Review of Recent Research.
Simulation & Gaming, 23(3), 261-276.
Saridaki, M., & Mourlas, C. (2011).
Incorporating Serious Games in the
Classroom of Students with Intellectual
Disabilities and the Role of the Educator.

Rhyming game:

Keep going around the circle until no one can

think of a word that rhymes with the original
Start the game again with another word
The rhyming game helps students with disabilities to
have fun, be included with their classmates and share a
fun experience, which can enhance their social skills.

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