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Laurel Cummins #6

Immediate Feedback
What is it?
Immediate feedback is exactly what it sounds like-feedback that is given immediately to
address academic performance or behavior. Immediate feedback is not inherently negative, it
is used to enforce positive academic or behavior trends or discourage or redirect problems.
Immediate feedback removes the delay between student action and teacher reaction (to a
behavior or academic task).

Who Benefits?
All Students can benefit from
immediate feedback! Eliminating
time between cause and effect
of student action can benefit all
students, as it allows for
immediate reassessment of a

Some Specifics:
Immediate feedback is particularly beneficial for students who struggle with multi-step
directions, as it allows them to receive feedback at each step of a process.
Additionally, students with emotional disturbances have been shown to benefit greatly from
positive immediate feedback. The feedback boosts student self-esteem, and the conscious
effort by teachers to provide this positive feedback has the added effect of focusing teachers
on the positive attributes of these students, who often are assigned negative labels.

In the Classroom: Pair Assessment with Technology

Technology allows for students to receive immediate feedback while being
assessed, which allows for real time correction and self evaluation for both the students
and the teacher. .
Classroom response systems (clickers):
Students use handheld remotes to respond to
multiple choice questions shown on a computer or
projector. Software collects responses for the
teacher to view, allowing the teacher to make
immediate instructional choices based on student

Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF AT):

For a more low-tech immediate feedback

try the IF AT. The IF AT combines the

traditional scantron

format with a scratch off.

Scratching off the correct answer reveals a star, while

incorrect answers are blank. With each incorrect answer,
students can reevaluate their response based on the
remaining information.




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