Positive Notes Gail Conrad

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How to build your Positive Notes:

Use a printed template or any
construction paper to make
notes (student can appreciate
details) See Example below.

Write the student name & date.


Write the good deed the student


Positive notes are a class wide

management system to provide additional
structure, support for student success, to
improve school climate, reduce
exclusionary discipline, where other
intervention methods have failed.
This system of teacher monitoring of
student progress and feedback regarding
behavior can be regular and
nonthreatening dialogue between teacher
and students.
These notes can be tailored to target
behaviors and expectations of students
based on teacher preferences, and its
class wide implementation eliminates the
singling out of students who required
more intensive monitoring.

Which students benefit from positive
All students

Students with Learning Disabilities


Students with emotional and

behavioral disabilities (E/BD).

Other Health Impairments (OHI).


Any inclusive class (504 and IEP


. (2011). Accelerating struggling students

Finnan, C. & Kombe, D.
learning through identity redevelopment. Middle School
Journal,, 42(4), 4-12.

Murphy, S. & Korinek, L.(2009). Itss in the cards: A Classwide

management system to promote student success. Vol. 44. 5(300306).
Swain-Bradway, J. Pinkney, C. & Flannery, K. B. (2015). Teaching
exceptional children. implementing schoolwide positive behavior
interventions & supports in High Schools.
Wheatley, R.K., West,
R.P., Charlton, C.T., Sanders, R. B., Smith, T.
G. & Taylor, M.J. (2009. Improving behavior through differential
reinforcement: A praise not system for elementary school
students. 32(4), 551-571.

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