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The Sword's and Voids Paradox

*Authors Note
Hello everyone, this is the first chapter of my very first fanfic novel and this is done inside
the faculty room due to a very long break before the start of my class. Just like every work,
starting it will be the hardest and always the first chapter brings a lot of expression that
will make the user to either pursue or drop it.
I am too nervous in uploading this one but my expression overcomes my fears. In this
chapter, just like the typical summoning of the Familiar of Zero and just like a typical
crossover fanfic that something went wrong. Without any delays, enjoy everyone
Chapter 1 The Summoning??
Tristain Academy, Halkeginia The Day of Summoning
Louise POV
During the summoning, most of the students successfully summoned their respective familiars.
As a result, Guiche summoned a large mole, Montmorency summoned a toad, Tabitha
summoned a BLUE DRAGON and that damned Zerbst just summoned a fire salamander.
Was everyone done? Professor Colbert asked as he looked around the courtyard.
Louise the Zero hasnt done yet sir. Kirche pointed me out.
Professor Colbert came to me and said, Alright, if you would Ms. Valliere.
All of my classmates encircled to me as I get myself ready for the summoning ritual. By the look
of their faces, it is obviously that they are wondering if I will even summon a familiar or it will
just result into explosion making it a failure.
I mustered all the courage, strength and my willpower to do this then I just start casting the spell.
My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe My divine, beautiful, wise and
powerful servant Heed my call I wish from the very bottom of my heart Add to my
guidance and appear before me!
An explosion larger than usual and everything went dark.
Others POV
Just as expected, another explosion by Louise the Zero! a student yelled out of nowhere.

As the smoke begins to clear out of the way, no one is left to be seen inside it. No shadow or
shadows present to be seen making Professor Colbert to become worry of the situation. He ran
towards the clearing smoke and found nothing (except the damage done by the explosion). He
starts gazing towards his surroundings and instructing his students to find Louise thinking that
she might have just been thrown away by explosion. Unfortunately for him, no one found Louise
or her body in the courtyard.
Emiya Residence, Fuyuki City, Japan 2 Days before the Holy Grail War
Shirou POV
At the end of my last part time job of the day, I went straight ahead on my house. Sakura went
home early today making me the only one in charge of the cooking for our dinner. Fuji-nee must
be ferociously hungry roaring like a tiger right now. Just a few steps away from the door of my
house, a green light appeared in front of me and all of a sudden a girl with pink hair came out of
it. I stuttered for a bit first but it came to my mind fast that I must help this girl no matter what.
What the heck is going on here?
Phew. My first chapter took most of my brain cells to withered like a fresh leaf in an instant. I
am open for BETA Readers and Editors to make this story more interesting because the same
person can't easily determine his/her mistake. As I said before that I also need more comments
to improve myself well enough so since this is my first, I think that this will do for now. Well a
cliffhanger will always make everyone curious what will happen on the next chapters.
"You can also do magic!?" - Louise
A mere bowman who thinks hes a swordsman - Lancer
"I ask you... Are you my master?" - Saber

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