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Sustainable living
Asian connection

General Capabilities: Language Literature and Literacy

Personal and Social

Reading Reading books to my
children and having my children
read books to me (either reading
the words or reading the
I have read to my children since
birth and have used this time to
read a range of different things
depending on childs interest,
age and what is happening
around us e.g. Christmas stories
at Christmas time. I also used
reading time as a learning tool
(ACELA1429 & ACEKA1440)), I
read books with numbers,
colours, alphabet and factual
information to inform my
children of different facts and we
then had a discussion about
what we read (ACELA1428).
This allowed them to link the
information back to themselves
and to explore their
understanding verbally through
me. I found that my children
then discussed the topic to
others whenever they had a

Ethical / Intercultural
Being of English
background and born in
Australia, most of the
standard stories we read
are based around English
or Australian culture but
living in the NT my
children have brought
library books and readers
home that are multicultural and this evokes a
different form of
conversation as they find
it more difficult to relate to
themselves (ACELA1428).
For them to gain an
understanding that their
way of life is not the only
way and understanding
that there is no right or
wrong when it comes to
culture is a slow and
meaningful process. I
have used stories to share
some of the Indigenous
culture around the land
through the dream time
stories and during our

Critical and Creative

When reading books based on
different topics and the conversation
that is generated I found that my
children then relate their ideas to
themselves and are very literal. My
daughter is very creative and likes
to create her own version of stories
we have read using our own family
as characters. She writes, draws,
acts out and designs and creates
different craft items reflecting on the
topic at hand. This process covers
engagement (in the reading and
questioning) Evaluation (confirming
ideas and cementing knowledge)
and Project Design (planning and
creating the desired product). All
three areas allow for reflection and
evaluation of their own thoughts
which can then ultimately change
the final outcome. (ACELT1580)

chance as they felt confident of

their own interpretation of what
we had read (ACELT1783).
As they discussed their ideas
with others I could see their
point of view and their
understanding changing as they
took in the information being
given to them and other
peoples points of view.

travels to Thailand and

Malaysia I have
incorporated Asian culture
through books and
brochures and then relate
to life
& (ACELT1579)

Foundation Year Achievement Standard

I have indicated in BLUE the Achievement Standards that have been covered from the actions performed in the above table
Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)
By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They
recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these
can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience.
They read short, decodable and predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their
developing knowledge of concepts of print, sounds and letters and decoding and self-monitoring strategies. They recognise
the letters of the English alphabet, in upper and lower case and know and use the most common sounds represented by most
letters. They read high-frequency words and blend sounds orally to read consonant-vowel-consonant words. They use
appropriate interaction skills to listen and respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns
and sounds in words.
Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about
familiar texts, objects, characters and events.

In informal group and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and
known adults. They identify and use rhyme, and orally blend and segment sounds in words. When writing, students use
familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of letter and sound knowledge,
beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upper- and
lower-case letters.

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