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Appendix Conditions

Appendicitis: For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected,
and can rupture. This causes severe pain in the right lower part of the belly, along with
nausea and vomiting.

Tumors of the appendix: Carcinoid tumors secrete chemicals that cause periodic
flushing, wheezing, and diarrhea. Epithelial tumors are growths in the appendix that
can be benign or cancerous. Appendix tumors are rare.

Appendix Tests

Medical examination: The original test for appendicitis, a simple examination of the
belly remains important in making the diagnosis. Changes in the abdominal exam
help doctors tell if appendicitis is progressing, as well.

CT scan (computed tomography): A CT scanner uses X-rays and a computer to create

detailed images. In appendicitis, CT scans can show the inflamed appendix, and
whether it has ruptured.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound uses sound waves to detect signs of appendicitis, such as a

swollen appendix.

Complete blood count (CBC): An increased number of white blood cells -- a sign of
infection and inflammation -- are often seen on blood tests during appendicitis.

Other imaging tests: When a rare tumor of the appendix is suspected, imaging exams
may locate it. These include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission
tomography (PET), and CT scans.

Appendix Treatment

Appendectomy: Surgery is the only treatment for appendicitis. The doctor may use the
traditional technique (one large cut) or laparoscopy (several small cuts and using a
camera to see inside). Surgery is also needed to remove tumors of the appendix. If the
tumor is large, it may require more aggressive surgery with removal of part of the

Antibiotics: While the diagnosis is in question, antibiotics treat any potential infection
that might be causing the symptoms. In general, antibiotics alone cannot effectively
treat appendicitis.

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