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I Am From

Alicia Sullivan
I am from a small town I am from music
A place where everyone knows Carefully listening to the lyrics,
each others names,
where the only sound you hear at taking me into a different world,
night is a feeling of peace until it is taken
crickets chirping. away from reality.
Stars lighting up the night sky
         I am from dogs
 I am from happiness Cheering up when one passes my
Friends laughing and giggling in path,
my ear, the soft touch of their fur,
wise cracking jokes, the innocence in their eyes.
funny faces that make me laugh.     
               I am from success
 I am from the outdoors Having to do well in school,
Roasting marshmallows on a open trying my best to improve,
fire, hoping for a great future.
floating down the James,
the feeling that all harm has     I am from my room
passed away. My place to escape,
the quietness so I can think,
    I am from friends where I can talk and laugh on the
People i can depend on, phone.
telling secrets I pray they keep,   
people that make me feel better   I am from cell phones
when I am down. Always in touch with friends and
   I am from family hearing my laughter burst through
The joy of holiday stories, the walls,
people who would do anything for the joy of socializing and having a
me, blast.
getting all the support in the

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