Abernathy 1

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Abernathy 1

Destiny Abernathy
English IV Honors
28 April 2016
Real World Experience Narrative Writing
Before I started the Senior Digital Exploration in February I believed that it was going to
be difficult and that I would struggle with it. I was having trouble choosing a topic because I was
so worried that I would not be able to expand from it. February came and I chose to complete my
research on tattoos and body piercings. I learned many different things including, but not limited
to, the history of tattoos and piercings, bloodborne pathogens, the procedure for cleaning and
disposing machines and needles, and more. I also learned that Hepatitis B (HBV) and the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are the two main diseases addressed by the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. After contacting a variety of
tattoo and piercing shops and being denied multiple times, I finally found a tattoo shop that was
willing to let me shadow with them. I spent eight hours working at Pitbull Tattoo Clinic in March
to complete my service portion of this project.
After realizing that this project was self-influenced I indulged myself in a feeling of pride
to complete this project and graduate high school proudly. First, I had researched bloodborne
pathogens in tattoos and piercings. There was an abundance of information to find about
pathogens in body modifications in books and the internet. I also had to research the history of
body modifications and how they affect the world today. I worked hard to complete my
annotated bibliographies and research papers and got them finished when they were due.

Abernathy 2

When I had called different tattoo and piercing shops, I was rejected for shadowing a few
times. It seemed as if no one was interested in volunteering time. Yet, I had called Pitbull Tattoo
Clinic and a man named Jeff had told me to come in and talk about the service because it might
be possible. On March 12 I went to the shop with my mother because she needed to get a
previous tattoo filled in anyways. I was apprehensive at first , but I kept my head held high to
show that I was serious about this project. Jeff had told me that he generally would not let the
volunteer work happen, but that I would be an exception. He had said that although he could not
teach me the secrets of tattooing he could teach me the proper procedures for cleaning. We
scheduled for me to go into the shop the next day on March 13.
At 10 a.m. I had arrived sat Pitbull Tattoo Clinic. I came up with a list of questions to ask
and I ended up creating more questions throughout the work-day. At first, I asked all my
questions and looked intently around the shop. Then, I started to shadow all of the tattoo artists
while they were working. I had spent a few hours observing clients and their tattoo choices. The
employees had different styles of tattooing and I thought it was significant. The shop was familyorientated and they all worked together nicely. I was able to help and observe the process of
cleaning the tattoo machines and I also learned about the autoclave and how it works. I ended the
day at 6 in the afternoon. This experience had helped me learn about things that I had never
known before.
I spent eight hours working at Pitbull Tattoo Clinic in March to complete my service
portion of this project. It was a magnificent experience that I had the chance to be involved in. If
I were not a part of the Senior Digital Exploration project then I would never have had the
chance to volunteer at a tattoo shop. This day has permanently impacted my view and knowledge
on tattoos, piercings, and all body modifications in general.

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