Wassalamu'alaikum WR - WB

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Assalamualaikum wr.

- the honorable to mr. mujazin
as ....... of director PESMA KH MAS
-first of all lets pray and thanks to
our God Allah SWT who has given
us mercies and blessing, so we can
attend and gether here in good
condition and happy situation

-the honorable to Missis.

Muammaroh as the directure of
PESMA KH. Mas Mansyur
- the honorable to Azam Amrullah
as the president of International
Student Organization. And the
audience beloved by Allah
-secondly, may peace and
solutation to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us
from the darkness to brightness.
Thirdly, we are Master of ceremony,
we are going to bring the agenda
today :

The first is opening

The third is speech by some
The next agenda is symbolist

The second is tilawah Al Quran

The fourth is session agenda
The last is closing.

The second agenda is tilawah AlQuran by ... time is yours

The first speaker is Mr Amnaduny
Akhara as the chief of commite
Musyker, to mr Adun.. time is yours
The third speaker is Mrs.
Muammaroh as the directure of
PESMA KH Mas Mansyur, to mrs.
Muamamaroh time is yours..
We are master of ceremony, we
apologize that we have many
mistake in our speech, and
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Before we start our agenda, lets

say basmallah together

The next agenda is speech by some

The second speaker is Mr. Azam
Amrulloh as the directure of ISO, to
mr Azam ..time is yours

The last agenda is closing,

before we close our agenda today
lets say hamdallah together

The next agenda is conference, to

mr. Farid and friends please come
forward to guide this session

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