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Kylie Chacon
Mallory Potthof
Randi Johnson

Social Studies
Irish Immigration - Day 1

Social Studies:
Strand 2: World History
Concept 1: Research Skills for History
PO 3. Describe the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Strand 6: Economics
Concept 1: Foundations of Economics
PO 1. Identify the opportunity costs (i.e., separation from family, indentured service) associated with expeditions
to the New World.
English Language Arts:
Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. (5.RI.3)
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to show their understanding of primary sources through discovery learning, data based
questions, and a memory box activity while actively participating in classroom discussions by providing facts,
relevant information, and inferring the emotions of Irish Immigrants.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
Students will be attentive to teacher when information is being presented.
Students will actively engage in classroom discussion both small group and whole group.
Students will read and review the primary source that their small group has been given.
Students will read and respond to the DBQs.
Students will think beyond what is written on the page and make inferences on the Irish Immigrants that are

connected to the primary sources.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Students will be show evidence of mastery by being actively engaged in small group and whole group
discussions. As the discussions are being help students must use at least 3 out of the 5 talking chips that will be
given to them Every time a student is engaging in conversation by making a comment or sharing an opinion, one
talking chip will be placed in the middle of the table.
Key vocabulary:
Primary sources
One print-out of each primary source
Irish Immigrant
One print-out of each set of DBQs for each of
the primary sources

Ellis Island
Pencil/ pen

Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
To open this lesson the teacher will review the standard with the students, the standard will be written on the
board in the front of the classroom.
The teacher will then go over the objective, and sub-objectives with the students and make sure they have a good
understanding of what is expected of them during this portion of the lesson.
Teacher Will:
After reviewing the objective and asking the class
what they already know about immigration, the
teacher will move on to the YouTube video posted on
the unit page. After showing the video the teacher
will again ask the students what they know about
immigration, this time asking for how they know
what they do. Then the teacher will explain that
immigrants can be from anywhere and all over the
world. Next the teacher will ask students if they have
known any immigrants personally. After a short
discussion about personal experience, the teacher

Student Will:
Turn their attention to the teacher and participate
in a discussion, answering the questions that the
teacher asks as best as they can. Then the
students will turn their attention to the video and
listen and watch. After the video students will take
part in a discussion about what they know about
their own immigration stories. Then they will listen
to the teacher talk about past immigration and the
hardships that sometimes accompanied families
on their journey.

will move on to talk about past immigrants and

explain that the process was not always fun or easy.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Diferentiation
Supportive co-teaching

Guided Practice

Teacher Will:
Pass out three journey box pictures to everyone in
the group. Then ask students to look at the pictures
and answer the questions on the back on a separate
piece of paper. Giving students 15 minutes to
complete this task, and giving no answers but clues
to what the pictures are about.
After the students have had time to look at the pictures and
observe the people or things in them and answer the questions, the
teacher will ask one person from each group to hold a picture up
and tell the class what they think it is. Then the teacher will
correctly explain all of the pictures, putting them on the board so
everyone can see. Talking about Irish immigrants in specific and
the emotions behind the pictures.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Diferentiation
Supportive co-teaching

Student Will:
Look at the pictures and talk with their group
about what it could possibly be. Then take out
their social studies notebooks and answer the
questions on the back of the cards. The groups will
share with the whole group and explain why they
thought what they did. Then students will listen to
the teacher and see each picture for what it really

Independent Practice

Teacher Will:
Pass out a worksheet that asks students what they
thought was in the picture, vs. what was actually in
the picture. Ask students to use complete sentences
and support why they thought that with facts from
the pictures.

Student Will:
Complete worksheet with complete sentences and
use the primary sources to support their thoughts.
Turn the papers in as an exit ticket.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Diferentiation
Supportive co-teaching

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

Ask students to relate the pictures and sources to real life and what things look like now, what was diferent and
what is similar?

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