Annotated Bib Final

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Beltran 1

Adrian Beltran, Ashley Elrod, Joel Perez, Jordan Scritchfield, Tamara Diaz
Jinnell Killingsworth
April 19, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Caulkins, Jonathan P. Marijuana Legalization : What Everyone Needs To Know. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2012. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 19 Apr. 2016
Caulkins book will be able to assist our intent of clearing up the fog surrounding
marijuana. This source is a book from the Oxford University Press, and it examines all sides of
surrounding the issue of marijuana legalization. The book dispels myths that both sides have,
they also look at the short and long term consequences of legalization. However, they also
discuss the drug war and the effect it has on the world as a whole. This book is written by a
credible source, for Mr.Caulkins has numerous degrees including a Masters in Computer Science
and Systems science, as well a Ph.D. in Operations Research. This professor also teaches at
Carnegie Mellon University. He has awards in health research and political science, Caulkins is
also a part of editorial boards that deal with issues surrounding political science, drug issues, law,
and policy. This source will be useful for our paper for it presents all sides of the story. This will
allow our team to see the other arguments against marijuana, and find a way to rebuttal against
those sentiments.

Beltran 2
Mack, Alison, and Janet Joy. Marijuana as Medicine?: The Science beyond the Controversy.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy, 2001. ProQuest. National Academics Press, Nov.
2000. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
This source is a scholarly book found on ProQuest, talking about all the ways cannabis
could be used medically. It was corroborated by two authors and peers from an accredited
institute. This source was written for the Institute of Medicine, it was also published at the
National Academics Press. It speaks of how harmful marijuana is, and it shows the science that
proves it has helped with many diseases including epilepsy, AIDS, and even cancer. Both writers
of this book are experts on the use of marijuana and the outcomes the drug produces. It also
emphasizes the medical use that cannabis has for the human body. They spent the time and effort
to research and study the effects of cannabis on the body. For this reason, the source will be used
many times because of how much information it gives. Some topics in this book are Pain, AIDS,
Cancer, Muscle Spasticity, Neurological Disorders, Glaucoma, and Legal Issues. These subjects
will help enlighten our audience and will help establish our credibility as well.
McAlister, Shawn, Legislative Interview. Telephone Interview. 2 April. 2016
This source was our legislative interview that was conducted by Joel Perez via phone call
with Shawn McAlister. Shawn McAlister is currently the Executive Director of an influential
marijuana interest group known as DFW NORML. Collectively we believe this was a scholarly
source, for Shawn was familiar with the bill SB 339. He had done prior research and his interest
group was influential in the passing of the bill. During the interview we asked various questions
for example, he was asked what the benefits would be if Texas legalized marijuana for medical
use as well as recreational use, and if Texas as a state was ready for such legislation. The
responses in the full interview provide sufficient information about the bill, how it was passed

Beltran 3
and what it could do to benefit society. This source is highly crucial in the use of our research
paper. This interview is key in our argument, for it is one interest group that Is located here in
North Texas. The ability for our audience to relate with a local Texan will allow us to bridge the
gap. We will definitely refer to this interview, for the information regarding the background of
the bill, and general knowledge of its current and potential benefits.
Heinrich, Janet, and Mary Lynn Mathre. Policy Perspectives: Therapeutic Cannabis. The
American Journal of Nursing 101.4 (2001): 6169. Web.19 April.2016.
This source is an article by Janet Heinrich and Mary Lynn Mathre. Janet is the associate
administrator of the Bureau of Health Professions in the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Mary is a RN, MSN, and
CARN; she is the cofounder of Patients Out of Time. It is a nonprofit organization educating
doctors and the public about medical marijuana. The article talks about having to break the law
to use cannabis for medicinal use. It gives a background on the drug, and where it originated as a
medical remedy. The article explains the positive effects marijuana has with glaucoma patients as
well as it acting as an antioxidant to aid with other diseases. Side effects of the drug are also
explained as well as common arguments against medical and recreational marijuana. This is
source is definitely reliable and scholarly, for they released this article in an accredited journal of
nursing. For the arguments that they provide, and the information that they share, this will allow
us to fully see the benefits of marijuana. We will spear head our arguments with some of this
information, and it will provide a solid case for our claim.
Skidmore, Patricia R. et al.. Marijuana as Medicine. The American Journal of Nursing 98.5
(1998): 2022. Web.20 Apr.2016

Beltran 4
This source provides different point of views, and information needed to understand
where Marijuana has stood in past years. Many researchers have found the health benefits of the
use of medicinal Marijuana, and some have even seen the transformation and help it provides
personally. Each of the authors from the article Marijuana as Medicine provide different
information informing on: personal experiences like two of the researchers saw their own sons
benefiting from this natural medicine, and risking their freedom in order to fight pain, and
suffering with the use of the drug. It also provides information on past studies made to address
and inform about the benefits of cannabis, and how government and leaders in the medical field
have reacted to it. The DEA conducted the most extensive research at that time in 1988 and they
concluded marijuana, in its natural form, it is one of the safest therapeutically active substances
known to man, but instead of releasing this information, they retained it. This made it
inaccessible to people in need of it, and avoiding this natural drug to be regulated and legal at
least for those in need of it. This source lastly informs that marijuana is not only effective
smoked, but also provides the same good effects by being vaporized, used as suppositories,
eaten, used topically, and as extracts. Our team will utilize this information, for it provides
sufficient support for our arguments. It will help convey our message and allow the audience to
understand the benefits of marijuna.

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