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Approved by:.......L.

Enkhtuya, an English teacher of 5th secondary school

Approved by:....L.Enkhbayar, an English teacher of MNUE
Developed by: ..L. Aitolkhyn, student teacher
Lesson plan for 12th grade
Class: 12 a, b, v, g, d
Topic: Tomorrows world
Time/Duration: 40 minutes
Date: 12 October, 2015
Skills/Sub skill: listening, reading, writing and speaking skills
Vocabulary: words related to life in the future
Language focus:
Grammar: will
Language in use: there will be space station vacations in the future. What do you mean? There will be
holidays at space station; In the future, people wont work at all. Robot will do everything.
Visual aids/Materials: LCD projector and printed materials and pictures
Aim of course: Aim of the course is that students should be able to talk about life in the future using
some new words and future tense.

Lesson stages

/ 5min /

/ 15 min /

Teachers activities
Teacher will come to the class and greet the
Teacher will show one picture and ask
students what they are thinking about that
picture. It is picture related to todays topic.
After they describe the picture teacher will
say todays lessons topic.
Teacher will give students printed materials
and tell them to read and match words to
their definitions. After few minutes teacher
will say their names and ask read one by
one. Then teacher will explain some words
in Mongolian.
Teacher will ask, What will life be like in
the future? and say, Talk with your partner
using todays new words and your own
ideas as example. Teacher will show
example sentences and read it.
Teacher will ask to read the introduction of

Students activities
SS will greet and sit
down as three groups.
SS try to describe the
picture using their own
ideas. And SS write
down lessons topic
their notebooks.
SS will read and match
the words to their
definition and read
loudly one by one.
SS will look example
sentences and talk with
their partners as
SS will read the

the interview showing by slide and ask what

it is about. And if necessary teacher explain
some words.
Teacher will ask students to read interview
and fill in the missing questions. Then
teacher will ask to listen and check their
answers. After that will show answers by
Teacher will show two sentences by slide
and ask students to read and ask to
complete the rule. Teacher will ask, When
do we use will?

/ 8 min /

/ 12 min /


Teacher will ask to read the interview again

and underline all the forms of will.
Teacher will show some ads and ask
students to read and make prediction about
the future as example.
Teacher will focus SS attention on the first
picture that teacher used at the start of
lesson and ask to say what Alfred Franks
ideas about life in the future.
Teacher will ask, Will life in the future
better or worse? Teacher will take a vote.
Teacher will tell the students to write ads
imaging yourselves as living in the future
thinking about food, clothes, transports,
houses, etc., and present them to the class
next lesson. And teacher will show example

introduction of the
interview and say what
it is about.
SS will read the
interview and fill in the
missing questions and
listen one more times
and check their
SS will read two
sentences and complete
the rule.
SS will read the
interview again and
underline all the forms
of will.
SS will read ads and
make prediction about
the future as example.
Students will answer
teachers question.
SS will answer.

SS will write ads and

present them to the
class next lesson.

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