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Bank Pennyworth


Nov 30th, 2014

Symbolism of Lord of the Flies

What is brain? A brain is an organ which plays a crucial role for living organisms - coordinating
centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity. It commands to all organ systems work
systematically. What if the brain does not work properly, they can be a huge mess inside the body.
In Lord of the Flies, there is one character who can be found to be like this. Despite his awkward
appearance and asthma, he still has done the job completely. A British boy with rounded glasses is
named Piggy. The symbolism of the brain. He utilises his skills to help others out of trouble. And
solves problems flawlessly and precisely. Piggy is one of vital person whom others can depend on
him. If without him, other people will definitely have no idea what to solve an issue.

First of all, the brains job is to make things are stable, fine, and clear. When a problem is spotted,
the brain will listen and concern it, analyses a cause, and solve the problem at once. However, it
depends on the best abilities to clear issues out, but sometimes it cannot be done so due to
various factors. An example, there is a scene which Percival talks in an assembly of the beast from
the sea, and his expression of frightening it. However, Piggy uses his scientific knowledge,
clarifying with this statement, A squid couldnt come out of the water. (Golding, W. (2006), pg. 88).
He uses his logical skills to explain the impossibility of living thing; to emphasise more about the
creature. Squid can live in the ocean only, and it can die due to the dried-surface sensitivity for a
short time. He also tries to claim down littuns by using his positive cheer up talk, I dont believe in
the beast of course. (Golding, W. (2006), pg. 88). Inside Piggys mind, he slightly fears the beast
as well owing to humans nature; we frighten to non-existed things. Even though it sounds very
general, I think it is absurd because we have no purpose in fearing things that are not existed in
this planet. I would agree with the fearsome expression if a majority has an analytical explanation.
Another example, when a person who loses sanity and descends into madness, the brain is
capable of bringing one into senses by quoting, Stop it. There is no way to get back and patch the
problem. It has happened already last night. It was dark. We were feared. You cant get back in
time. (Golding, W. (2006), pg. 147). This quote is for Ralph who feels guilty in killing Simon
unintentionally. Although Piggy fears of the action too. Nevertheless he is a strong person. He just
tries to let Ralph overcoming the guilt. The reason for doing this, Ralph is a leader, who leads a
community with abilities in order to let others and himself reaches the goal; getting out of the

Bank Pennyworth


Nov 30th, 2014

island. If the leader starts to lose sanity or hope, the group will be unstable. Keep worrying the fault
will not bring a solution at all. We are ordinary human beings who are unable to go back in time,
and fix issues.

Second, regardless of the fact that Piggy is not an official chief, he tries to govern a community
like a potential leader. In spite of his appearance and asthma, he still helps Ralph and others to his
best ability. He is like Ralphs second-in-command. There is one scene, which is matched with the
statement. When Ralph goes sitting on the beach, and recounts his good old flashbacks prior to
the event: his favourite adventure books are The Boys Book of Train, and The Boys Book of Ship
(Golding, W. (2006), pg. 112). These books inspire Ralph to create his own adventure just like it. In
reality, it does not get along like the inspiration. As the leader keeps recapping the flashbacks,
homesickness is increased, and makes him become lost. Thus, Piggy steps up and takes in charge
of the group temporarily. Furthermore, he rationalises the way to take action on this isolated island
finely. Also, he advises to be hygiene as well, especially Ralph because his appearance is very
dirty, his hair and nails are long and tangled. The brain also uses his experiences and skills to
lecture the right approach of civilisation. He does not want members to be displayed as disgraceful
creatures. And they would not be recognised by anyone due to the appearance. Imagining that you
have an assignment to find a V.I.P., who had been gone for six months. Then you receive the photo
of V.I.P., and the mission is commenced. Several hours later, the target is located, yet different
appearance from the photo. Thus, you assume that is not what you looking for. And the mission is
ended with no rescue.

Lastly, when there is no one in charging a community, members initially begin to take over the
position individually without considering any consequences such as death, and friendship. The
reason derives from the fact that the leader is a key of guiding good ways till the end. What if the
one is gone, all hell starts to break loose; people try to struggle for their own survival. A
comparison between prior and post-Piggys death, there are major differences. The prior displays
the community with a good standing; it is stable and well-organised thanks to the brains effort. In
addition, every member is working corporately because of Piggys word. Despite non-fully attention
to Piggy, others still keep it as a guideline for a little hope. The demonstration of democracy is

Bank Pennyworth


Nov 30th, 2014

displayed by this quote. Lets have a vote. Vote for chief! (Golding, W. (2006), pg. 22). Democracy
is originated from Greece. It was discovered by Cleisthenes. The governing system allows people
to have rights in doing anything under the laws. In order to get counted as officially, we need to do
voting for finding agreeing individuals. And the vote will be certified by the proportion of the majority
only. On the other hand, the post-Piggy death shows chaos and instability of the group as Piggy is
murdered by a giant rock, pushed by one of Jacks tribe, Roger (Golding, W. (2006), pg. 182).
Thus, everyone on the island struggles to survive individually. The event is presented as a hybrid
between anarchy and dictatorship. Hence there is no controller for the group. Anarchy is a form of
administering system, which there is no leader or laws controlling the territory anymore.
Consequently, people start fighting each other for power. Dictatorship, also a kind of governing
system, in which a single person rules the area for own desire. And people must obey the leader.
Otherwise they will be sentenced harshly.

In the nutshell, Lord of the Flies has demonstrated various symbolisms. Piggy, a British boy, who
processes marvellous skills that are able to change insolvable issues into fine solutions. He is
symbolised as the brain of the group, in which he knows what things should be cleared and done
all once. In addition, the brain attempts to display a suitable role model toward people. Yet,
everyone ignores his existence. Why people have a tendency to judge the appearance, instead of
abilities? What is the purpose of discriminating an outcast? Do we need to feel regret a person
after the one dies? I am very pity to Piggy. He is vulnerable, yet vital personality whom people need
to depend on him in order to get out of the island.

Bank Pennyworth


Nov 30th, 2014

Bank Pennyworth


Nov 30th, 2014

Bank Pennyworth


Golding, W. (2006). Lord of the Flies. New York, New York: Penguin Group.

Nov 30th, 2014

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