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No fish in our oceans by 2050?

Elizabeth Betancourt
University of Texas at El Paso

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?


The ocean is home to many creatures, and many are in danger of facing extinction. The
main cause of this is due to pollution. It has been getting worse over the years and over fishing
has also become a problem. If the people dont start realizing the consequences that come with it,
we are going to face the destruction of a whole ecosystem. The ocean is one the most important
ecosystem. Oceanographers have found the most common waste, plastic. Many of the reasons
that plastic is one of the most commonly found waste is because consumers are only using a
certain product for a short amount of time and then throwing it away. The recycling systems also
have to be improved, not only by how they process materials, but starting at home, teaching our
children to recycle can also be a solution. The purpose for this literary review is to show and
make known the causes and effects of the pollution of the ocean.

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

No fish in our oceans 2050: A literature review of a worldwide issue

Pollution has been going on for years, and every year it has been getting worse. Schools
have even have even set up clubs to help recycle, and it is becoming more known through social
media. Not only is it just affecting the humans as well, when we drink water, etc. The amount of
trash in our oceans has been increasing day by day and the most commonly found is plastic. An
example of this is when sea turtles are looking for food, they mistake plastic bags for jellyfish
and that ends up getting entangles in their intestines. Besides the fact that there are tons of trash
in our oceans, over fishing has also become a problem, the countries that rely on fish as their
main food source would be heavily affected.
However, the UN has also stated that thirty percent of fish stocks have already collapsed,
(AFP, 2010). If the ocean ecosystem were to be destroyed, not only would predators be going in
extinct, there would also be a food shortage. There was also the case, where the destruction of
coral reefs was being known globally, though not much is being said now that doesnt mean its
not still going on today. Another major problem is also coming from factories, as they are
throwing away waste, when it rains and it ends up in rivers or reservoirs. This research is to
show, how much pollution has advanced and to show the consequences if we dont step in to stop
it. Questions that will be asked throughout this project are as followed:

Why is plastic the most common waste to be found in the ocean?

What is water pollution?
What are the dangers of not helping prevent water pollution?
How can we improve our recycling?

The following review on literature will; provide information regarding ocean pollution which
could impact with there being no fish by 2050, as well as see the consequences or ways to
prevent further damage into the ocean ecosystem. This will also give the audience a better view
on how things are at.

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

Why is plastic the most common waste to be found in the ocean?

Anyone, even experts would know that plastic effects sea life, because they can end up
eating it. Another common incident that has happened in our oceans is oil spills. Not only does it
take a long time for them to clean it up, it necessarily cleaned up completely. The New York
Times article, it was stated that the Passaic River will be getting cleaned. (Remnick and Rojas,
2016). Having seen images of this river plastic seemed to be the most waste seen amongst the
other trash. Why should we wait till things get worse? We all know maybe its because of money,
but could it be many are caring and think it wont affect anyone. One of the participants,
Michelle Pena, a professor at UTEP, mentioned, plastic is the most common waste in the ocean
because theyre items that we use every day, but yet we dont think much about it. (Pena, 2016).
The River mentioned above, is to be have a $1.38 billion dollar clean, it is also known to have no
visitors due to the smell. Not only is it unhealthy for animals but humans as well as we are
breathing in those toxic fumes.
Waste is that is either littered ends up being blown away and makes their way into water
systems. This is also occurring as, Celia Gonzalez mentions, In addition to dumping, people
litter on the beaches. This includes much plastic items such as bottles, bags, containers, and the
plastic attachments which carry the 20 pack of Coke cans. (Gonzales, 2016). This is the most
common waste found as animals such as birds are getting entangles in this hazard. Some even
come to choking on this small plastic pieces. There are organizations, or groups that go out and
clean the beaches, but if everyone doesnt put the effort into helping clean up, it wont make
much of a difference.
What is water pollution?

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

Surprisingly not many know what water pollution is. Or rather they dont think it is that
big of a problem. This issue is starting to make headlines everywhere, to make awareness or the
dangers and damages being done. Having asked marine biologist Christina Rice, she mentions,
Water pollution is contamination of a water body system from any foreign object. Liquid (gas,
trash, plastics, etc.) that affects the quality of the body of water (Rice, 2016). As mentioned
before the biggest pollution that happens very often is coming from factories. This waste is just
being dumped into rivers, or waterways, without the companies even thinking about the possible
consequences. Having watched a film in University 1301, the people were being affected by
these chemicals, by having birth defects and even rashes on their bodies. Again people are
thinking much about it and are just blowing it off, but these also affects what we are eating. Fish
are constantly being exposed to these chemicals and by eating them, make their way into our
According to WNO, World Nature Organization, this is not just affecting the water and
sea life. This is also affecting, or rather also include the pollution to coasts. Coasts are being
contaminated by fertilizer runoff coming from farms and lawns, (WNO, N/A). There is so many
toxic chemicals in the ocean, that shouldnt even be there. And these chemicals come from
common house hold items. This is where people are taking the time to change the way they live
by not using products and going all natural, its the same as eating all organic. If people saw this
as more of a change rather than a hassle, we could have prevented further damage little by little.
As WNO mentions again, they say that 80 percent of the sewage going into the Mediterranean is
untreated, (WNO, N/A). This is the case for many of the factors that have led to the worsening of
our water systems. Having found and article from Arirang News, there is a bigger issue
concerning the Pacific Ocean, which has been reported to be radioactive. And according to the

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

article it may take 6 years for the whole ocean to be contaminated, and this radioactive water was
leaked from Fukushimas nuclear plant. (Kim, 2013).
What are the dangers of not helping prevent water pollution?
According to BBC News, a lot of research is being done, to figure out of our oceans will
be fishless by 2050. Though seeing at the rate we are going at it seems to be likely that is to
happen. This is not just the factor that we are going to be fishless, but a lot of predators can go
extinct if the ocean ecosystem is destroyed. One of the main causes is that most of stuff even if
we put it in the recycling, is not actually recycled, and even though we think it just being dumped
into the ocean or landfill. As Christina Rice says, All living organisms are connected in some
way and decline in one organism health or possible extinction can cause a cascading effect that
affects the entire ecosystem. (Rice, 2016). As technology is advancing not only is it helping us
get by our lives a little easier, it is also helping us, rather scientists see that there are more
pollutants and in small concentrations in our fresh waters. (National Geographic, 2012). As
already mentioned before these chemicals in the water are not just affecting us, but wildlife as
well. As having asked one of my interviewees, Celia Gonzalez, she says that animals are at the
risk of dying earlier from being trapped or them dying due to waste. (Gonzales, 2016).

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

Figure 1. The figure shows that in the report does show a plastic to fish ratio

that is greater than 1:1. This is by weight in 2050. This figure is to show Jambecks
research that is taken by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to predict what is going
to happen in 2050, by Leo Hornak, 2016. Retrieved from
This all connects to the fact that an entire ecosystem can be destroyed. Not only this, but
our need for water already in danger. We need to learn how to preserve our water system and
keep as best as filtered to prevent diseases from getting spread. Rivers are the things that are
being destroyed since factories are dumping their chemicals in the water and not taking
responsibilities for the damages of the animals natural habitats. What we need to come up with
to prevent damage or rather losing lives from sea creatures and other wildlife, is to create a
biodegradable plastic so it does not stay forever. As said on Arirang News, oceanographers had
found a sea turtle and it seemed in pain and after closer inspection they noticed that something
was blocking its nostril and when they managed to pull it out, it was a plastic straw. Small things
like this are threats, (Sohn, 2016).
How can we improve our recycling system to prevent further damage to the ocean?
The Passaic River that was mentioned to be extremely contaminated by chemicals and
trash, is getting a cleanup that can take up years. A local resident had said, This is peoples
health at stake here. (Remnick and Rojas, 2016). There are many ways in which we can come
up with to help clean up not only concentrating on beaches, but to go do local park clean ups.
These type of organizations are coming up with ways that everyone should participate. Again
many people are seeing this as troublesome, that it doesnt concern them. In reality its affecting
everyone and if we dont stop it, disease can be spread. In California according to the San Diego

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

Union tribune mentions on September 4, 2014, that in California is the first state to outlaw
plastic bags.(.). This is one of the best ideas anyone can come up with. Have you actually
looked out to see in bushes or trees, plastic bags are wrapped around them? We need to see that
these things are hazardous to animals. We need to improve our recycling system and learn to
properly dispose of trash. Many school or places have little bins labeled for certain items to go
in. the number one thing that is being brought up is the fact that we need to rinse cans and
bottles. We may think that itll get recycled even though its in the correct bin, but that is a
common mistake since its contaminated it wont be recycled.
Have you noticed that supermarkets, or stores like Costco or Sams, dont use plastic
bags, the reason for this is not only because items are in bulk, but to prevent unnecessary use of
plastic that will end up in the trash. When visiting homes, it has been noticed that moms reuse
plastic bags and keep them in the pantry or cabinet. This is a smart way to use things to its full
extent instead of just throwing it away after it was just used once. We need to use things over,
there is even a term called upcycling. This process not only gets clothing but other items, to be
made into other items. Its a creative way to reuse old things instead of throwing them out.
Encourage the public to recycle more and use other sources that can be reused and not end up in
places like the ocean and other water sources, (Pena, 2016). This is very important to show
children the importance of recycling. There are also fun ways to teach them, even if you have
little children, make a fun game for them. It is important that we change from nonbiodegradable waste to biodegradable waste, says Afsaneh Hamed-Zanjani (Hamed-Zanjani,

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?

To conclude a lot of countries have taken the initiative to help stop further damage. After
the issue was brought more into like, the news has yet to cover more information on how
important it is. We need to look up things that not only interest us but what is affecting us. We
need to step up and take action to not lose a wonderful ecosystem that has yet to be fully
explored. The world cannot fully function without the ocean. Animals have lives as well, we
shouldnt take something for granted and soon regret it when its gone. Recycling starts with
getting it out there and if awareness isnt put out there then how is everyone to know what is
going on?

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?


AFP. (2010, May 17). Oceans fish could disappear by 2050. Discovery News. Retrieved from
Gonzales, C. Personal Communication. March 28, 2016.
Hamed- Zanjani, A. Personal Communication. March 14, 2016.
Hornak, L. (2016, February 15). Will there be more fish or plastic in the sea by 2050?. BBC
News. Retrieved from
Sohn, J. (2016, January 20). More plastic than fish in worlds oceans by 2050: report. Arirang
News. Retrieved from
Kim, M. (2013, August 28) ). Radioactive water may contaminate entire pacific ocean in 6
Arirang news. Retrieved from
Pena, M. Personal Communication. March 28, 2016.
Rice, C. Personal Communication. March 28, 2016.
Remnick, N. Rojas, R. (2016, March 4). Toxic Passaic River to get $1.38 billion over 10 years.
New York Times. Retrieved from
World Nature Organization. n.d. Geneva, Switzerland: WNO,
National Geographic (1996)., National Geographic.

NO Fish in our oceans by 2050?


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