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Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Class: _________

Unit 4 Exam
Define terms related to promoting health and safety for children.
1. _____ Illnesses that are easily passed from one person to another.
2. _____ A seizure or a period of unconsciousness with uncontrolled jerking of muscles.
3. _____ A break or crack in a bone.
4. _____ Physical, emotional, or sexual violence against children.
5. _____To protect a person from diseases, usually by means of a vaccine.
6. _____ Oversensitivity to one or more common substances.
7. _____ A serious type of physical abuse that occurs when a baby is violently shaken.
8. _____ A small amount of disease-carrying germs introduced to the body on purpose so
that the body, can build resistance to that disease.
9. _____ A condition affecting the lungs in which air passages tighten, making it difficult
to breathe.
10. _____ The ability to be spread from one person to another; the period during which a
communicable disease con be spread to another person.
11. _____ Procedure that removes food or other obstacles from a choking person's
12. _____ First aid technique that tries to restore breathing and heartbeat to persons who
show no signs of breathing or a pulse.
13. _____ An injury caused by sudden, violent stretching of a joint or muscle.
14. _____ A procedure for forcing air into the lungs of a person whose breathing has
15. _____ The process of acquiring and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and
social health.
16. _____ A special unit that gives advice for and treats victims of poisoning.
17. _____ Failure to meet the child's physical or emotional needs.

Multiple Choice
18. _____ The DTaP does NOT protect against which of the following:
A. Tetanus
B. Diptheria
C. Hepatitis D
D. Pertussis
19. _____What does the MMR Vaccine protect against?
A. Measles, Malnutrition, Rubella
B. Measles, Meningococcal, Rubella
C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella
D. Measles, Mumps, Rotavirus
20. _____ Your two year old is crying and fretful, and running temperature. She cannot
you what is wrong but her eyes are glassy and she is pulling on her ears.
A. She is probably sleepy. Rock her to sleep.
B. She may have an ear infection. Make a doctors appointment.
C. Play with her to calm her down.
D. Dont give her anything to eat in case she vomits.
21. _____ What is the best treatment for a Common Cold?
A. Over the counter meds to reduce symptoms
B. Antibiotics
C. There is absolutely no treatment
D. Cough drops
22. _____ What is the treatment for the Flu?
A. Antibiotics
B. Flu Shot
C. Over the Counter medication to ease symptoms
D. Hospitalization
23. _____ Infants should be placed in a Rear Facing car seat until when?
A. 1 year or 20 lbs
B. 2 years or 25 lbs
C. Their legs are too long to face backward
D. Until they can support their own head.
24. _____ Harness straps on all car seats should come to where on the child?
A. chest level
B. elbow level
C. armpit level
D. varies for the size of the child
25. _____ Who should be placed in a forward facing car seat with a harness strap?
A. infant
B. toddler

C. school aged child

D. teenager
26. _____ When is it ok to place a seatbelt behind a childs arms?
A. after they reach 40 lbs
B. after they reach age 12
C. it is NEVER okay
D. after they have outgrown a booster seat
27. _____ Who should use a booster seat?
A. a child who is age 1 to 2 years old
B. a child who is 49 and 8 years old
C. a child who is sitting in the back seat
D. a child who is 35 tall or age 6
28. _____ Where is a child safest in a car?
A. front seat with no airbag
B. backseat with seatbelt or car seat
C. front seat facing the rear of the car
D. backseat with a loose seatbelt
29. _____ What is the purpose of a Booster Seat?
A. to elevate the child so they can see out of the windows
B. to make the seat more comfortable
C. to help the child stay stable during an accident
D. to elevate the child so the seatbelt fits them correctly
30. _____ What should you do in the kitchen to prevent a child being burned? Select the
BEST answer.
A. do not cook with the child in the room
B. turn pan handles toward the inside of the stove
C. keep a fire extinguisher in the house
D. keep a burn kit nearby to treat injuries
31. _____ What is the main thing you can do to prevent injuries to a child while in a high
A. give the child plastic utensils
B. frequently remind the child to never stand up in the chair
C. always strap the child into the high chair
D. set the high chair on a non-skid mat to avoid slipping
32. _____ What is one thing you can do, that was discussed in class, to prevent furniture
from falling on children?
A. remove heavy furniture from you home while children are young.
B. spank your child each time they climb on the furniture
C. use braces that secure furniture to the wall
D. there is no dangerous issue with children climbing on furniture.

33. _____ What about a window blind can cause suffocation in a child?
A. the cords can get tangled around their neck cutting of the airway
B. the child can be suffocated by the blind falling on them
C. there is no real risk with window blinds
34. _____ Signs of a heart attack include all of the following EXECPT:
A. Shortness of breath
B. Anxiety
C. Perspiration
D. Hallucinations
35. _____ Who has the option to vaccinate a child or not?
A. Doctor
B. Child
C. Parents
D. School
36. _____ Mumps is spread by what?
A. Saliva from talking, coughing, or sneezing.
B. Touching
C. Blood
D. Fecal matter
37. _____

Child eight years and older can be placed in what?

Rear-facing car seats
Forward-facing car seats
Booster seats
Adult seat belt

For the following questions, answer true or false.

38. _____ Third degree burns are the worst a person can have.
39. _____ When a person faints, you should not check for breathing.
40. _____ For a particle in the eye, you should rub your eye.
41. _____ Hepatitis A is a disease of the liver.
42. _____ Chicken pox is a disease with blister-like spots that itch.
43. _____ Side effects and ingredients cannot make a vaccine harmful.
44. _____ 4 out of 5 car seats are installed incorrectly.
45. _____ Hepatitis B is a disease that has yellowing of skin and eyes.
46. _____ Whooping cough cannot cause death.
47. _____ Mumps can cause a male to not be able to produce children.
48. Name four common childhood illnesses and one symptom of each.

49. List four ways you can child-proof your home. Be specific.
50. Designate appropriate care for injuries. Be specific.
a) The child is running and falls on the sidewalk scraping his knee
and is bleeding.

b) The child has got into the cabinet and swallowed a chip and is
now choking.

c) Your two year old is on a hike in very hot weather; he looks very
pale and weak and is breathing rapidly. His skin is extremely
warm to the touch, he seems confused.

d) The child has got into the cabinet and swallowed some cleaning

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