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Brandon Underwood

UWRT 1102
Annotated Bibliography
Adam. "Why Do People Travel?" Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog). 2016 Travels of Adam, 29
Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.
The author of this article is a man named Adam who has been writing a blog and famous
city guides since 2012. Adam quit his job in 2010 to travel the world and tell about his
experiences. Adam travels to many homosexual pride rallies in Europe, seeing as he is an active
member of the LGBT community. The website that he runs is a useful tool for all researchers
looking to discover what makes people want to get out and see the world.
This is a Primary Source: The website is full of useful travelers information as well as a
personal blog of ideas about what makes people travel and what influences people to make
moves on a global aspect. As a traveler I would look to this blog and find that it is very useful to
help get a lesson on a specific location before you show up. The blog explains in depth about
Adams travels to many big cities as well as rural endeavors. The blog cleanly distributes the
information that might be useful to travelers looking at the website for help. It is divided into the
sections: city guides, travel destinations, travel themes, and the blog part of the website. The
theme of the website flows well with Chris Mcandlesss journey, and can be a good source to
compare the adventures of both men.
This blog easily relates to any kind of research about travel because it is written by a man
who has a passion for traveling and sightseeing. After one glance of the extremely organized
blog, it is easy to see how useful this mans private experiences are. The first question on my list
from the proposal is what makes people want to explore?, and as previously stated, Adam
explains into great detail in the blog that he explores to see people, to try new things, to eat new
foods, and to learn. These four items will be of great value to talk about in the essay.
After researching this source, it seems to be a genuine and sincere first-hand opinion
about a man and his love for seeing the world. This is a perfect source to use in my research
because it is exactly what is needed to answer the questions in the proposal of why people like to
travel, and why do people push their limits.
Baldwin, Paul. "London's Tourism Industry Is Booming According to New Figures." Express.
N.p., 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.
Paul Baldwin is a famous newspaper journalist for the Express, a common paper in
London and the United Kingdom. Generally Baldwin writes articles on current and exciting
topics, as well as specializing in writing reports and follow ups to tragic/exciting events.
Baldwin is a distinguished reporter who takes his articles very seriously. The one used for this
bibliography is a well-constructed piece that he wrote in 2015.
This is a General Internet Source: The main idea of this article is to explain why and how
London is the number one tourist city in the world. The city welcomed 5.1 million tourists
between April through June in 2015. This is a very important statistic because due to those

tourists, the city of London took in an extra 3.2 billion in the same months. With that amount of
money it is easy for anyone to see why tourism is so important for many big cities, as well as
heavily visited countries. Tourism is a huge industry that can make or break a local economy.
According to MasterCard the capital city of London was the most popular tourist destination in
the world for the second year running. The visitors are not just locals, according to the article 9.9
million international tourist landed in this great city during 2015.
One of the questions that is asked on the inquiry project is what is the biggest tourist
city and why is it the biggest tourist city. This article published by Express is very useful for
answering those questions and helping relate modern day travel and tourism to Chris
Mccandlesss adventures. According to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, "People come
from around the world to experience our unique mix of history, culture, shopping and worldclass events. With our spectacular autumn season of culture and the Rugby World Cup having put
London in the spotlight once again, we'll undoubtedly be welcoming even more tourists to
London in the months ahead. The questions of what makes London the most visited city are
clearly answered by the mayor himself from that quote in the article.
After reading the article written by Paul Baldwin about Londons tourism industry it is
clear that this a great and credible source to use in the project. It clearly states the numbers that
London receives per year and how they surpass other cities. The city of London makes a
sizeable amount of money from these travelers and without everyone visiting them the
community would greatly struggle. The article is up to date, and very credible, therefore it is a
perfect source to use in the extended inquiry project.
Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.
Jon Krakauer is an American writer and outdoorsman, born in 1954. He has grown
famous for his writings about the outdoors and his most famous works are: Into the Wild, Into
Thin Air, Under the Banner of Heaven, and Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman,
not to mention his multiple magazine articles that he has written. One of the biggest moments of
Jon Krakauers life came in 1996 when he was a part of a climbing trip up Mount Everest. This
expedition was known as the 1996 Mount Everest Disaster, this event turned out to be one of the
most fatal expeditions ever to have happened while climbing the summit, luckily Krakauer
Book Source: The book Into the Wild is obviously the book the extended inquiry project
is based on. Jon Krakauer explained the trips that Chris Mccandless went on in a beautiful way.
The point of including this book as a source for the project is simple, this is the book that tells us
about Chriss passion to travel. Most of the information that is said about Chris will come from
Krakauers book and this is based off of Chriss diary that he kept and was found in the bus after
he passed away. The theme of the book is not set in stone, and many scholars have their own
opinion on the theme of the book. As the essay is written, it will be interpreted that the theme of
Into the Wild is to travel and explore, seeing as Chris was always on the move to a new location.
This book relates to the topic of traveling very well. Throughout the essay many quotes
and lines will be taken from Into the Wild and used to help explain the process of Chriss
movements and actions at different times in his life. For instance, one could talk about why
Chris waited until he graduated college to go on his expeditions, and why he never talked to his

parents once he ran away. The findings for these questions lie in the book and must be researched
to uncovered.
Into the Wild is a credible book to use as a source for this project. It was written by a
famous American author based of a lost travelers lonely thoughts. Chris had no idea whether
anyone would ever find his diary, let alone anyone to make a book and movie out of his thoughts.
This essay would almost be impossible to write without using this book. This source might in
fact be the most commonly used one out of the bibliography.
Machado, Amanda. "How Millennials Are Changing Travel." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media
Company, 18 June 2014. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Amanda Machado is a writer who is based out of San Francisco California. She writes
many articles for The Atlantic a credible online source for news articles. She is very interested in
the topic of travel, in fact at the age of 24 she left her home to backpack around different places
in the world. Her travels include South America, South Asia, Western Europe, and the western
United States. She has hiked the Inca Trail, skied the Alps, hitchhiked through Patagonia, and
trekked through the Himalayas. Machado says that although her trips have taught her many
things, she found it amazing that she met so many people who were her own age traveling to
explore the world just like her.
Secondary Source: This article written by Amanda Machado explains quite a bit about
the age of people that travel. For example in the article it states that the Boston Consulting
Group reports that In the United States, the millennial generation, defined as those between the
ages of 16 and 34, is more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as
possibleby a 23-percentage-point margin. This is very important information for an essay on
traveling. People associate old age as a time to settle down and not explore or put themselves in
danger. In fact many elders would prefer to stay close to their home as they are not comfortable
with the idea of being in a foreign country. Also according to the article The United Nations
estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young
people, and that this demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue,
an increase of nearly 30 percent since 2007. With this information it is easy to see that the main
idea of this source is to explain that younger people are much more likely travel. Another main
of idea of this source is the monetary value of all this travel. Tourism can be the main source of
income for many countries and cities and it is a business that feeds many families throughout the
This source is very useful in the extended inquiry project. One question that will be
talked about in the essay are who is the most likely people to travel and this article explains in
detail why millennials are more likely to travel to a foreign country than the elderly. The
business part of tourism and travel will also be talked about in the essay and The Atlantic does a
great job of explaining the numbers and the business side of tourism. In my personal experience
I find that the article is very accurate regarding the idea that younger people are more likely to
travel, for example I have been to the mountains twice this year as well as two trips to the beach
and it is only April. I know for a fact that my parents have not been out of town all year, nor
would they want to travel anywhere until the summer. My parents are in their 40s and 50s.
After careful research of this website, it is easy to see how it will be a useful source to
help with the extended inquiry project. The article answers the questions that will be discussed

directly. Every line that has a set of numbers or data says where the information came from.
These are always reliable databases such as the Boston Consulting Group, the United Nations,
and The World Youth Student and Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation. Clearly there is
no debate that this is a reliable and legitimate source to use for the project.
Eng, Dinah. "What Do Millennials Want? Hotels Have Some Ideas." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 04 Apr. 2016. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Dinah Eng is a famous Asian-American journalist working for the prestigious New York
Times newspaper. Eng is a gifted writer who has won many awards for her hard work and
determination. She is a member of the Asian-American Journalist Association or AAJA. Dinah
Eng even has her own program called The Dinah Eng Leadership Fellowship, it widens
opportunities for mid-career AAJA members pursuing the strategies and skills needed to enter
news management and advance within its ranks. The winner of the program receives $1,000 that
helps to pay for leadership or management classes.
Secondary Source: This article explains in detail what is now wanted from a travelling
millennial out of their hotel. It is explained that in the modern day the three things young people
want out of their hotel is customized experiences, digital convenience and relevant information
on social media. According to the article, younger people tend to spend less money when they
travel rather than elder people. However, the younger crowd is more likely to travel in a
moments notice, in other words, younger folks do not plan their vacations ahead like older
generations tend to do. This makes sense because as it has been seen from other sources, elders
are more likely to stay at home, therefore when they travel they tend to do a good bit of planning
to make sure their vacation or stay away from home is something that they are comfortable with.
It is now common practice for many youngsters to post all about their trip on social media,
therefore the explorers tend to look for sleek, and modern places that are appealing on the eyes
and will leave a lasting memory through their entire lives.
This website is a perfect source to use for an extended inquiry project focused on the
theme of travel. It has been discovered that the younger generation, is more likely to travel. Due
to this fact many high-end hotels have been trying to cater to the younger crowd. One example
from the article states that Marriotts Renaissance Hotels have also introduced Evenings at
Renaissance, a free event for guests featuring local craft beverages chosen by the hotel bartender
and local drink experts. The program is part of the brands new Its Business Unusual global
campaign to appeal to young entrepreneurial business travelers. It is common practice in many
hotels globally to have mobile apps that give hotel guests the ability to select rooms, check in
digitally or order a meal before arrival. These are becoming standard mobile features in most
fancy hotels. All of these features are very appealing to the more common young traveler, hotels
have taken notice and are cashing in.
It is easy to see that this article written by Dinah Eng will be very useful in a paper that
talks about the details of traveling and tourism. It is interesting that this particular article focuses
mainly on the younger generation of travelers, such as Chris Mccandless who was a sharp young
explorer. It will be interesting to include the information that explains how hotels are keeping an
edge in a modern world where instead of travelers just wanting a warm bed and roof over their
head. Hotels now must figure out how to keep up business with new technology such as mobile
apps, ordering room service through a cell phone, and making the vacation of their lodgers one
that they will love to post about on social media.

Levere, Jane L. "Using Apps to Ease the Headache of Navigating Airports."The New York Times.
The New York Times, 28 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Jane L. Levere is a middle aged journalist who writes for The New York Times, The Los
Angeles Times, BBC Capital, NBC News,as well as Forbes Magazine. After completing research
for this topic, it has been discovered that The New York Times has had many great and
trustworthy authors that enjoy talking about travel. It is stated that Jane Levere tends to write
articles about travel, the arts, and entertainment. Jane is an accomplished writer who works for
the most well-known names in the journalism industry. Her works are credible and reliable, and
in this case, they are very useful to help write a paper about travel.
Secondary Source: The main idea of this article is to explain the way people navigate
around often crowded airports. It turns out that American Airlines has created an app that helps
many tourists navigate around many of the countrys largest airports with turn by turn
navigations, similar to using a GPS in a car. Currently this technology is available for Miami
International Airport, Chicago OHare International Airport, as well as San Jose and Phoenix
Airports. In the near future turn by turn airport navigation will be made available for Dallas-Fort
Worth International Airport, La Guardia Airport in New York City, Los Angeles International
Airport, Heathrow Airport in London, and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. According to Albert
van Veen, the chief information officer of the Amsterdam airport, said that the app could reduce
passengers stress and help make a seamless journey, without the hassle of checking paper
documents all the time. he said, Information and wayfinding on a personal level are crucial
elements in attaining these goals.
This source is very useful for writing an essay about the inner workings of travel. For
instance it has been understood that younger tourists are more likely to use technology to aid
their travel, compared to older tourists. The information about using a GPS for the airport
directly connects to the idea that the world of travel is changing into a more technologically
friendly environment. It is useful that a tourist can look on a map through their phone and
determine exactly where to pick up luggage, board their plane, and where they can grab a bite to
eat. This is an exciting new technology that will make travel easier and less of a headache. In
fact this technology may help boost the tourism industry because people will fear busy airports
After thorough review of the article, it is easy to determine that it is a credible and
trustworthy source to obtain reliable travel information from. It is useful for a writer to know
that the information that they gather from this article is going to be factual. The article fits
perfectly into the topic of travel because it discusses how big international airports are
revolutionizing the way tourist travel. No longer will confused tourists get lost in the airport and
miss their flight. Now all the weary traveler will have to do is locate the areas that they need to
be at on their phone, and it will guide them every step of the way. This is extremely useful
information for a writer about travel, and it will become a great piece to talk about in the project.

The blog that Adam wrote focuses on three key parts of travel. These three things are to
see people, to try new things, to eat new foods, and to learn. I will use this information to help
guide my essay when I try to answer the question of why do people like to travel. Each of the
three topics that Adam discusses can be a paragraph of discussion. There are several links on the
blog that give the readers further knowledge about travel and can be useful for answering travel
related questions. The ideas outlined in this paper appear to be largely the authors personal
opinion mixed with a splash of ideas from other travelers. Due to this source being a blog it may
not be the most factual, but on the other hand, it is useful for getting interesting point of view
about one mans idea of traveling the world. The article provides a basic overview of ways to
travel to popular tourist towns. Adam commonly writes about his trips to LGBT events all
around the globe and so one could say that would be the tone of his blog. Adams intended
audience is anyone that reads his blog that is interested in reading about his personal experiences.
Although written for a knowledgeable audience, the writing style is informal only due to the fact
that this is Adams personal blog and he makes the rules for his website. He is not a top
journalist at some big shot news firm. Adam simply likes to write about his experiences in his
own style. Reading Adams blog has definitely helped me understand my topic of travel. His
personal stories help answer some of the more personal questions that were listed on my
proposal. Adams blog has not necessarily changed my thinking about travel; however, I would
say that it has helped me understand different reasons why people explore.
The article written by Paul Baldwin focused mainly on why and how the city London has
become the most popular tourist destination in the world. There are two things that Baldwin
decided to focus on as he made his article. The two items are: the amount of tourists that London
brings in each year, and the amount of money that the city of London makes out of the tourism
industry. This information is very useful to use in an essay about travel, personally I could write
a couple paragraphs about the sheer number of visitors that flock to London each year. I could
also write about how the money made from tourism has turned into an economic system for the
city. The ideas outlined in the article appear to be mostly factual, as many of the statements are
sourced from reliable places. The article provides a very detailed review of Londons tourism
industry, and it is a great source of help to answer my question of what is the most visited city.
The article is not based on opinion. This article is factual by nature, and the main goal of the
writing is to inform people on the numbers of tourism in London. The intended audience is
probably someone completing research on tourism, or the city of Londons methods of economy.
The language used by this article is decently technical in nature. However, mostly everyone will
be able to read the page and understand what the author was meaning to say in both words and
numbers. Paul Baldwins article has definitely helped me understand why London is the most
popular city to visit. His writing has not changed my opinion about travel but it has informed me
about the city of London. Before researching this topic, I had no idea what city was the most
popular tourist location.
The book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is the main focus of our extended inquiry
project. Chris Mccandless, the main character of the story is young explorer and traveler who
does not value material items. This book is very useful when writing about travel because I can
always use Chriss experiences of traveling as a backbone to my paper. The story was based off
of Chriss diary that was recovered after he passed away. This is one of the main sources that
was used to help rewrite Chriss story. The author does not include further readings at the end of

each chapter, however I believe you can view a copy of Chriss diary online. There are also
other works that have been made by different authors regarding Chris Mccandlesss expedition in
Alaska. The ideas portrayed in the writing of Into the Wild are not entirely Krakauers. In fact
the entire story is like a movie of young Chris Mccandless. Although the author was an
outdoorsman like Chris, he told the story young explorer, rather than his own autobiography.
The book provides a basic overview of Chriss young adult years, as well as a detailed story of
his last moments and his death in Alaska. The intended audience for this book is very spread out.
Anyone has the ability to read this novel, however most people will read it in an English class or
they will read it on their own if they are interested in the outdoors and exploration. The tone of
the book is a subtle one. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with the author and Chris because he
moved from location to location so much, that it was sometimes hard to keep track of where
Chris was at geographically. The book was very useful to me because it will help me keep my
essay in line. I can always relate my topics of travel back to Chriss adventures. Into the Wild
has helped me understand that traveling does not necessarily have to be about comfort and
luxury. Chris Mccandless was content with having no material objects, he did not value money.
Chris was a true pioneer, with a little more preparation he would have survived his trip to Alaska.
The book did not change the way I feel about travel. Yes I agree traveling like Chris would be
fun, however I would not want to make a lifestyle out of it.
Dinah Engs article "What Do Millennials Want? Hotels Have Some Ideas mainly
explains what the hotel industry is doing to help keep their business, and how hotels are
changing and updating in order to gain more attention from young travelers. After conducting
research it is well known that young people are more likely to travel. Many hotels have gone
techno-savvy. They offer apps for checking into the hotel, ordering room service. A substantial
amount of places have remodeled into a more modern look after research has proven that young
adults are more likely to stay at a hotel that they can show off on social media. The author
mentions different technology that is now available and can be further researched if needed. The
ideas outlined in the article appear to be mainly factual, they discuss the cutting edge technology
and the sleek modern appearances that attract young adults into the hotel. The article provides a
basic overview of the modern day tourism industry. I find this interesting to compare and
contrast the way Chris traveled to staying a five star hotel. The tone of this article is informative,
as the case with many newspaper reports. It is useful to gather information from and form
conclusions about traveling. The text helped me understand the idea that travel is a changing
form of business. Millennials have taken over the world of tourism and the businesses will chase
the clients to continue to make money. This article has changed my thinking because, to me
travel has always been about the memories that you make along the way. After I read this article
it is obvious to me that some people do not care about the experiences that you take with you on
your path, they are just trying to make a profit of you.
Amanda Machados article "How Millennials Are Changing Travel mainly talked about
how the younger generation is more likely to travel than people who are older. There are many
reasons for this but the main one is that younger people generally are more spontaneous and
dont mind leaving their comfort zone as much as the elder community. The main impact of this
statistic is the idea that many hotels and traveling agencies are catering towards younger
travelers, because that is where they make the most money. This information will be useful
when writing my essay because I will be able to explain the new technology used in modern-day
hotels and how they cater to young adults. The author does not provide a list of alternative

readings, however she does explain in great detail some of the new technologies that appeal to
younger people. The ideas outlined in the article appear to be factual. The information that was
displayed in the article always had a source. Many scientific polls were taken to determine what
millennials wanted out of their hotel. The intended audience of this article is readers of the travel
section of The New York Times. Although this information is also very useful for those who
work in the business of travel. I am sure that many hotels have seen this article and changed a
few things to help appease some of the younger travelers. This text has helped me better
understand my topic of travel. It has taught me that like any industry travel is a changing
business and in order to stay ahead of the competition, hotels must update with the times. The
article has changed the way I think about travel. I know see travel in a couple of ways. On one
side of the system it is a complete business in which people who own hotels, and airports, make
money off of tourists. The other side of the system is to be a tourist and to be completely dazed
by seeing new sights and experiencing new things.
Jane Leveres article "Using Apps to Ease the Headache of Navigating Airports"
discussed some of the new cutting edge technology that is being put to use in many international
airports around the globe. American Airlines has produced a GPS device that will help travelers
navigate their way around crowded and confusing airports. The reason this program was built, is
to try and make a large airport seem not so intimidating to the average traveler. This information
will be useful for the essay because I can include facts about the effectiveness of the new airport
GPS program. This article can help answer the question of how the travel industry changing
with the times. The author mentions the different airports that already have the technology in
place. It is very possible to research further into the specific airport and see how successful the
new technology is doing. The ideas outlined in this article are supported by factual information.
This is an informative article and the content is useful for making decisions about modern
airports. The article provides a basic overview of the way that technology is drastically changing
the way that people travel. It seems that in todays world, people have access to almost anything
at the palm of their hands. This new technology that gives people turn by turn directions in an
airport is a perfect example. This paper was written for a general audience as it was published in
a newspaper for the general public to read. The writing style is formal but interesting. The tone
of the article is enlightening and informative; the author gives off a positive attitude about the
new technology. This article has helped me understand more about my topic of traveling. It is
fascinating that through the use of a hand held device, people are able to know exactly how to
get around some of the worlds largest and most crowded places. This technology sounds useful
and beneficial to the travel industry. It has not really changed my thinking about the topic. To
me traveling is not about the luxury or the comfort. I enjoy travelling to meet new people and
enjoy myself as much as possible while I have a little time away from my commitments.

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