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Name: Armin Cane


(4 parts)

Discovering America

Name of Course/Class:
Social Studies
Discovering America

Grade Level: 7th

One Laptop per student
Tablets/ Ipad
One set of headphones for students
Providing codes to access online textbook
Web tool ClassMarker

Section 504 students: Will be allot three extra days to have work completed.
Offering those students the opportunity to retake quizzes by re watching the videos to a lesson at home if needed.
Teacher will offer all work as handouts if necessary to students.

Orient the
(4 sections)

Essential Questions
What were the causes and effects of expansion and the resulting changes?
How did the industrial and cultural transformation affect the economy?

Given the tool ClassMarker, learners will identify how the discovery of America has changed our nation by receiving a 80% of higher on all quizzes.


NJCCCS Technology Standard

8.1.P.A.4. Use basic technology terms in the proper context in conversation with peers and teachers (e.g., camera, tablet, Internet, mouse,
keyboard, and printer).
2a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

Instructional Design:

Anticipatory Set/Hook/Daily Review

Students will grab their journals and answer the DO NOW, which will have three questions related to the days lesson. The DO NOW will gives
students a brief highlight of the lesson while leaving them with more questions to ask. Examples: How has this shaped our world? Who was involved
in this journey?

(8 events)
Input/Modeling or Present Information
Teacher will present a PowerPoint or video to teach students. Teacher will stop to ask student questions and assist with taking notes on important dates
and information. The slides will be interactive so students can name people through pictures and answer questions.

Check for Understanding/Provide Learner Guidance

Students will log into ClassMarker and take a 1-2 question quiz.

Guided Practice with coaching /Elicit Performance

The teacher will have students sit in a circle given name of people who aided in the discovery of America. Students will join in on the conversations
about who the person is and what their role was.

Independent Practice/Provide informative feedback

Students will create flashcards that they will be responsible for taking home to studying and bringing back to class to partner up and study as well.
Students will focus on the who and the affects of discovering America.

I will have students give me a fun fact or something they learned about todays lesson without repetition.
Who discovered America?
How was America discovered?
How did this affect the people who they encountered?
How did this change our world?

Given the tool ClassMarker, learners will identify how the discovery of America has changed our nation by receiving a 80% of higher on all quizzes.

Teacher will reiterate how history has shaped todays society. Teacher will review key points from the lesson and ask them to assess new ideas learned
and relate to everyday lives through their personal experiences.

Student Feedback:
What web 2.0 tool did students fine actively engaging?

Teacher Feedback:
What issues,, if any occurred with the Web 2.0 tool; are the tools suitable for their ages?

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