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CLL 271

Tutorial 4 Filtration

Using a test filter, we find the following data for a broth containing the antibiotic
erythromycin and added filter aid.

The filter leaf has a total area of 0.1 ft2 and the filtrate has a viscosity of 1.1 cP. The pressure
drop is 80 in. of mercury and feed contains 0.03 kg dry cake per litre. Determine the specific
cake resistance and medium resistance RM.

We have a suspension of Bacillus subtilis fermented to produce enzyme protease. To

separate the biomass, we have added 1.1 times the biomass of celatom filter aid, yielding a beer
containing 3.6 wt % solids, with a viscosity of 6.6 cP. With a Buchner funnel 5 cm in diameter
attached to an aspirator, we have found that we can filter 100 cm3 of this beer in 24 min.

However, a previous study with this type of beer have had a compressible cake with s = 2/3.
We also need to filter 3000 L of this material in one of the pilot plants plate and frame filter
presses. This press has 15 frames, each of area 7040 cm2. The spacing between these frames
can be made large. This is an advantage because we can them filter all the beer without
emptying the press, and hence reduce the risk of contamination. The resistance of the filter
themselves is much smaller than the filter cake, and total pressure drop which can be used is
65 psi.
a. How long will it take to filter this beer at 50 psi?
b. How long will it take to halve this pressure drop?

ASR Biotech want to filter 5000 L/hr of a beer containing erythromycin using a rotary
vacuum filter originally purchased for another product. Their filter has a cycle time of 50 sec
and area of 37.2 m2. It operates under a vacuum of 20 in Hg. The pre-treated broth forms an
incompressible cake with the resistance of

ASR Biotech wants to wash the cake until 1% of the retained solubles is left, and it is expected
that the washing efficiency will be 70% and that 1% of filtrate is retained
a. Calculate the filtration time per cycle
b. Find the washing time

A shake flask broth is to be filtered at the following conditions: A = 10 cm2, =2

centipoise, =0.5 atm, = 1.2g/cm3, w = 0.005 and m = 2.5.


Evaluate the specific cake resistance and the resistance coefficient r of the filter if it
is found at two different time that (t(s), V(ml)) = (30,38)(60,52)
For scale up purposes what size filter would be needed to process 105 litres of the
same broth in 10 minutes

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