My Apple: Pawee "Bank" Nontamongkoltorn

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My Apple

Written by
Pawee Bank Nontamongkoltorn
Kids. You know. It is been 22 years since I met your gorgeous mother - the star of my
life, who has been taken care of you guys for almost 20 years. I know that my story is going to
be clich like other allegories. However, this one is heavily special to my honourable wife. For
1994, the year of alternative rock domination, and the year of tragedy - the death of Kurt
Cobain, the founder of Grunge. I slept on my soft and lavender-smelled bed at a recent-opened
condominium in Ari alone with rock music playing loudly like wild animals scream. Suddenly, an
unexpected phone call woke me up from my peaceful slumber. I accepted the call, and there
was a calm and cool voice questioning me, Ted, where are you right now? It was my
Singaporean-Thai friend, Jon. I quickly got off the bed and spoke, Umm, hi Jon. Im in my crib.
Whats up. You know. Im going back to my hometown, Singapore today around 13:30., Jon
stated. I was annoying with my sleepy condition, so I let Jon cut to the chase. I have one ticket
left, as my sister is extremely busy with her project. Would you like to have an extra vacation to
my hometown?, questioned Jon. How can I reject such a wonderful deal from my good friend.
Of course, Ill take it., I answered joyfully.
After a nice conversation, I packed up my modern clothes and necessary items for this
journey as quick as I could. I rushed down to lobby, sprinted to the main road like a hyperactive
rabbit, and called a cab to the airport. Thank god the AC works just like I live at the coldest part
in Russia., I complimented the cab driver for the functional air condition. Shortly after the
complement, the driver asked me with a calming voice, You are so rushy. Whats your current
plan? Singapore, bro. This is my first time for going overseas., I talked with an excited tone to
the one. 30 minutes afterwards, the cab reached the destination. I paid the fare, stepped out off

the car, and looked around the area to find Jon. Few moments later, there was the Tom-Cruiseliked voice calling my name. And here came Jon, my man.
We walked to the check-in countre and got two economy-class tickets. Upon the
announcement for boarding, me and Jon proceeded to the gate for entering the airplane to
Singapore. Inside the plane, its interior looked modern and fresh from a factory, with
comfortable and sanitised seats for passengers. We walked to our designated seats. We stored
our bags in the cabinet as fast as we could because several Chinese passengers, who followed
us since entering the plane, were extremely rushing. Eventually, one of the rushing passenger
group hit a young Thai lady, and her bag were fallen down. I got off the seat and assisted putting
it into a suitable place. At the first sight, she looked heftily pretty like an angel, and my first
thought was, she is the right one. The plane doesnt fly, and you got the love sight already.
Damn dude, sit down., Jon spoke with a teasing tone. I went back to my seat. How long does it
take to Singapore?, I said while bringing my black-coloured sleeping mask out from my biker
leather jacket. Around 2 hours and 15 minutes. You can take a nap, you lazy sloth., Jon joked,
as he knew I loved sleeping at any moment I got a comfortable seat. I did not know how long I
slept, but it was definitely long. Eventually, Jon woke me, as we reached destination. We
followed others to the luggage claim section. I went getting a trolley, while Jon was waiting for
our luggages. What a coincidence. The lady, whom I really liked did the same thing as well.
However, she struggled getting the trolley, as she did not know how the trolleys handle bar
worked. As she was about to give up, I helped her out once again. She thanked me gratefully
like dame in distress. An opportunity was opened, and I started a conversation casually without
letting her knowing that I was flirting her:
Is this your first time travelling overseas? I opened the chat.
Yes. Im travelling with my younger sister. the lady talked while looking for her relative.
If you dont mind, could I have your phone number, please. I requested her with doggy

Sure, sure. Absolutely. 170-7522. This is my Thailand phone number. And, heres my
house phone number, 242-692. she provided a wanted detail without hesitation.
Thank you so much. I will call you once I get back home. I spoke and left her doing her
own agenda, as she was kind in a rush.
After Jon and I obtained the luggages from the carousel, we straightly approached to the
Exit to find a cab for taking us to the hotel. We called it and rode it to the destination. It was
19:00, we checked-in, got the key, and went to the room rushly, as we wanted to go Orchard
Street for dinner. Arrived at the place, we went to the mall, due to the most delicious Hainan
chicken with rice was located there, according to Jon. In the afterward, we went walking around
the street, yet again I met my fabulous woman, who was accompanying with her younger sister.
Hey. You again. What a coincidence. What are you doing here? the right and lovely
lady questioned me with a happy voice.
Oh, me and my friend just finished from dinner, and we are roaming around the Orchard
Street for sightseeing.
Righty-o. We are heading back to hotel because my sister is fatigued. she conversated
with a slight-tired tone.
Shortly afterward, we went our own way. In the bolt moment, this lady asked for the last
question, Whats your name? Names Ted. I answered. Then, she replied, My names
Apple. After that, we exchanged goodbye to each other and went separate way. Jon and I
stayed for 4 days, then we went heading back to Thailand. During the departure from
Singapore, I did not see Apple around the airport, but it was okay because I had her phone
Two weeks after Singapore, I was always thinking about my love. Every time I walked on
streets, I thought about her boots sound. Every time I walked passing by female pedestrian, I
always could smell of Apples perfume odour. I felt crazy in love with this woman already.
Several days later, I felt like I must confront her as soon as possible. Nevertheless, I still had

some hesitation blocking my way. Despite the obstacle, I decided to phone her. I did not realise
at all that how I did get the courage from. Waiting for someone to pick up. Suddenly, here she
Hi. whos this? the pretty woman questioned with a confused sound.
Well, hello there. Its me, Ted. You remember that we have met at Singapore. I replied
calmly while exciting that she answered my call.
Oh, yeah. Its you. So, what are you up to? the lady said in a relaxing tone.
Im good. I talked back to her, So, shall we go for dating at the restaurant near River
Wow! How can I deny the offer. Lets do it. Apple answered like an exciting girl who
was invited by her crush for prom.
Splendid. What time and day should we meet? I asked
Friday at 18:00 will suit the best. she replied back happily.
Alrighty. See you on the day. me and Apple spoked the sentence simultaneously.
Shortly after hanged-up, I jumped around my room like a young boy who just received a
wished gift from parents. The day came, I quickly woke up at 10:30 in order to prepare myself got a new and slicked haircut, and bought a bouquet of rose as a gift. Around 16:15, I drove
normally like John Travolta playing in Grease to the restaurant. Arrived at the place, I went and
sat down at a reserved table. At half-past six in evening, there was no sign of Apple. I assumed
there was traffic-jam in front of the restaurant. 40 minutes later, Apple with unrecognised person
Hey. Sorry for being late. Traffic was so bad, and my sister did make-up for an hour.
Apple spoke
Its okay. I know it. So, whos this lady, whom you bring with? I questioned with cautious
tone in order to prevent her getting angry in questioning an inappropriate one.

Where are my manners. My name is Yui. Apples older sister. the lady introduced to me
Nice to meet you. I accepted her sentence, Im Ted.
Three hours of dining together. I felt like I lived in heaven with caring and beautiful
angels accompanying during the time. The time was up. We left from the place, as the
restaurant was closed. I walked with her and the sister to her car to drop-off. What a blast.
Thank you for taking me out., quoted Apple. I replied back, My pleasure. See you again. Her
BMW roared like a charming tigress. Before she drove away, she wrote something on a little
piece of paper. Then, she handed to me and said, Come and find me. And she left.
My feelings upon her departure, defiant and alone like living under the bridge where I
tried to forget my love, yet cannot do so. I drove back to my place and tried to overcome my
grief, but I could not, like she put a magical spell at me already at the beginning when we met.
Just like my step-dad said, Once you fall in love to someone you really like, there is no turningback. You must carry on your task till the end. Well, I guessed he had a legitimate point about
love. I must win her heart by all mean necessary.
April 21st, 1994. My craziest day ever in my entire life. I must confess her. Luckily, I was
still possessing the paper that she had given to me on the first date. Yet, I did not have a chance
to look at it. Here we go. On the paper, it was her home address. Without any hesitation, I ran
down to my car and drove off to the destination as fast as my heart beated. 45 minutes
afterward, I reached the place. The main entrance looked elegant like a palace door. I honked,
so there would be someone to come opening the door. Less than 10 minutes, it was opened by
a figure, who had a heavy build, short hair, and tall like Michael Jordan. The person asked me,
Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you a stalker? At first, I thought it was a joke, but
his sound was unfriendly at all, yet projected in a serious tone like a cruel father, who did not
allow his child to go play outside. I answered politely in order to calm him at ease, Hello. Im
Ted.Im Apples boyfriend. I come here to see her. Despite my politeness, he insisted to let

me come inside. 15 minutes of argument, he stated his last warning, If you dont leave right
now, I will shotgun you. I was shocked of his cruelty. However, I must stand strong for the
cause. I decided to deny his demand, so the man walked back to his house and bring out his
trusty shotgun. He walked quickly to my car, and ready to aim at his bait like hunting ducks.
Nevertheless, there was a 50-year-old-female voice shouting at the individual, Norman! Stop it.
Hes Apples boyfriend. Norman stopped his action at once, and apologised me for acting
hostilely. I accepted his apology. Then, the old woman led me inside.
I walked with those two people to a large and elegant house. Inside, Apple was sitting
around a granite-made table. I sat down beside her, and the individuals sat at the opposite side.
The atmosphere was like I was arrested for a crime, and brought for interrogation conducted by
a good cop and a bad cop.
Im sorry for my sons inappropriate behaviour. My names Leslie, Apples mother. The
gentleman, whom you have met before is Norman, Apples older brother. The old lady
introduced to me.
State your intention. Norman spoke like a kingpin who sought others need
I am a lover who seek only true love and caring. Even since I was born on this world, I
was abandoned cruelly by my biological parents, then my step-parents adopted me and took
care of me very greatly. They taught me whats love and its beautiful trait. That makes me see
the world brightly, and I wont give it this love. It is my only chance to get a true love. This young
and beautiful lady is my saviour, whom Im looking for my life. She heals when Im depressed.
She cares me like my step-mother. And, she likes me when Ive done something to impress her.
Therefore, Ive come to purpose a marriage with Apple.
Both Leslie and Norman were stunning with my improvised speech for a minute,
perhaps. Later, Norman talked and clapped at me, You are so macho. I havent seen someone
who straightly comes to my house for confessing love. You have my respect. Followed by

Leslies sincereful words, Young man. Marvelous speech. I understand how you feel with Apple.
As a mother, I hereby allow the marriage.
After the words, I was hyped and joyful with the answer. So was Apple. Next, Apple
hugged me and said, I love you, Ted, till my last breath. And, I replied back to her, I love you,
Apple, till death do us apart. We kissed each other as a celebration that I had been waiting for
36 years.
June 16th, 1995. Me and Apple were married at the hotel in Pinklao. Many guests were
here to witness the new love, from relatives to friends; everyone was enjoyed with the event. It
was my best moment and memory of my lifetime that I must keep it as strong as a huge stone.
This is my most memorable memory ever, kids. This is how me and your mom get together.

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