Phonics Lesson Plan Baseball - 1

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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Amanda Bollinger
School: Bayfield Elementary
Grade Level: 3rd
Number of Students in Class: ~25
Unit: Phonics
Lesson Duration: ~40 mins
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Wed. 3/16/16
1. Objective(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify
complex spelling patterns and morphology by creating words through combination
of consonant digraphs or clusters and vowel sets.

2. Colorado Academic Standards:

Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard: 2. Reading for all purposes
3. Knowledge of complex orthography (spelling patterns), morphology
(word meanings), and word relationships to decode (read) multisyllabic words
contributes to better reading skills.
Evidence Outcomes: a. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills
in decoding words.
i. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound
correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to
read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.

3. Learning Target(s): I can combine consonant clusters and vowel sets to create
words and identify their meaning.

4. Assessment: 1. Check for understanding of consonant vowel pairings

throughout the activity. Students will be identifying words by pairing given
consonant clusters and vowel phonograms. If students correctly identify all given
pairings they will have shown complete understanding of the task.
2. Check for understanding of word meaning throughout the activity. After students
have created their words they will give a brief definition of the word through verbal
explanation or action. If students correctly explain the definitions they will have
shown complete understanding of this task.

5. Materials: SMART notebook hook ups and board, SMART notebook lesson plan,
student name sticks to form teams and pick batters/pitchers, score sheet (chalk
board), word list on butcher paper, consonant cluster baseballs, vowel phonogram
baseball bats.

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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

6. Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement: We are learning that
consonant clusters and vowel phonograms can be separated and put together in a
variety of ways to create new words and meanings.

7. Introduction/Anticipatory Set: Have students match five different consonant

clusters to five different vowel phonograms to create words. After a student has
created a word they will call on a classmate to define the word using vocabulary or
8. ****Step-by-Step Lesson Process:****

1. (8mins)Introducephonicsbaseballlesson,allowstudentstomatchthefiveconsonant
2. (2mins)HaveastudentreadthegamerulesfromtheSMARTboard,answerquestionsif
3. (2mins)Usingthestudentnamesticksdividestudentsintotwoequalteams.Oneteam
4. Usethestudentnamestickstochooseabatterfromoneteamandapitcherfromanother
5. Thebatterwillchooseavowelsetbattoplaywithandthepitcherwillchoosea
6. Thebatterwillcreateasmanywordsashe/shecan,usingtheconsonantclusterand
7. Iftheplayercanuseallfourvowelspellingstomakeaword,heorsheearnsahomerun.
8. Markdownpointsforeachhomerunearned.
9. Checkforunderstandingthroughoutactivityasstudentscreatewordsanddefinethem.

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