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Mrs. Busler

An allusion is a reference to an earlier work- either biblical, historical, or mythical.

This project, being assigned for a Mythology class, will only involve
allusions from mythology, but you may include the myths of other cultures
besides Greek, such as Egyptian or Norse.
This is a group or individual project which will last throughout the semester and
which will be worth a total of 200 points. Your group will also assign up to 25 points
per member based on a score your will give yourselves and each other. The project
itself will involve eight, one-page, typed entries. Each entry will be worth up to 25
points, and no entry will be accepted after its due date. No group may use the
same topic more than once.
For each entry:
1. Allusions may be taken from any school appropriate source. is a good resource, and so is Include as much of the original source as applies. For example,
if you use song lyrics, quote the song. If it is the name of a
company, tell me about the company. ***CITE YOUR SOURCE HERE***
2. Identify and discuss the mythological character, place, item, or
event. (Tell the story.) ***CITE YOUR SOURCE HERE***
3. Explain why the allusion is appropriate. This is an opinion that is backed
up with evidence and a good deal of thought.
The following are some possible sources for allusions if you need ideas:
geographical names
song lyrics
stories and articles
mascots musical publications
names of people or trades
My favorite example of this would be the Honda Odyssey. This minivan is named
after the epic poem by Homer detailing the adventures of Odysseus as he wandered
for ten years following the Trojan War. It seems fitting that a minivan would allude
to a story about a famous journey. (This is not an example you may use!)
***Each entry must also include a works cited page. You may go to and choose MLA format to help you with this portion of the
Your first allusion is due on January 16, 2016.

***This is a summative writing assignment, and its due date will not be extended. If
you have concerns, please see me so that we may plan accordingly.***

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