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Plan Title: Be a journalist and win the lottery ticket

Name: Myung joo Shin (ID# 19)

Behavior Contingency Plan (BCP)
Undesirable Behavior Targeted:
Realistically in current school systems, many teachers are using their own class notes instead of using
textbook for their math lessons. In this case, teacher usually upload the notes in the class website or
teachers blog so students can print out of the note for each class. The materials are more likely
worksheets with sets of problems without answers.
Therefore, if students dont do note-taking during the lesson, they will not have a resource to study for
later. Also if they dont practice for solving problems by hands following directions, they will lose
opportunities to get mastery level of learning, and they will not fully focus on the lesson.
Keeping all class notes and homework in one place is also important because individual pieces of the
notes will be lost easily.
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted:
Every student will have a corresponding class note printed out from their home or school library when
they come to the class. And the note has to be placed in a binder or folder that includes all the class
notes and homework for the subject.
Types of positive reinforcements - Reinforced when & how?
Immediate & delayed R+ should be related to the final activity being earned.
1. Immediate R+ Each student will have a tally marks on a board, and the students will get a credit if they
bring a hard copy of the note for a lesson. If students didnt bring the class note, they still have to do
note-taking on a blank paper during the lesson and keep it together with other class notes and
homework. Also sometimes the teacher will give a credit for a student who answered difficult
problems or participated well.
2. Ongoing R+ The teacher will provide a box and roll of tickets or small papers in classroom. Students
will write their name on a ticket and put it in a box whenever they earn a credit, so they will have
same number of paper tickets in the box as much as they have tally marks on the board. When they
finished a chapter, the teacher will collect the math journal which is a binder or folder keeping all the
class notes and homework in there from each student and check if he or she did note-taking for each
class. The student will earn up to five additional credits from the end-chapter inspection. A notetaking on a blank paper will be counted on the end-chapter inspection though it couldnt get a credit
from daily credit for bring class notes to the class.
3. Overall R+ - The teacher will pick one ticket from the lottery box, and the student who has a name of
the ticket will be a winner for one-month membership in IXL website. Student who had put lots of
tickets in the box has higher chance to win the lottery. Also total amount of credits each student
earned in a semester will be a part of his or her grades as one of projects.
4. Beginning of each class the teacher will check who brought class note and who didnt quickly and
update their tally mark on the board. It will not take long time and also can be a good routine for
students and teacher in beginning of the class. Because of the tally marks on the board the teacher
and students can easily and quickly monitor the status.
Interactive Learning Activity
111.41. (13) Probability. The student uses the process skills to understand probability in real-world
situations and how to apply independence and dependence of events. The student is expected to:
(D) apply conditional probability in contextual problems; and (E) apply independence in contextual

Win the lottery activity: For end of semester activity, the teacher can implement probability games
with the lottery box. Students can calculate their probability to win the lottery and working in a group
and calculate they will have a winner in the group, and if the probability model was correct. and they
can practice with different scenarios of probability models. The winner will get a prize such as onemonth membership in IXL from the teacher.
Teach the Desired Behaviors
The teacher can show some samples of class notes have effective note-taking strategies in there at the
beginning of the semester and show a model when they have to pay attention to the lecture and when is
the good time to take a note during the class time.
Teach the Plan
Beginning of the semester, the teacher will explain what is the expectation from the students dealing
with note-taking during the lesson, how they organize them, and how this behavior will be effected on
their grade and what activity they will have at the end of the semester. The teacher will show how to
implement the tally board and lottery tickets and give direction that they are supposed to take the daily
class note out at the beginning of the class for checking by the teacher.
Provide options
Most of students can print out the materials at home, or they can use printers in school library if they
want. But if students want to have a digital copy of the class notes, they can store them in a computer,
but they still have a hard copy of the class note and write down on it during the lesson. They can scan
or rewrite the note-taking on the digital copy of the class notes or their own templets after the class
finished based on the contents what they had on the papers because they are not allow to use computer
in the class time except they have some activities involving a computer. But they can submit digital
copy of journal instead of hard copy version for end-chapter infection in that case.
Demonstrate all Necessary Items
A Rolle of tickets or lots of small papers to write names on them.
A box for putting the tickets in it.
Prize such as one-month membership in IXL.
Tarry board all the students names on it

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