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Caroline Reineke

EPSY 320

April 18, 2013

Reflection of Major Observation

This observation has helped me recognize the different levels of

development among children every day. I have new found knowledge
about the many different aspects of child development and this will
help me in my career as a special education teacher. While observing
EllaJay, I learned that children can be in between levels of development
and each child is unique. The levels of development can be used as a
benchmark to decide the level a particular child is on and how this
affects their growth. I enjoyed being able to analyze many different
types of development from cognitive to communication development.
This will help me understand the different levels my own students are
on so I can tend to each of their own needs.
During the observation I also recognized EllaJays development in
gender development. I let EllaJay pick out of a group of toys that were
all gender stereotyped and she picked the Minnie mouse vacuum
cleaner. This shows that EllaJay already understands she is a female
and the toy of her choice fits in with the gender stereotypes we
discussed in class. I also noticed EllaJay had an attachment to her
mother because when her mom was home she wanted her mom to
hold her at all times. This attachment is a part of EllaJays emotional

This observation was a great experience to take everything we

learned this semester and apply it all at one time. I have relay enjoyed
this opportunity and I have loved getting to apply all of the different
theories and concepts to this observation.

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