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“The Tria al ‘The double etry system of accountng tates that every ansction wil affect vo accounts, the Fst ccoun etd then the second one willbe creditor vic versa Itmeans tht very vale thats placed on the debit side ofa fst account must be placed onthe oposite credits fa second account To eure that a proper matching eed ety for every debit ent ie Being obseried a Trl Balance pepaed, A ‘ial Balance ssa tobe a statement faith proot to ensure tha proper double entry is being doe, This statement is mae ofa ist of account balances arranged according to whether they ar debit balances or red boone ‘The Uses and imitations ofthe Trial Balance “he Til Balance assis in detecting sccounting eros -ltprovides closing balance figures for account enter for Final Accounts -Ieprovides a summary of elvan accounts o asst management in making decisions “The at Blanc wit only detet sme types oF acount errs, Thee ae rovly sven eros whch Wil ot Be reveled by the wil balance. These rors willbe looked t separately ite ner. ‘The Tri Balance ‘Steps to Tea Bs we Eary The acconts should rt be entered, “The accounts should scondly be lanes off. “The accounts balances shuld be entered inthe Tel Balance onthe same side a the Blance dn the account Toa both debit andere clams, Ifthe tas of both columns arena gual then it means tat there may be oe oF more acauntng errors. both ‘olun ftal r in agreement then te assumed hat proper double entry was observed. ‘Where do items appear on the Trial Balance Name of Company ‘Teal Balance as, NAME OF ACCOUNT [DEBIT CREDIT Assets Expenses Sales Copal ables Purchases Total

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