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Name: Marcia Arcuri #1

Title: Yay! Phones are Away! Then Lets Play!

Undesirable Behavior:
Students are using cell phones during class for reading and writing texts and for listening to music.
This practice interferes with being able to focus on what the teacher is saying during instruction. It also
interferes with focus on other students responses. When asked a question, if the students are wearing earbuds to listen to music, they are unable to hear the teacher or other students. The teacher has to do
something to get their attention and then ask them to remove the ear buds so that they can hear the
question and discussion. Additionally, during independent work time, students are distracted by texts on
their cell phone and therefore are unable to think deeply and complete quality work.
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted:
At beginning of each class, for the first ten minutes approximately, homework is checked and
warm-up problems are completed. During that time, students should finish their texting, silence their
phones and place them in their backpack. If they do not have a backpack, then they should place their
phone on the teachers desk.
Immediate Reinforcement:
If the teacher sees no phones from the time she starts explaining the warm-up until 10 minutes before
The bell rings, then the students may use their phone at this time for each block:
--First/fifth block: 10:25, Secnd/sixth block: 12:00, Third/seventh block: 2:20, Fourth/eighth block: 4:00.
Otherwise, if a phone is being used during class then all students will wait until the bell rings to use their
phone and the goal is not met during that class period.
Ongoing Reinforcement:
At the end of each class in which all cell phones were successfully stored for the appropriate amount
of time, a student will choose an emoji to cover one of the black ones on the phone in the poster. I will
start with five black squares. After five successful class periods, all black icons will be covered and
therefore the class goal is met. I chose five because in a normal two-week period, a class meets five times.
Overall Reinforcement:
The interactive learning activity is: We will play a game for which phones will be required and the
students will be happy! The game will use Kahoot.
How I will administer all Reinforcement:
For immediate R+, I will ask students to remind me each day when 10 minutes is remaining in class.
At that time, they can use their phone if the goal was reached during that class period. For ongoing R+, I
will allow a volunteer to choose an emoji to replace a black square on the phone in the poster.
Interactive Learning Activity
When the goal is met, we will play a Kahoots game that will address the TEKS listed below. The
game will be in the form of a quiz and so the TEKS will be reviewed and assessed. The rationale for using
Kahoots is that the students will need to use their phones to play the game. In addition, they will be
allowed to play the Kahoots with a partner and this will be counted as a quiz grade.
TEKS that are addressed: 111.42 (5) Algebraic reasoning. The student is expected to:
(G) use the properties of logarithms to evaluate or transform logarithmic expressions;
(H) generate and solve logarithmic equations in mathematical and real-world problems;
(I) generate and solve exponential equations in mathematical and real-world problems;

HOW I will Teach the Desired Behaviors:

I will borrow a students cell phone and back pack. I will walk into the room, place the backpack on
the floor beside the desk, silence the phone and place it into a pocket in the back pack. I will also put the
earphones with the cell phone. This will be completed as I sit down at the desk
HOW I will Teach the Plan:
I will have all the students stand up, go to the door, enter the room and perform what I just did and
explained. If a student does not have a backpack, I will ask him to put his cell phone on my desk. During
this time, I will walk around and check homework. By the time I am finished checking homework, all
students should already have placed their cell phone in their backpack and be finishing the warm-up
problems. I will remind students that if I see no cell phones during class until the designated time, then
they may remove them from their backpacks at 10 minutes before class dismissal. The times are listed
above. I will also remind them that if I do see any cell phones, then they may not use them until the bell
Provide options:
This plan is easily implemented for every class period since all of my classes start the same way: with
warm-up problems and homework check. When other TEKS are being taught, the quiz will change
Necessary Items:
1. Poster with explanation and targets. 2. Prepared Kahoots quiz with the TEKS addressed. 3.
Students phones.
Quiz that will be played on Kahoots:
1. Solve:
2. Solve:
3. Solve:
4. Condense:
5. Expand:

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