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Spark Center is an innovative nonprofit learning center and community space located in the
West Central neighborhood. The organization was the result of the dedication and hard work of local
community leaders. Many individuals were involved with the project including Jim and Joe Frank,
Greenstone Homes; Ben Stuckart, Spokane City Council President; Vinnie Alfonzo, Gonzaga
University Dean of Education; and Debra Park, a Kendall Yards resident. Together, they developed the
idea for Spark in Summer 2014. Collectively, the leaders formed a group of stakeholders who were
committed to improving the community through novel education and library services. The group
strongly believed in the idea that a better education leads to better jobs, improved health, and successful
communities. In August 2015, Spark Center in Kendall Yards opened to the public. Spark Centers
mission is to connect people of all ages to opportunities for learning and provide access to educational resources.
Current Situation
Director of Programs Brooke Matson, a Washington poet and educator as well as a Gonzaga
University graduate, coordinates all Spark programs. The organization accomplishes their mission of
connecting people of all ages to opportunities for learning and providing access to educational
resources partly by organizing programing and events. Skillshops are workshops designed for adults
and young adults who enjoy being creative and meeting new people in the community. Some upcoming
Skillshops focus on poetry, writing, and gardening. Playshops are designed for children in first through
12th grade, and focus on playful themes that engage youth with literacy, arts, technology, and the
community. Some upcoming Playshops involve creating comic strips and learning to code.
Connect. Learn. Create.
1214 W Summit Pkwy
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 279-0299 |

In addition to programming and events, Spark Center provides a variety of resources available
to the community. Spark Center offers access to technology to help visitors complete projects and
foster creativity. Technology resources include desktop or laptop computers, tablet devices, high speed
broadband access and free Wi-Fi in the center, and a Makers Lab with access to tools, technology, and
mentoring. Spark Center also offers the organizations space in Kendall Yards for groups to reserve and
utilize for gatherings, meetings, and community events.
All of Sparks offerings are designed to inspire, spread new ideas, and celebrate the talent in the
West Central neighborhood and greater Spokane community. Membership at Spark Center is free and
open to all. Understanding of Spark and its programs must be broadened within the greater Spokane
area. Spark offers a wide variety of engaging programs and events year-round, yet many Spokane
residents are not aware of the organization and its programming and events. In addition, there is a lack
of awareness and common misconceptions in the West Central neighborhood about Spark. While
Spark Center is open to everyone, some West Central residents may not realize that Spark Center is
open to all Spokane area residents. As Spark grows, it will emphasize that children in the West Central
neighborhood are one of Sparks most important target audiences.
Spark is an extraordinary organization within the Spokane community that has already offered a
positive contribution to residents. In the upcoming year, Spark Center will focus on expanding
programing and events at the Spark Center as well as addressing the misconceptions surrounding the
organization. These priorities can be seen in the organizations four strategic goals.

Connect. Learn. Create.

1214 W Summit Pkwy
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 279-0299 |

Sparks first goal is to increase awareness of the inclusiveness of the Spark Center in the West
Central Community. This initial goal can be met by implementing several creative tactics. Spark can
foster inclusiveness by partnering with INK Artspace to commission a mural on a prominent building
in the community. The mural could be used to advertise Spark Center as well as encourage participation
through a mural design contest. Spark also plans to coordinate chalk awareness events at Spokane
Public Schools. Chalk drawings promoting Spark in the recess and drop-off and pick-up areas would
catch the attention of students and parents alike. In addition to these two tactics, Spark Center could
encourage community members to invest in Spark Stars, which would feature the family or
individuals name and be displayed in the Spark Center. This would allow visitors to feel invested in
Spark Center while raising funds for the organization.
The organizations second goal is to increase positive relationships with the Kendall Yards
business community, Spokane city officials, and regional universities. Multiple tactics will aid Spark in
meeting this goal. First, Spark could host an open house and silent auction featuring products and
services from the Kendall Yards Business Community. This event will be exclusive to the Kendall
Yards business community to evoke solidarity and build a positive relationship between Spark and the
Kendall Yards business community. Spark could also reach out to city officials by hosting an event for
them, requesting involvement in a workshop or speaker series, or offering Sparks space for city
officials use. The organization may also consider collaborating with the Center for Community Action
and Service Learning (CCASL) at Gonzaga University, Dornslife Center for Community Engagement
at Whitworth University, the Service Learning Program at Eastern Washington University, Washington

Connect. Learn. Create.

1214 W Summit Pkwy
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 279-0299 |

State Universitys Spokane Education Department, Spokane Community Colleges Peer Tutoring
Program and Spokane Falls Community College Educational Paraprofessional program.
Next, Spark aims to increase attendance in Spark Center programs and events. This goal can be
accomplished using several tactics. Spark might sponsor or visit science and art classes at elementary
schools in the West Central neighborhood, such as Holmes Elementary, Audubon Elementary, and
Spokane Public Montessori. Spark could also invite classes from elementary schools in the West Central
neighborhood for a field trip to the Spark Center, and consider implementing a themed Summer Spark
Program to reward frequent visitors with a prize after 10 visits to the Spark Center.
Sparks final goal is to increase the presence of Spark on social media networks, including
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This goal can be achieved by creating weekly posts on all social
media platforms and establishing a YouTube account to post weekly videos about what is happening at
Spark Center. Spark could also consider developing a unique hashtag to use on all social media
platforms, such as #SparkWestCentral, to encourage Spark Center visitors to tag photos of their time at
the facility on social media.
In addition to concentrating on these four goals, Spark Center is currently planning Spark-inthe-Park. This event will take place in mid-June on the last day of school at a park in Kendall Yards.
Spark hopes that Spark-in-the-Park will attract families and community members of all ages and serve
to educate participants about upcoming programming and events at Spark Center. If the event is
successful, Spark would like to make Spark-in-the-Park an annual event for the West Central
neighborhood and greater Spokane community.

Connect. Learn. Create.

1214 W Summit Pkwy
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 279-0299 |

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