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Some are black and some are

Some are wrong and some are

Uns so pretos, outros brancos,

Uns tmidos, outros francos;

Some get rich

and some stay poor,

Uns so ricos,
outros pobres,

Some make peace

and some make war.

Uns tratantes,
outros nobres.

Some are yellow,

some are brown,
Some are up and
some are down,

Uns amarelos,
outros morenos,
Uns grandes,
outros pequenos;

Some go far, some fall behind,

Uns vo longe, outros ficam para trs,

Some are mean and some are kind.

Uns so bons, outros maus demais.

Some are reds

and some are greens,
Some stay quiet,
some make scenes,

Uns so verdes,
outros vermelhos,
Uns calados,
outros metem o

Some say yes and some say no,

Some will tell you where to go.

Uns dizem sim, outros dizem no,

Alguns o caminho nos mostraro.

But underneath our different skin,

The same heart beats, deep within.
For brothers, sisters all are we,
Meant to live in harmony.

Mas debaixo da nossa pele diferente

Bate um corao igual, minha gente;
Pois somos todos irmos! Que alegria!
E devemos viver em harmonia.

Sizing Up the Elephant

Avaliando o elefante

There is an Indian fable

about six blind men who
encountered an elephant
for the first time.

Conta a fbula indiana

que seis cegos
encontraram pela
primeira vez um elefante.

One man felt

leg and said,
"An elephant
is like a tree.

Ao apalpar
a perna do
animal, um
dos homens
disse: "O
como uma

Another grasped his

tail and said, "No, an
elephant is like a

Outro, que tinha

tateado a cauda,
discordou: "Engano
seu, pois se
assemelha a uma

The third bumped into the

elephant's broad side and said,
"I'm telling you, an elephant is like
a wall."

O terceiro, que havia dado

contra o robusto tronco do
paquiderme emitiu seu
parecer: "Garanto que o
animal tal qual um

The fourth man felt

an ear, smiled, and
said, "Ah, I am now
aware that the
elephant is like a

O quarto, segurando a
orelha do mamfero
sorriu e declarou:
"Agora sei que o animal
do qual tanto falam
como uma folha."

The fifth man grabbed

one of the elephant's
smooth, sharp tusks
and declared, "The
elephant is definitely
like a spear!

O quinto, que
examinara com as
mos a superfcie lisa
e a ponta afiada de
um dos marfins disse
com segurana "Este
animal idntico a
uma lana!"

The sixth man

caught hold of the
elephant's trunk
and said, "You're
all wrong! An
elephant is like a

O sexto, depois de
tocar a tromba foi
"Nenhum de vocs
entende! O
elefante se parece
com uma cobra."

They were all right, but none

of them was completely right
or the only one who was right.
We laugh, but we have all
jumped to conclusions when
we only saw part of the
Todos estavam certos, mas
nenhum inteiramente, ou
poderamos dizer, nenhuma
das asseres encerrava
isoladamente toda a verdade.
Pode parecer engraado, mas
todos nos precipitamos em
concluses, quando vemos
apenas uma parte do

What a wonderful world it would be if the

only thing we saw when we looked at
others was lovethe color of love.
Michael Roy

Que mundo maravilhoso teramos, se no

dssemos ateno a coisas como cor e
raa, mas vssemos nas pessoas somente o
amor a cor do amor! - Michael Roy

I say that we should regard all men as our

brothers. What? The Turk my brother? The
Chinaman my brother? The Jew? The
Siam? Yes, without doubt; are we not all
children of the same father and creatures
of the same God?Voltaire

Digo que devemos considerar todos os

homens nossos irmos. O qu? Um turco
meu irmo? Um chins meu irmo? Um
judeu? Um siams? Com toda certeza. No
somos todos filhos do mesmo pai e criaes
do mesmo Deus? - Voltaire

If you try to make your circle closed and

exclusively yours, it never grows very
much. Only a circle that has lots of room
for anybody who needs it has enough
spare space to hold any real magic.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder

Se traar um crculo exclusivo para si, ele

nunca crescer muito. Somente um crculo
que tenha muito espao para qualquer um
que precise lugar capaz de conter
qualquer mgica real. - Zilpha Keatley

If you approach each new person you

meet in a spirit of adventure, you will find
yourself endlessly fascinated by the new
channels of thought and experience and
personality that you encounter.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Se voc abordar com um esprito de

aventura cada pessoa que conhece, vai se
sentir infinitamente fascinado pelos novos
canais de pensamento, experincia e
personalidade que encontrar. - Eleanor

If you judge people, you have no time to

love them. Mother Teresa

Quem julga as pessoas, no tem tempo para

am-las. - Madre Teresa

In everything, do to others what you

would have them do to you.
Jesus, Matthew 7:12 NIV

Portanto, tratem as outras pessoas da mesma

maneira que gostariam de ser tratados por
elas. Jesus, Mateus 7:12, VFL

All text courtesy of Activated! magazine.

Used by permission.
Image Credits:
Cover designed by Rosapuchalt
Images on pages 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 courtesy of
Images on pages 2 & 3 courtesy of
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Page 18: USDAgov via Flickr
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Page 20: Club Med via Flickr, Brian Yap via
Flickr, Roberto Voltera via Flickr
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Page 22: Elyse Patten via Flickr
Page 23: Kevin Makice via Flickr
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Page 25:
All other images in public domain.

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