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East Ridge Middle School

ASPIRE Academy
Student Contract
Students Name: ______________________________ Enrollment Date: __________________
Student Goals:
Academic success in a personalized learning environment.
True ownership of their own learning.
Student Responsibilities:

Put forth their best effort in school at all times.

Maintain good citizenship and attendance in all classes.
Use student voice and choice appropriately.
Ask for help when needed.
Complete all homework and commit to homework/course review each night.

Parent Responsibilities:

Provide a caring environment so your child is ready to learn.

Provide a time and place for quiet study at home.
Stay up to date on your childs progress in school.
Help your child in any way possible to meet his/her responsibilities.
Encourage a positive attitude towards school.

Student Agreement:
I agree to accept enrollment into the ASPIRE Academy. I want to succeed and I understand that I
must take individual responsibility for my own success. I will ask for help from my teachers,
administrators and family when needed. I will work to the best of my potential, at school and at
home. I will strive to become a life-long learner.



Students Signature/ Date

Parents Signature/ Date

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