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Student Identity Diversity in Schools Each Student Has Their Own Identity In today’s world every student has a different learning style. Itis often difficult to find two students who learn the ‘exact same way. With that in mind, teachers must be constantly aware of their own teaching styles. schools may also be flooded with a mixture of diverse cultures. 45% of, schools in 2008, were considered to be minority groups. Because of this, teachers need to make sure that all of their students are able to The United States is filled with a mixture of different and diverse cultures. 45% of schools, in 2008, were considered to be minority groups. However, different learning styles aren’t the only things that make the students different. The United States is filled with a mixture of different and diverse cultures. Therefore, our understand the way they are teaching. It isn’t always possible to edit the way one teaches to fit each student specifically. The story, One Teacher's Approach, in the side panel addresses one teacher's solution. We must also respect each student's cultural background, while One Teacher's Approach “Mrs. Kelly teaches English asa second language (ESL) at Wilson Elementary. Although she understands the importance of one-on- one instruction, she has found that the varied English proficiency of her students makes it difficult to work with individual students for any extended period of time. She prefers to work with students individually, helping them pronounce words, reading, along with them, and helping when they encounter words they do not understand. The problem with this approach is the time it requires—there are only so many hours ina day (Parkay, 2013).” Therefore, she solved this problem by implemer ga text-to-speech program. A TIS is a computerized voice that reads text to the children. This way, the kids can choose a soothing voice to read along with. maintaining the U.S. culture. The US. is a melting pot of culture. Therefore, supporting each student's culture would be supporting the US. culture as well. ‘One might ask, what are some ways we can help teach these students? We can help them by using the text-to-speech method that The Diversity Dark Side ‘The world has been said to fear what they don’t understand. With fear of the unknown, comes hateful speech and treatment. Teachers should not only expand their own knowledge and appreciation of the diverse cultures in their classrooms, they should also be aware of how to properly guard their students from negative stereotypes and overgeneralizations. Stereoty ping is the process of attributing behavioral characteristics to all members of a group. When stereotyping occurs, it isn’t unlikely that racism Mrs. Kelly used in the story. Another way is by using bilingual education, which is using two languages as the medium of instruction, The goal of the United States school systems is to express multiculturalism. Multiculturalism affirms the need to create schools where differences related to race, ethnicity, gender, will follow. Teacher's need to protect their students from individual racism and the schools need to protect their students from institutional racism. Teachers will not be able to eliminate stereotyping and racisms. They just need to be aware of it, and be able to attempt to instill acceptance in their students. They must also reflect on themselves and make sure thot they are treating everyone fairly. Once schools start instilling ‘hools, acceptance into our multiculturalism will become the norm and hopefully racism will no sexual orientation, disability, and social class are acknowledged and all students are viewed as valuable resources for enriching the teaching- learning process. Ionger exist in our schools. Multicultural Education Kids find change to be difficult some ies. Either itbe adapting to another country or going through a tough time. Whether it has to do with their gender or sexual orientation, or ethnic, racial, or cultural backgrounds. A teacher should be their mentor and helper through it all under no circumstances, whether it has to do with the curriculum or adapting through the social world. Multicultural education should help provide pride and confidence in a child's heritage. Multicultural Curricula Asa teacher, you will take on the task of teaching, students who have not received the same opportunities. It may have to do with racial or different ethnicities, low income families, kids with disabilities or LGBT students. You are responsible for teaching them that they shouldn't be treated differently and deserve to be taught what they need to know. eacher's Voice “When asked to ponder the question “why do I teach?” I thought about, why do I breathe? To me, { breathe because I have no choice, it’s something that I nced to do in order to survive and live.” Teaching Methods Becoming a new teacher can be pretty tricky. You're ina new school, new classroom, with new students and new coworkers. Teaching methods are a main point in your career. How do you teach? How do your students learn? Getting your information out I one thing, but how do you get your students to remember it? Different methods will work for different students and teachers. Still holding on to your own teaching style, take in the students learning methods, knowledge and now they are influenced. Methods can be based on development of the child as they move through the stages of cognitive, psychosocial and moral development. Choosing the most appropriate method for the students as they work through that state in their development. Responses fo Student Behavior More often than not you will have at least one problem child in your class. It’s different every year, but there’s usually one bad apple in each class. There are many different approaches taken to discipline students and you have to do things your own way, just make sure your way is effective. Students act up that’s just what children do, but you have to make sure they do not distract the other kids and effect their education. Classroom Management ‘There are several approaches to classroom management. Some are based on psychological theories while others are philosophical views. The success in any of Sometimes you may have a teachers ai in the room to help you but you might not all the time so you need to make sure they listen to you. Punish each child equally and do not favor any child, this will cause distrust with the students and they will question your authority. It may also cause those favored students to think they can get away with more. Usually schools have their ‘own types of punishments, everything from pulling these theories goes along with the personality and leadership of the class, But just because one theory may be styl working doesn’t mean others shouldn't be tried too. cards to demerits and badges. You may want to come up with your own system to reward them for staying out of trouble. Many students tend to behave better when there's an incentive. It can be anything from candy or a snack, to extra recess time or picking out of a prize box. Each grade level is different and each teacher does it their own way, but it’s a great, easy way to keep kids out of trouble. Severity of Misbehavior Your response to student misbehavior should first depend on how bad the incident was. Rate it as mild, moderate, or severe and punish accordingly. If it’s mild and it's the first time the incident has occurred start Constructive Assertiveness The effectiveness of your punishments depends partly on our constructive assertiveness. Constructive assertiveness “lies on a continuum of social response between aggressive, overbearing pushiness and with a warning but make sure it's known that next time it will not be taken as lightly. Also, whenever itis possible give attention to those who are doing good in class. Take the time to point out that Suzy is doing very good in Math timid, ineffectual or submissive responses that allow some students to trample on other students’ rights. Constructive assertiveness includes three basic elements: instead of yelling at Tyler for making noises. This will make them want to be praised and not cause trouble. 1. A direct, clear statement of the problem 2. Body Language (ex. Eye contact with students and facial expressions) 3. Firm, unwavering insistence on correct behavior. Classroom Climate Classroom Climate- the atmosphere or quality of life in a classroom. When starting, cout as a first year teacher, this is one of the most important things you need to work on most. For every student t anew year with new rules and they don’t know what they're walking into, much like you. Your job is to make sure each student knows that you care about them and that you believe they can learn. You have to be sensitive to each child’s needs and abilities. Every student will learn differently and are taught differently growing up. All students come from varying backgrounds and you do not know what they know or have been through. Treat each child with respect and treat them fairly. This will go a long way towards a positive classroom climate. ‘Teachers play a huge role in student’ lives, especially younger children. There are many factors that go into achieving the most improvement out of students: Each student needs to be taught the core skills in math, reading, and writing. Those three key skills will be built all throughout schooling and their lives. Set high ‘expectations for each student and accept nothing less than their best effort. Every one performs their best when they have someone believing in them, Since every student learns at their own pace, you're going to have some student struggle. Many, it’s not their fault. They were either born with something that made them that way or they don’t receive help at home. Students like these are going to need extra help attention. Make sure they get that help so they know they can trust you. Do not ever let them feel like they are struggling or that they are incapable. Although, many things that effect your classroom climate are from you and your attitude, there are things you can’t control. You cannot control the environment they live in or how their parents oF guardians treat them. You just have to do your best to make ita happy and enjoyable time while they are at school. 8 Characteristics A New Teach Needs A Productive Focus 2. Group Cohesiveness 3. Open and Warm Relationships with Students and Parents 4. Respectful Interactions with Students 5. Low Levels of Tension, Anxiety, and Conflict 6. Humor 7. High Expectations for Students 8. Frequently Let Students Input During Classroom Conversations

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