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Southern Methodist University

Center for Teacher Education


Cayce Tabor

Mentor Teacher:

Suzanne Graham


Marion Elementary

University Supervisor:

Barbara Salamone

Reflection Form
(Complete this form as soon as possible after delivery of the lesson and give to the observer.)

Cayce Tabor

Date of Lesson:





Approximate Length of Lesson:

45 minutes

Overall, how successful was this lesson?
Very successful! The students stayed engaged in a student-led review of flexible math strategies, and then
again in a game setting where they could practice what they knew with a friend. After grading the
assessment, I can tell the students mastered the material.

In what ways were your goals/objectives appropriate for your students?
My objective was that students would be able to solve two-digit addition problems using each of the
flexible strategies. In the game I created, students solved those problems using each of the flexible
In what ways were they not appropriate?
The objectives were appropriate for both my high advanced students and for my lower students who
sometimes struggle. The game allowed students to practice using flexible strategies with peer support and
allowed me to monitor understanding and application of the strategies and to correct misconceptions
before the assessment.

How effective were your assessment strategies in measuring student achievement of the learning goals/
objectives for this lesson?
Very effective. The assessment piece for this lesson was informal and formal. The informal piece consisted
of walking around and observing students using their flexible strategies to solve questions and watching
students participate in the warm up activity where they solved problems in front of the class. The formal
assessment was the sheet where they solved a problem in four different ways independently.
Would you make any changes to the assessments strategies you used? What changes would you make and
No it was fun and engaging for students while providing me with a very clear understanding of which
flexible strategies we should focus on more.

Southern Methodist University

Center for Teacher Education

Cayce Tabor

Mentor Teacher:

Suzanne Graham


Marion Elementary

University Supervisor:

Barbara Salamone

Did you depart in any way from your plan? If so, how? Why?
Yes. I added a student-led introduction where after watching me, students solved addition problems in each
of the flexible strategies. I thought this would give me a chance to see if students needed more scaffolding
before I set them loose to play the game together. I didnt want the game to be frustrating, just fun and a
INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY Respond to these questions for each aspect.


Were the following aspects of your

instructional delivery effective for all
students? Why or why not?

What would you do differently to

improve the lesson?

Yes students had guided

practice at lower and higher
level of thinking, then had the
opportunity for independent

If I had more time I would add

a writing piece. I would have
students write about which
strategy was their favorite, and
how that strategy worked.


Yes students worked as a

group to practice each flexible


Yes Students participated and Again, for a future lesson or if

were very engaged in all
this lesson could go longer, I
would have a harder
enrichment activity for
advanced students, where they
applied their knowledge and
used it in a higher-level way,
and an intervention activity for
my students who were still
struggling where it was
presented to them in a different
I would use the same materials, In a subsequent lesson to this,
resources, and technology
to take student learning a step
because students came away
further, I would have students
with a clear understanding of
use technology by creating a
the flexible strategies. The
video where they would teach
materials I developed kept
someone how to use one of the
students engaged and they had strategies.
fun playing the game.
Technology wasnt as
applicable in a lesson like this.

Materials, Resources,
and Technology


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