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PST 300 Visual Gestural Communication

Summer 2013
Three Credits
Course Information
Students will develop capabilities in non-verbal communication and visual gestural
communication, studying gestures as a form of communication and basis for visual language.
Emphasis is on learning to think in pictures and building expressive and receptive communication

ASL 2 Program, Mission Statement

Gallaudet Universitys ASL Program within the College of Professional
Studies and Outreach is dedicated to providing an exemplary array of
comprehensive and interactive curricula for individuals interested in
learning American Sign Language (ASL) as a second language or
foreign language. Using direct instruction and immersion in ASL,
augmented by written English and visual learning supports, the
programs instructors engage learners in acquiring and developing
increasing levels of proficiency in expressive and receptive use of the
language. They also guide students exploration of the development of
the language, its complexities and relevance in American Deaf
Course Competencies
ASL2 Program Course competencies relate to both Gallaudet
University Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and to the ASL
Program Student Learning Outcomes.

The Gallaudet University Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

1. Language and Communication - Students will use American
Sign Language (ASL) and written English to communicate
effectively with diverse audiences, for a variety of purposes,
and in a variety of settings.
2. Critical Thinking - Students will summarize, synthesize, and
critically analyze ideas from multiple sources in order to draw
well-supported conclusions and solve problems.
3. Identity and Culture - Students will understand themselves,
complex social identities, including deaf identities, and the
interrelations within and among diverse cultures and groups.
4. Knowledge and Inquiry - Students will apply knowledge,
modes of inquiry, and technological competence from a variety
of disciplines in order to understand human experience and the
natural world.
5. Ethics and Social Responsibility - Students will make
reasoned ethical judgments, showing awareness of multiple
value systems and taking responsibility for the consequences of
their actions. They will apply these judgments, using
collaboration and leadership skills, to promote social justice in
their local, national, and global communities.
The ASL2 Program Outcomes and their relation to Gallaudet
University SLOs are:
ASL Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate
effectively with diverse audiences for social,
academic and/or professional purposes.
Engage in ASL discourse incorporating correct
grammatical markers, structure, depiction, and
cultural behaviors.
Demonstrate competency and proficiency in the use
of ASL including correct articulation and fluency in
various registers in different settings.
Ability to analyze and critique ones own use of ASL.
Demonstrate understanding and cultural sensitivity
about the Deaf community.


1, 4

1, 2, 4

2, 4
2, 3, 5

Visual Gestural Communication (PST 300) Outcomes and their

relation to the ASL Program Outcomes and Gallaudet University

SLOs, along with the assessment projects and tools, can be found in
the following chart:
Assignment-Tied Checklist, using VGC rubric
Major GU
PST 300: Visual
SLOs* Project for
each course
Demonstrate beginning #1, 2, #1, 2, 43-5 minute
level mastery of
3, 4
video using
comprehension and
production using
Understand basic use of #2, 3, 4#2, 4 3-5 minute
statements, questions,
video using
negation, contrastive
and conditional
sentences with correct
facial, eye and head
movement types (nonmanual signals).
Describe a persons
#1, 2, #1, 2, 3-5 minute
appearance, actions, and 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 video using
places by using
appropriate body and
semantic classifiers with
non-manual signals,
referencing skills and
basic spatial awareness.
Use of appropriate
#2, 3, 4#2, 4 3-5 minute
pronouns with accurate
video using
use of space, along with
eye gaze.
Demonstrate basic skills #1, 3 #1, 2, 45-10 minute
to engage in short
gestural conversations
using ASL
with confidence and

Tool(s) Used
to Score
AssignmentTied Checklist,
using ASL
AssignmentTied Checklist,
using ASL

AssignmentTied Checklist,
using ASL

AssignmentTied Checklist,
using ASL

Course Materials
Handouts and relevant information will be posted in the Blackboard.
Computer System Requirements

It is recommend that you use an updated version of Microsoft Internet

Explorer or Mozilla Firefox and have the following plugins:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Flash Player
In addition, for instructions on how to capture video using your
computer and any common technical questions related to using
various software or online programs, go to and click on General FAQs.
Course Format
Activities: This course consists of watching videos in gestures,
practicing, and answering questions in gesture on a daily basis.
Texts: Aside from the course book, all other course materials will be
posted on Blackboard.
Submitting work: You will post all of your work in the MyThread
program: If you are unfamiliar with
Blackboard, you may seek assistance from an eLearning Facilitator in
Gallaudets eLearning Lab at
Overview of the work: It is critical that students view all of the
lectures and read all of the assignment materials.

Statements of Values and Policy

Institutional Values
Gallaudet University will build upon its rich history as the world's
premier higher education institution serving deaf and hard of hearing
people to become the university of first choice for the most qualified,
diverse group of deaf and hard of hearing students in the world, as
well as hearing students pursuing careers related to deaf and hard of
hearing people. Gallaudet will empower its graduates with the
knowledge and practical skills vital to achieving personal and
professional success in the changing local and global communities in
which they live and work. Gallaudet will also strive to become the
leading international resource for research, innovation and outreach
related to deaf and hard of hearing people (Gallaudet University,
Expectations for Communication:

Use of spoken English, or of speaking and gesturing simultaneously

(sim-com) is not allowed during class time, including breaks.
Monitoring of this will be the responsibility of every student in the
room during class and during breaks. Students using voice or
gesturing/voicing simultaneously will be asked to leave the classroom
until the next session with no exceptions. .
Use of cellular telephones, pagers, iPods and other MP3 devices,
PDAs, video cameras, email, or text messaging is not allowed in the
classroom. Students using electronic devices will be asked to leave
the classroom, and will be recorded as absent for the day.
Expectations of Your Instructor
1. Welcome questions, ideas, and suggestions and, along with
learner-to-learner communication, highly values instructorlearner communication.
o We can communicate outside class via e-mail, videophone
(VP), or any type of video chat. For VP or any other kind
of video chat, it is best to make an appointment.
o If at any time you are dissatisfied, confused, or unclear
about how I am facilitating the course, please contact me
via e-mail first. I will respond to your inquiry within 48
hours, and we will work together to resolve the identified
issue. We will use the course discussion area as the
primary place of communication. In the event a private
conversation is required, we will utilize e-mail. Once the
matter is resolved, I may ask you to post the solution at
our discussion board so that others may benefit from this
information, too.
2. Return, with feedback, all assignments promptly, when
promised, barring any emergencies.
3. Learn with and from you in order to facilitate, accelerate, and
deepen your learningboth through intuition and through
4. Is authoritative based on expertise and knowledge, not
authoritarian based on power.
5. Signs as clearly as possible on videos.
6. Respects the special dynamic of teaching and learning.
7. Aim to foster the greatest, deepest, and most long lasting
learning and growth possible for each student and the class as
a whole.
Expectations of Students
American Sign Language class is based on interactive teaching,
learning, and communication. In order to take full advantage of the

learning that transpires, learners are expected to manage and direct

their academic progress with support and guidance from their
instructor. To acquire knowledge and build skills, learners should be
familiar with and adhere to the following expectations:
1. Be mindful of due dates. Although this is an immersion
course, it is not self-paced and is not the softer, easier way!
Deadlines have been set to ensure that you have adequate time
to complete all assignments within the current session. Active
participation in this class is required. Anyone who misses two
due dates in a row, or more than three due dates, without
communicating with the instructor prior to the due date(s), will
be withdrawn from the course by the instructor.
2. Late for class. The class meets as scheduled. Plan to arrive in
the classroom by the time class starts; the door will be closed at
that time. If you arrive after the class starts, you will be
counted as late. Late arrivals are disruptive to our class
3. Class attendance/participation. Participation in class
discussions and activities is a critical part of the course.
Quality participation assumes preparation for class through
assigned readings and activities, and the ability to express
ones ideas effectively while contributing to the relevance of
the specific topics. Two (2) hours unexcused absences may
result in reduction of your final grade by 5%. Students who
miss more than six (6) hours without an excusable absence may
be given an administrative drop as a final grade.
Learners are expected to do the work assigned. If you notify the
instructor when emergencies arise, you may be able make up missing
assignments with an agreement from the instructor.
Gallaudet University Academic Integrity Policy:
Undergraduate students must demonstrate behaviors that are
consistent with the standards of the University as published in the
Gallaudet Undergraduate Catalog, the Student Handbook, and the
academic departments and academic support units. These behaviors
include, but are not limited to, tact, civility, sensitivity to the needs
and interests of others, sound judgment, respect for others, and
timely attention to academic responsibilities. Failure to meet these
standards reflects adversely upon the undergraduate students
suitability for academic study and may be grounds for dismissal from
the University. The University can function properly only if its
members adhere to clearly established and articulated values related
to academic integrity . Faculty, students, staff, and administrators
share equally in the responsibility for maintaining standards related

to academic integrity. Gallaudet Universitys Academic Integrity

and Honesty Policy
OSWD Academic Accommodations Policy:
Special Needs Academic accommodations for students requiring
them will be made in accordance with the laws as specified by the
documentation received from the universitys Office for Students with
Disabilities (OSWD.) Students who need special services should go to Students must be registered with OSWD
and are responsible for providing the appropriate academic
accommodation documentation. Ideally, this will be done by the end of
the first week of classes, but no later than the third week of classes.
Accommodations may only be provided from the time the instructor
receives the documentation until the end of the course. If a student is
registered with OSWD, but the accommodations documentation is not
sent by OSWD to the instructor in a timely manner, the student should
send an email message and written note to the instructor, OSWD
Director, and the chair of the department asking for assistance and
naming the OSWD staff member who is working with the learner and
this staff persons email address.
Learner Assessment:
Outcomes, assignments, and assessments are located in the charts at
the start of this syllabus. That is where an overview of the points
assigned to each assessment is, so that you can gauge the weight of
each assignment relative to the final grade.
Class presentation: Students are to find a children picture book or comic, the book
needs to be approved by the instructor. The presentation will be conducted in class and be limited
to 5 - 7 minutes in which feedback/discussion will be included. Students are expected

to use proper grammar structure, vocabulary, and cultural information

acquired throughout the course this semester. Presentation
guidelines will be given out along with the rubrics and class
Critique/Abstract of Current Literature: Watch, review, and react to two video blogs (VLOGs)
focusing on communicating in gestures. The recommended site to begin finding different VLOGs
is VLOGs must be in gesture
without any ASL/English transcription, captions, or any text that summarizes the story. Student
will be given the opportunity to react in gesture using the video including the reaction from the
VLOG. The video should be less than 3 minutes long and should be uploaded through; send instructor the link to your video. Gestured videos must be
presented within the standard conventions of gestural grammatical structure.

Deaf Events/Activities: Students will be required to attend two (2)

Deaf Community events in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area.
Students will be given the opportunity to make a 1-2 minute signed
videotape of their experience at this event. The video should include:
(a) a summary of the event (b) a description of your experience (c)
your reactions. All video clips should be uploaded through with a link to Blackboard postings. Gestured
videos must be presented within the standard conventions of gestural
grammatical structure. The video content will be organized according
to the rubrics provided.
Tests and Quizzes: Both comprehension and production skills will be
evaluated along with linguistic and historical knowledge of the
language. All tests and quizzes are posted on the topical outline.
Grading Policy:
The final grade will be determined by averaging the grades earned for
each evaluation given.
Deaf Events Production Video (2)
Assignments (4)
Final Exam
Class Presentation


The final course grade is based on percentages:






















Syllabus is subject to change.

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