Reflection Paper 1020

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Spanish 1020

Culture Project Reflection Paper

This past year has been a journey chalk full of ups and downs. Life can throw

all kinds of physical and emotional barricades at you, at the most unexpected times.
But through the thick and thin, I am able to keep myself growing through the
expansion of my own human experiences, whether good or bad. And through the
constant observations of what life is like for those I encounter, and interact with in
my day-to-day routines. We all walk such vibrant, and diverse paths in life, that I
now realize how every one person is so very unique, and special, no matter where
we come from, or who we are. If Ive taken anything specific to heart from this past
year of language learning, it would be the appreciation, and fascination Ive gained
from learning about so many colorful cultures, and communities.
Next, one of the benefits of language learning that I have seen in myself is the
fabrication of my own confidence, to modestly converse with native Spanish
speakers, to the best of my abilities. I am lucky to work in an environment that is
extremely rich with diverse people, and languages. I have learned enough Spanish to
begin speaking at a very novice level with some of my coworkers, who struggle
immensely with the English language. So I now realize how refreshing it must feel
when these people are able to speak in their native tongue, and communicate with
me, and those around them, more fluid and effortlessly. It has broadened my
communication abilities, and has allowed me to interact with those I was once
unable to communicate with.

Furthermore, after researching the ACTFLS website on the benefits of

language learning, the benefits seem to be endless. Language learning can help
people increase their memory retention abilities. It can decrease, or offset age
related cognitive deterioration. But also, strengthen a more accurate understanding
of culture, difference, and of course create more optimistic attitudes towards others
of different backgrounds, and languages. Learning languages can also boost ones
intelligence capacity, and help in most areas of life, including school work, social
interactions, and communication skills. I havent read one negative topic about
picking up and learning another language.
Finally, as I move forward into the future of my life, I know that I will be
taking with me a large chunk of the passion, and cultural understandings I have
received through this course. I will take these understandings and apply them
directly to my own passions, such as submerging myself into new countries and
cultures, or continuing to travel with an open mind, and heart.
Not only has this class deepened my appreciation for how fragile, and
beautiful life can be, but it has also helped me realize just how much I enjoy living in
the present moment. Although our culture, and society, seems to be trying so
diligently to detach us from what I believe to be truly important to an individual,
and the human family as a whole. This is the simple acts of loving, showing
compassion to others, and total inclusion. And I believe one of the only ways of
moving in this societal progression, and evolutional direction, is the mixing or
meshing of knowledge toward languages, cultures, and worldly ideas. This may lead
to a point in time where ignorance, stigmas, biases, and bigotry fade from existence.

Work Consulted

"ACTFL." What the Research Shows. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

Work Consulted

"ACTFL." What the Research Shows. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

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