CHP 16 Exercise Your Expertise

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Brandon Estes

Mrs. Warren
Chapter 16 Exercise Your Expertise #1 & #2
1. The first two are brochure style pages and the second two are informational pages. The
purposes of the first two are probably for consumers to be informed Hygroton and the next two
seem to be for a doctors point of view of information on Hygroton. I think the first brochure, on
page 354, is the best based on the informational flow of the brochure. The worst would be page
356 based on the list of facts organization put together.
2. - In the first picture, Touchdown Party Foods, its purpose is to give a recipe for someone to
cook. I think overall it has a good design, but what I would change is that the instructions
continue onto the page behind it, hindering the readers ability to keep it simple and organized.

The second picture, Automobile Policy Declarations, has a purpose of informing the
policy holders of their insurance coverage, notable changes, and some personal info. I think
this picture keeps a very simple and to the point design. It also uses the concept of leaving
parts of the white from the page open to allow for easy reading. I find nothing wrong with

this design as it gets its message across without any confusion.

My final page design is a screenshot of a beach house rental agreement. The purpose of it is
to inform the renter of restrictions, payment, and policies of renting the beach house. It has
all caps titles for each section and a single line spacing between these sections. I think it
could benefit from bold titles and double spacing. Overall most renter do not even read this

agreement and keeping it the way it is allows for less paper usage.

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