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Seminole State College of Florida Verification Form of Student Observations EDF 2130: Child and Adolescent Development for Educators To Whom It May Concern: The student Eni by gual has enrolled in EDF 2130, Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, at Seminole State College of Florida. As part of this course, the student is required to observe children from ages 0-18 at public locations in order to identify typical developmental patterns. Students are not conducting research, nor will their notes be published. They should not interact with the children. Rather, they should be sitting in the background, merely watching typical behavior and taking anonymous notes (children will not be named). Please sign below to indicate that the above named student observed children at your location. If you have any questions, you may reach me at navarroa@seminolestate.edu 407-708-2357. Thank you, Ashley Navarro Seminole State College of Florida Student affidavit 1 Ey NY ul gnar have read and understand the guidelines for setting up the field experience and agree to arrive on time, maintain appropriate behavior and dress professionally. | wll obey instructions given to me by teachers, administrators and school personnel. Srniy Award a/\/\lo 7) Gladent Signature) (Date) jome - 407-78a- 6923 = SUSAN Wasi hours - Infancy (0-2 years) Location and contact information: Title and name (printed) : Signature: 2hours - Early Childhood (2-6 years) Reset See ee nll diy Fementaryladsay-Wews@scps- K12- Fas Title and name (printed): Cinder gar+en Teacher ei ickS Signature: = 2hours - Middle Gxfidhood (6-10 years) fs Susans Location and contact information: Sal Paint Elemenidiy allisen_drahamOscps. £12 Title and nam: if le acher Fi. us signature: () Title and name (p Signature:

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