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Jessica Kosco

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1103
15 March. 2016
The hardest part of writing any paper is choosing the topic. I knew that it had to be
specific enough to have plenty information available, but not too narrow. When I was
brainstorming ideas for a topic, I wanted something that interested me. I wanted something that
would create a positive writing experience. Then the thought occurred to me, that if I had a
positive outlook on this paper and the topic, it would be easier and enjoyable. So I came up with
the question of how state of mind affects experiences.
When I began researching for this paper, I went to the library database. I wanted to
search for some medical, psychological, and social journals to gain a variety of voices. Many
results came up until I searched for more specific topics, then I was able to pick and choose
which ones would work. I began reading a variety of sources that gave plenty of information on
state of mind, positivity, happiness, and well-being. Although, I still want to search for specific
people that have studied these topics and gain insight from that.
When I write my actual Thesis I will include the information that I researched, different
voices, and a variety of facts. I want to make my paper appealing and to keep the interest of the
reader. This topic will be a little difficult to make interesting and to keep the attention, but
hopefully I will be able to achieve that.
Some difficulties I had while writing this proposal was the format. I wasnt sure how I
should start the paper and if my personality should be shown throughout it. I also had trouble

writing about my topic briefly, because there is so much information. I wasnt sure how much
background information to give.
Some questions I have for the readers include how can I make this paper more
interesting? Does this topic appeal to you? Do you think that this is a good topic? What other
background information, if any, is needed?

The Right State of Mind: An Inquiry Proposal

A persons state of mind can have a large effect on their thoughts, emotions, experiences,
and feelings. State of mind is how someone views a particular idea, event, or experience. State of
mind is the structural information-processing model of positive and negative functions impacting
cognitions. There are five distinct states of mind, in which three are dialogic and two are
monologic. The three dialogic are positive dialogue, internal dialogue of conflict, and negative
dialogue. The two monologic are positive monologue and negative monologue. It is thought that
positive thoughts will result in positive outcomes or experiences. Likewise, that negative
thoughts will result in negative outcomes or experiences. However this is not always accurate.
Based on my personal experiences, positive thoughts dont always result in positive experiences.
Positivity is a general determinant of well-being. The label of positivity has been used to
cluster positive emotions of peoples day to day lives and to construct behavior and evaluative
tendencies including sense of mastery, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and coping. Positivity is
believed to be based on the functioning from thoughts of self and to the external stimuli
regarding the self. The frequency of positive affect such as feelings and emotions that reflect a
pleasurable engagement with the environment, has been viewed as a key indicator of well-being.
Joy and happiness are examples of this.

Happiness is a state of mind and is currently defined as a predominance of positive over

negative affect and as satisfaction with life as a whole. Happiness is commonly seen as a trait or
an emotional state. Happiness can vary due to cultural views and ideas.
Ive always wondered how someones state of mind can affect their mood or experience.
A common saying that Ive heard is that bad things happen to good people. Is this because they
have negative thoughts? Or that they arent optimistic?
This is an important question because state of mind plays a role in everyones lives. How
you go about your day is defined by your state of mind. For instance, if you have positive
feelings or thoughts about a particular thing, than you are more likely to enjoy it. Although this is
not always the case, just the majority of the time. I feel that this inquiry will help to enlighten
my audience of how thoughts have an effect on the outcome.
Before I began, I had an idea of how state of mind worked. I knew that thoughts and
feelings mostly came from a persons state of mind, that positive thoughts usually resulted in
positive outcomes, similarly negative thoughts usually resulted in negative outcomes, and that
there are some exceptions to this. With this background, I researched a variety of view on this
Overall, I hope the outcome of my inquiry will be to expand my own and others
knowledge on their state of mind. What state of mind is, how it plays a role in your everyday life,
how positivity effects this, how negativity effects this, and the effects of positive verses negative
thoughts. Understanding these concepts will help to define how state of mind can be so
influential through feelings and ideas.

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