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Objective 31

Describe Piagets theory of intellectual development with special

regard to the following: assimilation and accommodation, object
concept in the sensorimotor stage, the symbolic function in the
pre-operational stage, conservation in the concrete operational
stage, and the use of the hypothetical- deductive method in the
formal operational stage.
Assimilation & Accommodation: two processes of adaption as described by
Piaget. Through assimilation we take in new information or experiences and put
them into ideas that already exist. We usually modify information to fit into our
previous beliefs which is called accommodation. New ideas may be developed
during accommodation.
Object concept in the sensorimotor stage: the sensorimotor stage is from
birth to the age of two. Late in this stage, infants exhibit what is called objet
permanence, which means that the infant knows an object still exists, even if it is
hidden. The infant uses the ability to form a mental representation.
Symbolic function in the pre-operational stage: the pre-operational stage is
from ages two to seven. Children first exhibit this stage between the ages of two
and four. During this stage, children master the ability to picture, remember,
understand and replicate objects in their minds that are not in front of them.
Before this stage, infants and children could only understand what was in front of
Conversation in the concrete operational stage: this stage is from seven to
eleven. During this stage, children gain the ability to do math and understand
conversations. Conservation is understanding that even when things change in
appearance, the quantity stays the same.
Use of hypothetic-deductive method in the formal operational stage: the
formal operational stage is between the ages eleven and fifteen. During the
formal operational stage, when adolescents are faced with a problem, they come
up with a general theory of all possible factors that might help solve the problem.
This is called hypothetic deductive reasoning.
In this video of a baby in the sensorimotor stage.
This website has a video on it that gives an example and a brief description of
what assimilation and accommodation is.

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