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This is a sixclevel series of readers for children learning English. Each title contains a factual section that introduces children to a variety of exciting topics. The concepts and structures learnt in the factual section are then reinforced by an enjoyable story based on the topic. The series provides reinforcement of basic structures and vocabulary and can be used alongside any primary course. dALOod, + Activities and a picture dictionary or wordlist at the back of each reader. + Audio download and teacher resources available at: 188M 078.0200.44960.8 | ea 36e6 OQnaro Chandco bh. fea Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX 3ep A division of Moemillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-44364-8 Text © Paul Shipton 2013 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 od Food, Food, ~ Food! = Food, Food, Food! 2 Story: The Cat’s Dinner 9 Rhyme: The Hungry Cat 20 Activities 21 Picture Dictionary 23 The author has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 First published 2013 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Carolyn Gibson lustrated by Anthony Rule Cover photograph by Alamy/Alex Segre Picture research by Victoria Townsley-Gaunt ‘The author and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: Alamy/Stock Connection Blue p3(b), Alamy/foadfolio pl, Alamy ‘Mouse in the House p7(c), Alamy/Dinodia Photos p(t), Alamy/Trevor Ronson Photographic p4(), Alamy/Gary K Smith p3(t); Corbis/Alan Marsh/First Light p8, Corbis Maximilian Stock Ltd/the food passtonates p(b), Corbis/Davide Erbetta/SOPA p7(b); Getty Images/Peter Anderson p(t), Getty Images/Kathy Collins p3(tr), Getty Images/Peter Dazeley p2; Glow Images/Le Studio p7(t); Plain Pictures/Design pics p6(t); SuperStock; Food Collection p5(b) These materials may contain links for third party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites, Please use care when ‘accessing them, Written by Paul Shipton ‘though we have tried to trae and contact copyright holders before publication, n some Illustrated by Anthony Rule I like food Picture Dictionary I like food. Me too! I’m hungry. i ~ SS grapes fruit cabbage De @ || Bag | SP potato vegetables cheese O || es egg sausage chicken “ial | ap || cow chair table 2 Read and match. rv? Who's at the doo ea I like cheese. } Wake up, | Tiger. _ ‘d.) I'm tire Cabbages grow above the ground. Activities Fruit is from plants and trees. 1 Write the numbers. O @ Us This is from a tree. This is from a cow. This is from under the ground. Bananas are from | banana trees. This is from a chicken. 21 The Hungry Cat Can I have cheese? ka Can I have an omelette? Fy And sausages, please? Can I have a sandwich? And a pizza with that? G2 Can I have potatoes? BW I’m the hungry cat. Can I have a banana? And seven apples, too? Do I like food? OH, YES I DO! (7) 20 Eggs are from chickens. You can make an_ | omelette with eggs. » Milk is from cows. So cheese and yoghurt are from cows! Tiger is still in the living room. BUT Max is STILL hungry. Hmm. Are I like burgers with cheese and tomatoes! @ And I can a table. Wat ae nd eat the bl ch this! DiS ox a But Max is STILL hungry. The Cat’s Dinner Mmmm. This chair is delicious! A cat can’t eat a chair! Tiger is a special toy. He can talk! He is in the living room with Sue and Jay. Max is still hung I like cheese and potatoes } 74 and sausages and pizzas! A\\ I like FOOD! It’s delicious! 1 i Tiger has got some cakes. Who wat Itistelsmall cat... the door? and it can talk! I like apples, bananas and grapes. Yum! [7 a) > |

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